Henry Frankenstein and his Universal Monsters

Image result for FRANKENSTEIN (FILM)

Release Date: November 21, 1931 (Chuck Loridians and Chris Nigro place it in 1885.)
Series: Frankenstein (Universal)
The Story: Doctor Henry Frankenstein becomes obsessed with reanimating the dead, as is common with his family. He works on this with his hunchbacked assistant Fritz. Henry’s fiancee Elizabeth is concerned and she confides in her friend Victor, who convinces her to seek out advice from Doctor Waldman. Doctor Waldman ends up assisting Frankenstein, and they do indeed raise a creature. However, Fritz chose the wrong brain for the monster...the brain of a criminal. The creature at first seems docile but goes wild around fire. The scientists lock the creature up where Fritz sadistically tortured the creature. The Creature breaks free, strangles Waldman, and accidentally drowns a girl. (He was just playing with her and thought she would float). The Creature actually feels remorse for his mistake, but the villagers have turned into a mob. The Creature flees the city,and is found by his creator. The creature carries his “master” to the top of a windmill and throws him off. Frankenstein survives while the villagers burn the windmill and apparently destroy the monster. Henry and his new bride live happily ever after?

Notes: It should be noted that these are entirely different events than that from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein novel featuring Victor Frankenstein, which takes place almost a century earlier. I would argue though, and many stories seem to support this, that all these Frankensteins are from the same family, and most tend to be direct descendents of Victor. Horror expert Kevin Heim adds that “the Universal Frankensteins have a family castle in Vasaria / Visaria, which is in Transylvania or between Germany and Switzerland. The large number of Frankensteins active in roughly the same time frame would suggest that both locations are correct.” This film follows Dracula in the series and is followed next by the Bride of Frankenstein. This film has been remade in 1957 and 1970. The film has been referenced in non-crossover ways in such films as House of Wax, Bride of the Monster, and the Aztec Mummy. It has also been spoofed many times, including in Scooby-Doo Where are You!, Young Frankenstein, and the Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Release Date: April 22, 1935 (Chuck Loridans and Chris Nigro place the events in 1886.)
Series: Frankenstein (Universal)
The Story: Following the events of Frankenstein, the monster has indeed survived and escaped. He has a series of misadventures where he tries to make friends but is ultimately rejected (like your basic Casper cartoon). Meanwhile, Henry still wants to uncover the secrets of life and death, and agrees to collaborate with Doctor Pretorius. Pretorius then goes off on his own initiative to dig up a grave and create the bride. He finds the Monster, or rather the monster finds him, and Pretorius reveals his plan, which makes the monster happy. Then Pretorius goes back to Frankenstein and says the plan is ready to go, at which point Henry must have completely forgotten the agreement as he refuses to participate. Pretorius doesn’t take no for an answer and has the monster kidnap Elizabeth. Now with no choice, Frankenstein helps and the bride is raised, who is repulsed by the Monster. Angry and depressed that even she rejected him, he allows Henry and Elizabeth to go free, then destroys the lab with the bride and Pretorius still inside.
Notes: The prelude to the film shows that these are the real stories told by Mary Shelley that one evening that became the novel Frankenstein. However, the prelude is shown as if the main story was fictional, thus we can say that we didn’t see Shelley of the Horror Universe, who told the story of the true Victor Frankenstein, but rather the Shelley of some alternate reality, one very much like the real universe, only a fictionalized version of the real universe. Many call this reality “Earth-Prime”, a term originated by DC Comics in the 1960s. For lack of a better name, I too shall use Earth-Prime. Even with the notion that Shelley wrote these events in her original version, that would mean that these events should have happened prior to 1818, unless she was seeing across realities and the future. I say she was indeed doing both. The reason for the late dating is that the next film, Son of Frankenstein, is in a modern setting, so that for their son to be the age he is in the film (mid-40s), the first two films would have to take place in the late 19th century. This film follows Frankenstein and is followed by Dracula’s Daughter. It was remade in 1985 and another remake is due out in 2015. It has had “non-cross” references in such films as Dr. Cyclops, Bride of the Monster, and Mad Monster Party. It has also been spoofed in such films and shows as Young Frankenstein, Frankenweenie, and a Pup Named Scooby-Doo.


Release Date: 2006 (Set in many time periods from the 19th century up to the final season of Angel)
Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Angel
Horror Crosses: Dracula (see Notes); An American Werewolf in London; Dracula (Universal); Frankenstein (Universal); Wolf Man; Dracula (Silent Devil); Dracula (Topps)
Non-Horror Crosses: Abbott and Costello; Zorro
The Story: It is revealed that the gypsy tribe that cursed Angel and then was slaughtered by Spike, Dru, and Darla was the same tribe that was favored by Dracula. Though Dracula wouldn’t learn of Angel’s involvement for some time, he became an instant and unlifetime enemy of Spike, and this rivalry led to present day.
Notes: The Dracula of this story is not necessarily the Dracula of Stoker’s novel, though he claims to be. However, he does seem to be the same Dracula seen in the film “Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula” which would imply he is the same Dracula. It may be he is indeed, but he may just as well be a soul clone with delusions of being the real deal. (If so, True Story may be his false memories.) I leave it up to each individual reader to make their own interpretation, but for crossover purposes, appearances of this Dracula make a Buffy crossover, but not a Dracula crossover. But there are other crossovers in this book. In the late 19th century, Spike inspires the customers and staff of an inn called the Slaughtered Lamb to grab their pitchforks and torches and storm Dracula’s country home. The Slaughtered Lamb appears as an important setting in the film “An American Werewolf in London”. In the modern setting, in Spike’s final fight with Dracula, he mentions that Dracula has also fought Frankenstein, the Wolf Man, King Arthur and Zorro. Spike is probably not aware of soul clones, and believes his rival to be the one and only Dracula. In battling the Frankenstein Monster and the Wolf Man, he is likely confusing this Dracula with the soul clone Armand Tesla (aka Dr. Leighos/Latos) from the Universal films. Dracula fought King Arthur in a Silent Devil Productions comic book mini-series, and Zorro in a Topps Comics Mini-series. Though Joss Whedon’s Dracula is too different to be the same as the Universal version, it’s not improbable for him to be the same guy who fought Zorro and King Arthur. Finally, this mention brings Zorro’s original stories and Topps series into the Horror Universe. King Arthur is a legendary figure so does not count for crossovers.


Release Date: 1992 - 2013 (so far) [Setting is 1888 -1991 (so far)]
Series: Anno Dracula
Horror Crosses: Dracula (novel); Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Invisible Man (novel); The Island of Doctor Moreau; The Vampyre; Varney the Vampire; The Soft Whisper of the Dead; They Thirst; Hotel Transylvania; The Black Castle; The Vampire Tapestry; Stephen King Universe; Carmilla; Good Lady Ducayne; The Tomb of Sarah; Ken’s Mystery; The Mysterious Stranger (story); The True Story of a Vampire; Carnacki Ghost Finder; Black Sabbath; The Picture of Dorian Gray; Interview with a Vampire (Anne Rice Vampire Lestat series); The Werewolves of London (Brian Stableford); Count Yorga; The Fearless Vampire Killers; Brides of Dracula; Vampire Circus; Dracula (Universal); Dark Shadows; El Vampiro; Black Sunday; Martin (George A. Romero film); Kolchak the Night Stalker; Blacula; Nosferatu; Kiss of the Vampire; Mr. Vampire; Blood of the Vampire; Daughters of Darkness; Dracula (Hammer); Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos; Averoigne; Grave of the Vampire/Seed of Terror; Hellraiser; Alraune; The Black Cat (film); Lemora: A Child’s Tale of the Supernatural; The Vampire Thrills; Faustine; Near Dark; Forever Knight; Fright Night; The House of Dracula (novel by R. Chetwynd-Hayes); Anak Pontianak; Necroscope; Revelations in Black; The Dragon Waiting; The Bloody Pit of Horror/The Crimson Executioner; The Playgirls and the Vampire; The Niece of the Vampire/Fangs of the Vampire; The Phantom of the Opera; Incense for the Damned/Bloodsuckers; Addams Family (television); Frankenstein (Universal); The Monkey’s Paw; Three Mothers trilogy; Toby Dammit; The Exorcist; Cave of the Living Dead; The Golem (1920 film); The Old Dark House; Cat People; Black Magic (film); Spirits of the Dead; Les Vampires; The Awful Doctor Orloff; A Bucket of Blood; Those Who Hunt By Night/Immortal Blood/Traveling with the Dead; The Hunger; Fevre Dream; Empire of Fear; Dr. Blood’s Coffin; The Vampire’s Ghost; The Horrible Sexy Vampire; Mark of the Vampire; Vampire (1979); Vampyr - Der Traum des Allan Gray; El Hombre Lobo; Curse of the Undead; Circus of Horrors; The Horror Chamber of Dr. Faustus; Twice Bitten/Vampire Hookers; The Lost Boys; Deathmaster; Velvet Vampire; I, Vampire; Nancy Baker’s Vampire Stories; Sunglasses After Dark; Vamps (Vertigo Comics); Blade; Scooby-Doo; Hellboy; Nocturna; Rosemary’s Baby; American Psycho; Lost Souls; Elvira; Rosemary’s Baby; The Films of Tarantino and Rodriguez; Light at the End; Andy Warhol’s Dracula/Blood for Dracula; Geek Maggot Bingo; Daughter of Darkness; Nightmare in Blood; Madhouse; Vampire Junction/Vanitas; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Shadowman; Werewolf of London; Little Shop of Horrors; Texas Chainsaw Massacre; The Howling; Gremlins; Suckers: Bleeding London Dry; Desire the Vampire/I Desire; The Creature Commandos; The Vampire (1957); The Vampire (Sydney Horler)
Non-Horror Crosses: Too numerous to list.
The Story: In 1888, during the events of Bram Stoker’s novel, events diverge and Dracula marries Queen Victoria, causing a major alteration in the socio-political world for the next 125 years and beyond.
Notes: This is a divergent timeline, but not a parallel universe. In my theory, a parallel universe is created at the dawn of time at the same time as the main universe and other parallel universes. They may evolve similarly, but they are separate. Meanwhile, each universe has a main timeline, and at each moment, there are an infinite number of divergent timelines created off of the main timeline. When thinking of divergent timelines, try picturing a fork in the road. Both paths lead in different directions, but they both start at the same point, and once were the same road. The Anno Dracula timeline has shown to be an alternate timeline of the main Horror Universe in several other entries in this reference guide. Because it’s a divergent timeline, the above horror crosses, though depicted in an alternate manner, should still count for inclusions in the Horror Universe. Some of the above crossed series are already in, and the others are brought in via this crossover series despite being an alternate timeline series. For the record, the complete Anno Dracula series (thus far) consists of Anno Dracula, the Bloody Red Baron: Anno Dracula 1918, Judgement of Tears: Anno Dracula 1959 (aka Dracula Cha Cha Cha), Coppola’s Dracula (from the Mammoth Book of Dracula), Castle in the Desert: Anno Dracula 1977, Andy Warhol’s Dracula: Anno Dracula 1978 - 1979 (from the Mammoth Book of Vampires), Who Dares Wins: Anno Dracula 1980, The Other Side of Midnight (from Vampire Sextette), You are the Wind Beneath My Wings: Anno Dracula 1984) and Johnny Alucard.


Release Date: July 2006 (Setting is meant to be 1930s, but not likely considering overall Universal film setting and timeline. Likely it takes place much earlier, circa 1890s.)
Series: Frankenstein (Universal)
Horror Crosses: Dracula (Universal)
The Story: Henry and Elizabeth Frankenstein are in London following the events of Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein, and are followed by the Creature. Jack the Ripper or a copycat returns and Henry is the prime suspect.
Notes: Seward’s Sanitarium appears, which is from the Universal film Dracula, not the novel.

Image result for VAN HELSING (FILM)

Release Date: 2004 (Setting is 1899)
Series: Van Helsing (film)
Horror Crosses: Dracula; Frankenstein; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [see Notes for all three]; Wolf Man; Frankenstein (Universal)
The Story: Gabriel Van Helsing is a man who can’t remember his past, but he’s the best he is as what he does, and what he does ain’t pretty. (Sorry, couldn’t resist. Hugh Jackman. Wolverine. Never mind.) What he does is kill monsters. He’s sent on his most dangerous assignment yet, to Transylvania, where Dracula wishes to create an army of undead children to take over the world. Van Helsing is aided by his assistant Carl, gypsy clan leader Anna Valerious, and Frankenstein’s monster.
Notes: This Van Helsing is not Abraham, but rather Gabriel, implied to actually be the Archangel Gabriel fallen to Earth and living as an immortal. If this is true, he may be the founder of the Van Helsing family, and this may help explain why so many of the family have a natural tendency toward fighting monsters. The Dracula here is inspired by the Universal Dracula, but it can’t be either him or the original from the novel. For one, his home is in another dimension accessed via a magic portal. From dialogue between Dracula and Van Helsing, it seems implied that Dracula here may be intended to be Lucifer himself. However, I doubt this considering the overall presence of Lucifer in the Horror Universe, but this could be another fallen angel who served Lucifer, perhaps even Lucifer’s son, thus being the first Dracula (“son of the dragon”) and perhaps the founder of the cult of Vampire Lords who all call themselves Dracula. Perhaps this Dracula was the one who taught the version from Bram Stoker’s novel the dark arts and how to create soul clones. This Dracula is named Vladislav, another differentiation between him and Stoker’s version or other versions. Though it seems that Frankenstein and his monster here follow the events of the Universal films, the date presented in the film would imply that this can’t be the case. Likely it’s yet another cousin copying the formula to create a monster. Van Helsing once again faces Hyde, following the London Assignment, in Paris, and seems to kill him, but like many monsters, Hyde seems to be able to survive even with the appearance of death, as he will resurface in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It should also be noted that the portrayal of Hyde in this film is similar to his portrayal in LOEG comic and film, likely not a coincidence. The inclusion of the poem that reads “Even a man who’s pure of heart...” is one of two strong links to an actual Universal film, in this case, the Wolf Man. The other is that this film takes place in Vasaria, Transylvania. Vasaria (also spelled Visaria in some fiction) originates from the Universal Frankenstein series. Various stories from Universal and in unofficial sequels and crossovers have placed Vasaria as a village in Transylvania, Switzerland, or Liechtenstein, as well as being identified sometimes as a nation of its own. Despite the contradictions, it’s clear that each story with Vasaria/Visiara intends the place to the be same locale. Given the nature of a location infamous for its monsters, so much so that Hitler avoided it completely during his conquest of Europe, I am content in accepting the variations without need for any rational explanation. This film follows Van Helsing: The London Assignment. This film has been referenced as fictional and paid homage to numerous times in other films and on television. It has also been spoofed in Conker, Stockflame, and Stan Helsing.


Release Date: March 2004 (Setting is World War I)
Series: The Black Forest
Horror Crosses: Frankenstein (Novel); Frankenstein (Universal); Nosferatu; Dracula (Hammer)
The Story: A german sub crew discovers the original Frankenstein creature in the Arctic, and employs its own mad scientist to duplicate the process to create an army for them to conquer the world (of course.) However, Dr. Dye (really, that’s his name) needs the original notebooks from Frankenstein’s castle. Meanwhile, an American (of course) pilot and a british occultist (of course) race to the castle to destroy the notes before Dye can get his hands on them.
Notes: One could look at this book as extremely problematic or extremely fun. This book places the novels, the Universal films, the Hammer films, and the rip-off Nosferatu all in the same canon, despite them being very different versions of the same characters. But as you’ve seen if you’ve read these in order, I was up to the challenge. Of course, they include the novels via the original version of Frankenstein. But then they go and throw in an appearance of Visaria, the location of many of the Universal films. Meanwhile, British Intelligence is using the Chateau Meinster as their headquarters, which is from the Hammer film Brides of Dracula. And then Nosferatu is thrown in for good measure with a quick appearance. This graphic novel had a sequel, titled The Black Forest 2: Castle of Shadows, which seems to be crossover free, involving an army of apes this time around. Damn dirty apes.


Release Date: January 13, 1939 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Frankenstein (Universal)
The Story: Baron Wolf von Frankenstein returns to the family castle with his wife Elsa and son Peter to restore the family name. Wolf was the son of Henry and Elizabeth Frankenstein, and had lived his whole life in the United States. Wolf decides the best way to prove his father right is to duplicate the process of bringing the dead to life. He meets Ygor, a convict who offers to help in the experiments and by luck finds the body of Henry’s monster. They revive the monster, but the monster only obeys Ygor, and goes after the jurors who convicted him. When Wolf discovers this, he confronts and shoots Ygor, and then he and his friend the constable Krogh go about stopping the monster. However, the monster hears about Ygor’s death and kidnaps Peter, but doesn’t have the heart to harm him. The monster gets knocked into a molten sulphur pit, apparently destroyed.
Notes: This is evidence that the Frankenstein family is cursed to continue the same mistakes over and over again, thus allowing for several different versions of Frankenstein to be brought into the Horror Universe without contradiction. This film follows Dracula’s Daughter and is followed by The Wolf Man. This film is “non-cross” referenced in such films as The Mummy’s Tomb, Bride of the Monster, and Frankenweenie. It is also spoofed in Young Frankenstein and The Halloween that Almost Wasn’t.


Release Date: March 13, 1942 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Frankenstein (Universal)
The Story: Both Ygor and the monster have survived and are chased out of town by the villagers. They flee to Visaria, where Wolf’s brother Ludwig is a brain surgeon. The monster is found and captured, and Ygor threatens to tell everyone the Frankenstein connection to the monster unless Ludwig helps him. Ludwig wants to destroy the monster until he is visited by his father’s ghost, pleading to restore the name by replacing the brain. Ludwig wishes to use the brain of Dr. Kettering, one of his assistants killed by the monster. Ygor wants his own brain in the monster, as his own body is broken and battered. And the monster wants a little girl’s brain to replace his own. After Ygor’s spine is broken, Ludwig’s other assistant Dr. Bohmer switches Kettering’s brain with Ygor’s, and Ygor ends up in the body of the monster, but goes blind, because he didn’t have the same blood type. Ygor as monster ends up going bezerk and destroying himself (apparently).
Notes: This film follows the Wolf Man and is followed by Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man. This film is “non-cross” referenced in The Colgate Comedy Hour, Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell, Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School, and others.


Release Date: March 5, 1943 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Frankenstein (Universal); Wolf Man (Universal)
The Story: Larry Talbot (the Wolf Man) travels to Ludwig Frankenstein’s castle in Visaria to seek the books of Frankenstein, for a way to end his immortal life. He finds the monster, still alive and still Ygor, though apparently his mind has deteriorated and his sight has returned. The Monster can’t help find the books, so Talbot then seeks out Ludwig’s daughter Elsa. Meanwhile, Dr. Mannering has caught up in his pursuit of Talbot, and offers to help. They poorly plan to do the experiment on the the night of the full moon (really). The two monsters do battle and “apparently” perish in a flood after the dam is blown up.
Notes: Though I have said that Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein is the start of the Horror Universe, this film is the first crossover of the Universal films. There’s no explanation for how the monster with Ygor’s brain from the last film ended up reverting to his original characteristics in this film, but being frozen in a block of ice might do that? But this is indeed the same monster’s body seen in all the films thus far, with Ygor’s brain since the last film. There was a script for a film sequel to this called the Wolf Man vs. Dracula. At first it was proposed that Chaney would have played both lead roles as his father did a generation earlier in several films. However, that was deemed too confusing. Chaney would still go on to play Dracula in Son of Dracula. If this film had been made in this incarnation, I might have considered this to be the same soul clone from Son of Dracula...or I may have decided that Alucard was indeed Tesla. Once it was deemed too confusing, Lugosi was considered to reprise the role of Dracula, but it was decided that is would be too physically demanding, as the main fight would involve Dracula in the form of a giant bat. Lugosi would have to do a fight scene in a giant bat costume, and in his 60s, it was too much. So the film never came to be. Lugosi would go on to play the role, sort of, in Return of the Vampire for another studio. Chaney would play the role once in Son of Dracula. When the Wolf Man and Dracula did meet in House of Frankenstein, they decided to put John Carradine in the role to avoid same actor confusion. When Lugosi did return officially to the role in Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein, they did finally have that battle between the Wolf Man and Dracula, with the vampire as a giant bat, but went with an animated giant bat, something they thought wouldn’t look right for a horror film, but was more acceptable for a comedy. This film follows Ghost of Frankenstein and is followed by Son of Dracula. This film has been referenced in film and television several times, as fictional or homages. It was also spoofed in Dracula: Dead and Loving It.

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House of Frankenstein (Film)
Release Date: December 1, 1944 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Frankenstein (Universal)
Horror Crosses: Wolf Man (Universal); Dracula (Universal)
The Story: Meet Dr. Gustav Neimann, truly a super-villain. Dr. Neimann has just escaped from prison, aided by his hunchbacked assistant Daniel. The two kill the owner of a travelling show and take over, using it as a cover. First they discover Dracula’s coffin and try to use him in revenge against the Burgomeister who sent Neimann to jail, but Dracula does his thing and tries to seduce the Burgomeister’s daughter instead. They get caught in their plans, and Neimann drops Dracula’s coffin out in the sun, where Dracula (apparently) perishes. Then they show up and find Talbot and the Frankenstein monster frozen in suspended animation after the flood. They unthaw them and revive Talbot. Neimann promises to help kill them both, but actually wants to revive and control the monster. Talbot and Daniel fall for the same girl. However, she falls for Talbot and wants to help him end his curse. Tragically, she ends up having to shoot him with a silver bullet when he transforms and she too dies in the process. The monster, who is revived, throws Daniel out a window, then carries Neimann off, where the two of them (apparently) die sinking in quicksand. ,
Notes: Despite this being a different actor, this is meant to be the same Dracula, Armand Tesla, as in the previous Universal films, just as how the monster remains the same though the actor changes. This film follows Son of Dracula and is followed by House of Dracula. It has been referenced in non-cross ways in such films as The Castle of the Monsters, Mad Monster Party, and Assignment Terror.

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Release Date: December 7, 1945 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Dracula (Universal)
Horror Crosses: Frankenstein (Universal); Wolf Man (Universal)
The Story: Tesla Dracula takes on a new identity as Baron Latos and visits a Dr. Edelmann in Visaria, seeking a cure for vampirism. Not long after, Larry Talbot, the Wolf Man, also shows up seeking a cure for lycanthropy. He’s told basically to take a number, and so, since he inconveniently showed up on the night of a full moon, has himself arrested and locked up. The next day, the doctor’s assistants arrange for Talbot to come to the castle, but Talbot fears another transformation and leaps off a cliff to his death. The doctor searches for him and first finds the Monster, holding Neimann’s dead corpse, unconscious in the quicksand. The doctor then finds Talbot, who survived in his werewolf form, but then turns back. Meanwhile, Drac can’t resist his hormones and tries to turn Edelmann’s assistant Milizia. He gets caught and seems to repent. However, when they try to cure Tesla with blood transfusions from Edelmann, Tesla reverses the process, turning Edelmann into a vampire, and then he turns Milizia. Edelmann revives Talbot and (apparently) cures him. But not long after, Edelmann succumbs to the new evil within him. The monster is revived as well, and, well, there’s a lot of fighting. The Monster (apparently) dies when a building collapses on him and burns. Dracula flees. Talbot (apparently) shoots and kills Edelmann.
Notes: This film follows House of Frankenstein and is followed by Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein.


Release Date: June 15, 1948 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Abbott and Costello (Non-Horror); Frankenstein (Universal)
Horror Crosses: Dracula (Universal); Wolf Man (Universal); Invisible Man (Universal)
The Story: Bud and Lou are now working as shipping clerks in La Mirada, FL under the assumed names of Chick Young and Wilber Grey. Two crates arrive for a wax museum, containing Dracula (in coffin) and Frankenstein’s monster. But in reality, it is Armand Tesla and Henry Frankenstein’s monster. Tesla, using the alias Leighos, has come to seek the aid of Doctor Mornay, to get a docile brain put into the monster. She has the perfect candidate: Wilber. Meanwhile, Larry Talbot (the Wolf Man) has arrived in La Mirada in pursuit of this Dracula. To make matters worse, Wilber and Chick are accused of thievery when the wax models they were supposed to deliver disappear (because they got up and walked away, naturally.) This brings insurance investigator Joan Raymond to town. In the end, everyone ends up on the island of Doctor Mornay. (Really.) Mornay’s assistant Dr. Stevens realizes his boss is up to no good and joins in on the heroics. Mornay is turned into a vampire. Wilber keeps his head. Apparently Tesla flees when chaos ensues, while the monster and the Wolf Man end up in suspended animation. The bumblers flee on a boat that just happens to have the Invisible Man Geoffrey Radcliffe in it, who was coming to play but missed all the fun.
Notes: I know there are entries before this one in this chronology, but from a real world perspective, this is where the Horror Universe begins. I know this film is preceded by other films with the three main monsters, but this one has Lugosi as Dracula, adds in the Invisible Man, and has my favorite comedy pair. This is absolutely one of my all time favorite films. So lets talk continuity and canon. Bud Abbott and Lou Costello are always the same characters in everything they do. But here’s the thing. They show up four times in this book. In Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy, we have the best clue that they are the same guys. First, their characters are Freddie Franklin and Pete Patterson, but when they get flustered they forget and call each other Bud and Lou, and at one point, Lou yells for “Abbooooooott!!!!” So we need to assume the film titles are accurate, and that we are talking about two characters, not actors, named Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, who are flim flam artists, thus always moving and changing names. But let’s talk about Abbott and Costello meet Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. That takes place in the 1880s. No way that could be them. Well, I propose that it is Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, and that the other films feature Bud Jr. and Lou Jr. Now for the monsters. Dracula here is Armand Tesla, from Universal’s Dracula. (The name comes from the unofficial sequel with Lugosi Return of the Vampire.) He is not the infamous Count, but it’s likely he is one of the soul clones. Count Dracula from time to time turns others into vampires. Some of these he makes his agents while he rests. He controls them mentally, and grants them a limited amount of his powers, and memories. Often, because of the imposed personality, these clones begin to think they are the Count, and even reenact his former schemes. (Many end up in London trying to steal back their “true love”.) Tesla will later also use the alias of Doctor Leighos, but often refers to himself as Count Dracula. The Frankenstein Monster here is the original creature of Henry Frankenstein from Universal’s Frankenstein. The Wolf Man is Larry Talbot, from Universal’s Wolf Man. Geoffrey Radcliffe is the Invisible Man from Universal’s Invisible Man Returns, which is part of Universal’s Invisible Man series. Another note: Tesla casts a reflection in this film, while he cast none in previous films. This may be due to the human blood transfusions he received in his previous appearance. Also, Talbot’s cure from his previous appearance apparently didn’t take, and neither did Radcliffe’s. This film follows House of Dracula and is the final in the Universal Dracula/Frankenstein/Wolf Man franchise. The scene in this film where Lou keeps seeing the monsters move but Bud doesn’t is spoofed in The Best of Bert and Ernie, featuring the Sesame Street characters.


Release Date: June 2004 (Setting is sometime between 1948 and 1998, more likely closer to 1948)
Series: Frankenstein (Universal); Wolf Man (Universal)
The Story: The two monsters are revived briefly and continue their battle, before going back into suspended animation.
Notes: This takes place between Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein and Return of the Wolf Man.


Release Date: September 23, 1972 (See Notes regarding setting)
Series: Mad Monster Party?
Horror Crosses: Frankenstein (Universal); Frankenstein (Rankin/Bass); Dracula (Universal); Wolf Man; Mummy (Universal); Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Universal); Invisible Man (Universal); Creature from the Black Lagoon; King Kong
The Story: When Dr. Henry von Frankenstein creates a bride for his monster, he decides to throw his creations a wedding.
Notes: Dear God, Henry! What have you done? Playing God. Reanimating the dead. Creating a Phyllis Diller. So this is a prequel to Mad Monster Party?, which came out in 1967, so this must take place before then. See my notes for Mad Monster Party? for my notes on the individual characters involved.


Release Date: December 15, 1974 (Setting is 1948)
Series: Young Frankenstein
Horror Crosses: Frankenstein (Universal)
The Story: The son of the infamous mad scientist inherits the family castle, and soon finds himself trying to repeat the experiments.
Notes: The film is much better and funnier than my description. The film is intended to be both a parody and a sequel to the Universal Frankenstein series. This film uses the same exact laboratory equipment props that appeared in the original Universal film. This film was remade a year later as My Friend Frankenstein. It has been referenced either as fictional, as an homage, or spoofed in numerous films and television series.


Release Date: January 1, 1989 (Setting is contemporary to when it was originally written by Carter, circa 1952 - 1953. The book was never published until 1989, and has since been reprinted in a few anthologies.)
Series: Anton Zarnak
Horror Crosses: Dracula (Novel); Frankenstein (Universal); Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos; Mummy (Universal)
Non-Horror Crosses: Simon of Gitta
The Story: Zarnak must face a risen mummy with supernatural powers.
Notes: Zarnak has a copy of Abraham Van Helsing’s The Vampire, thus a reference to Bram Stoker’s Dracula. He also possesses Dr. Pretorius’ Homunculi, a reference to the Universal film Bride of Frankenstein. The villain of this story, Khotep, seems to be intended to be the same character from three other stories. He may be Kephren from Lovecraft’s “Haunter of the Dark”, Kephren from Lovecraft’s “Imprisoned with the Pharaohs”, and Khephren from Richard Tierney’s story “Treasure of Horemkhu”. The latter features Simon of Gitta. There are also references to “tannah” leaves (as in tana leaves from Universal’s Mummy series.) In fact, this story seems to be Carter’s attempt to rewrite the Mummy as a Zarnak story.

Image result for abbott and costello meet the creature from the black lagoon

Release Date: February 21, 1954 (Contemporary Setting)
Horror Crosses: Invisible Man (Universal); Frankenstein (Universal); Creature from the Black Lagoon
Non-Horror Crosses: Abbott and Costello
The Story: There are various routines and sketches, but only one is relevant. Bud and Lou have been asked to guest host the Colgate Comedy Hour. They head to the Universal prop department in preparation for the show. There, in a room with life size figures of the classic Universal monsters, Lou encounters the very real Invisible Man, Frankenstein Monster, and Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Notes: Only the one sketch is part of the Horror Universe. The Invisible Man here is probably Geoffrey Radcliffe again. The Frankenstein Creature is likely the one created in Mad Monster Party. This is also probably not the same Gill-Man from the famous film, but another of the species. One might argue that these monsters are the models come to life, but this isn’t likely since there is a model of the Invisible Man in the background the whole time Lou is menaced by the real deal. Finally, there have been plenty of stories that demonstrate that these monsters exist in the same reality where the Universal films also have been made. Clearly in each instance, the events got told to somebody at Universal.


Release Date: March 8, 1967
Series: Mad Monster Party?
Horror Crosses: Frankenstein (Rankin/Bass); Dracula (Rankin/Bass); Invisible Man (Universal); Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde (Universal); Frankenstein (Universal); Hunchback of Notre Dame (Universal); Mummy (Universal); Wolf Man; Creature from the Black Lagoon; King Kong
The Story: Dr. Boris Frankenstein summons the members of the Worldwide Organization of Monsters to announce he has come up with the final solution for world destruction. He also invites his nephew, who is oblivious of his Frankenstein heritage, because Boris plans on passing everything on to him.
Notes: This is a fun homage to the Universal monsters, even with putting up with Phyllis Diller as the Bride of Frankenstein. However, it’s unlikely any of the monsters here can really be the original versions from the classic movies. Dr. Frankenstein here is Dr. Boris Frankenstein, and at least the storyline acknowledges the family legacy theory. The story also names him as the creator of this monster and bride. However, in the prequel, The Mad, Mad, Mad Monsters, it is a Henry von Frankenstein who is shown to have created them. This is not the same Henry from the 1931 Universal film. Henry and Boris seem identical, and may be twins, or perhaps the same person (Henry Boris von Frankenstein). This helps explain the appearances of a Universal style monster (and sometimes bride) during the period of 1948 - 1998 when the actual Universal Monster is trapped in La Mirada. The werewolf is unnamed here, but in the prequel is named Ron Chanley , a tribute to the actor who played Lawrence Talbot, Lon Chaney. The Invisible Man here could be Geoffrey Radcliffe, though if so, he’d be a bit older (though sure doesn’t look it). In the prequel, he is shown to have settled down and has an invisible family. The Doctor Jekyll here is likely one of the many of the Jekyll family over the years to continue the research of the Hyde formula. This mummy isn’t Imhotep or Kharis, but it might be Klaris. Or it may just be another mummy. The Gill Man is likely another of the same species, and not the same from Creature from the Black Lagoon. The Hunchback also can’t possibly be the original. And the giant ape referred to as “It” can’t be the late King Kong, but is likely another of the same species. In the prequel, he is named Modzoola. Dracula is the only one who could be the same, if not for being so damn goofy. Let’s call this a soul clone. The prequel shows that this Dracula has a son. All the monsters die at the end, but that’s never stopped a good monster before from making a comeback. This film has been “non-cross” referenced in The Nightmare Before Christmas, Cleavagefield, and Hewy’s Animated Movie Reviews.


Release Date: August 22, 1974 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Capulina; Dracula (Universal); Frankenstein (Universal); Wolf Man; Mummy (Universal) -- See Notes
The Story: Capulina is a newspaper and magazine salesman who finds himself having to fight many resurrected monsters under the control of Dr. Who.
Notes: Don’t get excited. It’s not that Dr. Who. The monsters here are meant to be the classic Universal versions from Universal’s Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolf Man, and Mummy series of films. It’s very possible for this Dracula to be Armand Tesla. Frankenstein’s Monster and the Wolf Man are in suspended animation in La Mirada at this time. This is likely another monster, as there are so many, and Lawrence Talbot Junior. Likewise, based on the timeline of the Mummy series, this isn’t Kharis. However, it could be Klaris. Klaris was seemingly blown up in Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy, but he does resurface in Return of the Wolf Man. Capulina was a very famous comedic character in Mexico during that time period.

Image result for THE MONSTER SQUAD (FILM)

Release Date: 1987 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Monster Squad
Horror Crosses: Dracula (Universal); Frankenstein (Universal); Wolf Man (Universal); Mummy (Universal); Creature from the Black Lagoon (Universal); Dracula (novel) [see Notes for all]
Non-Horror Crosses: Back to the Future
The Story: In 1887, Van Helsing uses an amulet to try to banish Dracula into the void. He failed. Exactly 100 years later the talisman ends up in an unnamed town that appears to be Hill Valley, California. So does Van Helsing’s notebook, that is needed to perform the ritual again. A group of kids must work together to stop Dracula, who has come to town as well, with a group of monster lackeys, to perform his own ritual and bring Hell on Earth, with him as ruler.
Notes: The monsters are all meant to be the Universal monsters (based on the director commentary). This was also the case with Van Helsing, and as with Van Helsing, we have to assume they are not. But at least in the case of this film, we are closer to the original film versions. The Dracula of this film uses the alias Alucard, as did the Dracula from Son of Dracula. Thus, I presume that this is the same vampire from that film, rather than Armand Tesla. The Frankenstein Creature of this film can’t be the one from the Universal series, who is in suspended animation in La Mirada, Florida at this time. But there certainly have been plenty of other creatures out there created by the Frankenstein family. The Wolf Man of this film claims to be Larry Talbot, but since the Universal Wolf Man is also in suspended animation in La Mirada, this must be his son, Larry Talbot Junior. The Mummy here likely isn’t Kharis, but it might be Klaris who did survive the events of Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy as revealed in Return of the Wolf Man. On the other hand, the Gill-Man present could be the same from the original films, or at least the same species. The Van Helsing in this film only appears in an 1887 scene. It may be Abraham from Bram Stoker’s novel. The downtown set used for the town setting is the same used for Back to the Future. There’s nothing to contradict it indeed being Hill Valley. That would bring the Back to the Future trilogy into the Horror Universe. A remake of this film is in development at this writing. This film has been referenced as fiction or paid homage to in numerous other films and on television.


Release Date: 1996 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Frankenstein (Universal)
Horror Crosses: Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde (Universal); Island of Doctor Moreau; Frankenstein (novel); Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos; Benighted
Non-Horror Crosses: She; Lost World; Sherlock Holmes
The Story: A tabloid reporter tracks down Dr. Pretorius, suspecting him of being a Nazi war criminal. He soon discovers that Pretorius is far more and very willing to tell about his centuries of life, assisting many infamous mad scientists in their evils.
Notes: Dr. Pretorius is from Bride of Frankenstein. He claims to have assisted Dr. Jekyll. This could have just as easily counted as a cross with the novel, but since Pretorius originated in the Universal films, I chose this to be a cross reference with the Universal version of Jekyll and Hyde. Not that it matters, since I believe both the novel and film to be the same events told from different perspectives. Pretorius also claims to have assisted Doctor Moreau, and in fact has his own Ani-Men. He also says he helped Victor Frankenstein. In Bride, he assisted Henry Frankenstein. So clearly he was behind the scenes in the events of the novel, prior to later appearing in Bride. He also mentions Herbert West, from Lovecraft’s Reanimator. Pretorius also claims to have used the alias of Horace Femm, who was a character in the novel Benighted by J.B. Priestley. Ayesha from She is also mentioned. Pretorius claims to have been on the expedition to the Lost World. Finally, he also mentions rejuvenation experiments using langur fluid, which comes from the Sherlock Holmes tale, The Adventure of the Creeping Man.


Release Date: February 1998 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Generation X; Gen 13
Horror Crosses: Frankenstein (Universal)
Non-Horror Crosses: Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos
The Story: Doctor Pretorius lures both teams of teen heroes to a secluded castle in Mexico under false pretenses of a vacation for the obvious nefarious purposes.
Notes: This is the second meeting between Generation X and Gen 13. The first is not a horror cross so it’s not listed. This cross brings both teams into the Horror Universe, but they are the Horror Universe counterparts and so this doesn’t bring in the entirety of the Marvel and Wildstorm Universes. The character Mr. Lynch seems to be an aged Nick Fury. Dr. Pretorius is from Bride of Frankenstein..


Release Date: 1998 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Wolf Man (Universal)
Horror Crosses: Frankenstein (Universal); Dracula (Universal); White Zombie; The Deadly Mantis; The Monolith Monsters; Werewolf of London; Creature from the Black Lagoon; Man Made Monster; The Mad Monster; Night Key; Invisible Man (Universal); Mummy (Universal)
Non-Horror Crosses: Abbott and Costello
The Story: Caroline Cooke inherits a castle in LaMirada, Florida. The town ends up soon being threatened by a monster as Larry Talbot has returned, after having been frozen in suspended animation for 50 years.
Notes: This novel brings together pretty much all of Universal Horror into the Horror Universe, and is a sequel to Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein. Both Talbot and the Frankenstein monster had been in suspended animation in LaMirada for the past 50 years, negating the possibility of any Talbot or Monster appearances being related to the Universal characters during that time frame.

Release Date: August 1, 2000 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Society of Horrors
Horror Crosses: Creature from the Black Lagoon; Legend of Sleepy Hollow; Dracula (Universal); Frankenstein (Universal); Wolf Man; Mummy (Universal)
Non-Horror Crosses: You Can’t Do That On Television
The Story: A Gill-Man, a headless horseman, and an alien are roommates, who have to deal with a wraith neighbor.
Notes: The monster roommates have portraits of the Universal versions of Dracula, the Frankenstein Monster, the Wolf Man, and the Mummy hanging in their apartment. They also have green slime, like that used on Nickelodeon shows but first introduced on You Can’t Do That On Television.


Release Date: October 27, 2000 (Setting is October 31, 2000)
Horror Crosses: Frankenstein (Universal) -- See Notes
The Story: Sabrina tries to throw a Halloween party, but ends up spending the evening playing marriage counsellor for the Frankenstein Monster and his bride.
Notes: This is meant to be the monsters from Universal’s Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein, but I can’t agree with that. However, during the time the Universal Monster was trapped in La Mirada from 1948 to 1998, there were many appearances of a Universal type monster and occasionally a bride as well. It may be that this power couple seen during that time (and sometimes just Frankie) are the same Universal style monster and bride. If so, they were likely created by the Dr. Frankenstein seen in Mad Monster Party. This monster and bride tend to show up in more humorous situations. This cross with the Universal style Frankenstein brings the Sabrina television series into the Horror Universe. This includes the two related films and animated series and comic that were part of the same canon.


Release Date: 2000 (Contemporary Setting)
Horror Crosses: Werewolf of London; Frankenstein (Universal); Dracula (Universal); Wolf Man (Universal); Invisible Man (Universal); Black Cat
Non-Horror Crosses: Fantastic Four
The Story: All the monsters rise...
Notes: Sequel to Jeff Rovin’s Return of the Wolf Man. Note that Latveria is mentioned, the nation ruled by Doctor Doom, foe of the Fantastic Four. We can assume that a version of the Fantastic Four must exist in the Horror Universe, though they likely operated only for a brief period in the early 1960s.


Release Date: 2001 (Contemporary setting)
Horror Crosses: Werewolf of London; Dracula (Universal); Frankenstein (Universal)
The Story: Direct continuation of events from Jacobs’ Devil’s Brood.
Notes: Less crossovers. This is the final in the “official” Universal series.

Release Date: March 2005 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Wolf Man (Universal); Dracula (Universal)
Horror Crosses: Frankenstein (Universal); Dracula (Hammer)
The Story: Larry Talbot works with Jessica Van Helsing to stop Dracula from once again trying to revive Frankenstein’s monster.
Notes: This is the original Larry Talbot of the Universal Wolf Man series of films, having been revived in Return of the Wolf Man. Likewise, this is the Dracula of the Universal series, who I’ve identified to actually be Armand Tesla, who was transformed into a soul clone by the real Count Dracula of Bram Stoker’s novel. Likewise, this isn’t Victor Frankenstein’s creature from Mary Shelley's novel, but rather Henry Frankenstein’s creature from the Universal series, with Igor’s brain, and having recently also revived in Return of the Wolf Man. Jessica Van Helsing is of the famous monster hunting family, and was previously seen in Hammer’s Dracula A.D. 1972 and the Satanic Rites of Dracula. The Hammer Dracula series also has a cross with the Black Forest. Thus this cross confirms that the Hammer Dracula films are in the Horror Universe, and that Dracula must be yet another soul clone. Perhaps the alias he uses of Denrom in those films is a hint of his real name.


Release Date: October 4, 2005 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Frankenstein (Universal); Creature from the Black Lagoon
Horror Crosses: Them
The Story: A mad scientist creates a gill-man and finds one of Frankenstein’s creations. His goal is to use both in the war on terror.
Notes: This is an homage to the Universal films. Though there’s no actual connection to the Creature from the Black Lagoon directly, the creature created is indeed a Gill-Man in almost every way. Because this is a Universal style film, I consider this a cross with the Universal Frankenstein. This may be the original monster, considering his revival in 1998. It certainly can’t be the alternate Universal version created by Boris Frankenstein (as seen in Mad, Mad, Mad Monsters). He was sucked into a Hell dimension in Monster Squad. There is a mention of the giant ants in the Mojave.

Image result for HOUSE OF THE WOLF MAN (FILM)

Release Date: 2009 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Wolf Man (Universal)
Horror Crosses: Frankenstein (Universal); Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos; Dracula (Universal); Creature from the Black Lagoon
The Story: A mad scientist invites five guests to his home to hold a contest to see who will inherit his estate by a process of deadly elimination.
Notes: This film was made as an homage to the classic Universal films and acts as a sequel to the series. The mad scientist is Dr. Bela Reinhardt, but that’s his assumed name. He is really Bela Frankenstein, the son of Peter Frankenstein (from Ghost of Frankenstein) and a gypsy girl who was sister to Bela Blasko, the werewolf who bit and turned Larry Talbot. Reinhardt possesses Larry Talbot’s famous wolf’s head cane. The poem that beings “Even a man who’s pure of heart…” is recited. A Frankenstein monster is released in the home during the contest, probably a new creation of Reinhardt based on family notes. The lab contains one of Dr. Pretorius’ homunculi from Bride of Frankenstein. The library contains a copy of Alhazred’s Alchemy of Transmutation. This may be a reference to the Mad Arab who also authored the Necronomicon. Dracula and his brides also show up. The lab also contains a fossilized hand of a gill-man.


Release Date: May 25 - November 2, 2011 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Hack/Slash; Eva, Daughter of Dracula
Horror Crosses: Frankenstein (Universal); Creature from the Black Lagoon
The Story: When Dr. Pretorius teams with Mary Shelley Lovecraft to destroy reality, monster hunters Cassie Hack and Eva must team-up.
Notes: Hack/Slash and Eva are already independently brought into the Horror Universe. Dr. Pretorius is from Universal’s Bride of Frankenstein. Pretorius has a Gill-Man contained in his lair. There is no indication that Mary Shelley Lovecraft has any real connection to Frankenstein or Lovecraft despite the connotation created by the name.


Release Date: June 7, 2011 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Secret Histories
Horror Crosses: War of the Worlds (novel); The Crystal Egg; Nightside; Suspiria; Carnacki Ghost Finder; Ghost Finders; Doctor Faustus; Evil Dead; Frankenstein (novel); Frankenstein (Universal); Frankenstein (and some others): Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos
Non-Horror Crosses: The Man from UNCLE; James Bond; Shadows Fall; Doctor Who; Indiana Jones; I Dream of Jeannie: Solomon Kane; Area 52
The Story: The Droods battle Doctor Delirium and the Immortals over the Apocalypse Door.
Notes: An auction is selling a Martian Tripod and a Crystal Egg. This novel has several references to Green’s Nightside series. An auction attendee is Aunt Sally Darque, who was banned from every coven in Europe after that nasty affair at the dance academy in the German Black Forest. This is a reference to the film Suspiria. The Carnacki Institute is mentioned. Doctor Faustus is former owner of the Apocalypse Door. Archie Leech’s Kandarian Amulet is mentioned. The immortals are residing in Castle Frankenstein. The Droods are assisted by the Bride of Frankenstein and several other Frankenstein Monsters in taking the castle. In the Antarctic, Eddie sees a bizarre alien city within a mountain. This is likely a reference to At the Mountains of Madness, considering Green’s habit of throwing in a Lovecraft reference in every story. The war is compared to the rivalry between UNCLE and THRUSH or between James Bond and SPECTRE. Green also references his other series, Shadows Fall, a few times. At Drood Hall, there are several 19th century family members still alive because their aging was slowed during the Time War. Yes, Whovians, it’s likely that Time War, considering that Green tends to throw in at least one Doctor Who reference in each of his stories. Isabella Metcalf is compared to Indiana Jones. Jeannie (of I Dream of…) is listed among the immortals. There is a dead dragon under Castle Frankenstein, perhaps a reference to the Solomon Kane adventure, The Dragon of Castle Frankenstein. Eddie and Molly travel to Area 52 to stop the villain.

Image result for CABIN IN THE WOODS (FILM)

Release Date: April 13, 2012 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Cabin in the Woods
Horror Crosses: Alien; Half-Life; Evil Dead; Poltergeist; Frankenstein (Universal); Child’s Play; Creature from the Black Lagoon; Corpse Bride; Killer Klowns from Outer Space; Stephen King Universe; Killjoy; Devil’s Rejects; Clownhouse; Drive Thru; Funhouse; Amusement; Circus of Fear; Clown Camp; Demonic Toys; Demons; Night of the Demons; Supernatural; Charmed; Gremlins; Ghoulies; Creeps; Troll; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Frankenstein (novel); Dr. Giggles; The Human Centipede; House on Haunted Hill; The Dead Pit; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; The Strangers; Underworld; Attack of the 50 Foot Woman; Troll Hunter; Anaconda; Python; Mega Snake; Snakes on a Plane; Resident Evil; Hellraiser; Cannibal Holocaust; Creepshow; Legend of Sleepy Hollow; Attack of the Jack-O-Lanterns; Pumpkinhead; Frankenfish; The Mummy! Or a Tale of the Twenty-Second Century; The Mummy (Universal); The Hills Have Eyes; Wrong Turn; Chernobyl Diaries; 28 Days Later; Signal; the Works of Quentin Tarantino; Left 4 Dead; Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos; Re-Animator (film); Siren; The Exorcist; The Exorcism of Emily Rose; Reptillicus; Jurassic Park; Abomidible Bigfoot; The Legend of Boggy Creek; Ape Canyon; Curse of Bigfoot; Night of the Bloody Apes; Wendigo; Night Beasts; Night of the Scarecrow; Scarecrows; Husk; Scarecrow Gone Wild; The Scarecrows Walk at Midnight; The Town that Dreaded Sundown; The Craft; Witches of Eastwick; Hocus Pocus; Jack Frost; Hellboy (film); Rumplestilskin; Lephrechaun; Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters; Gingerbread Man; The Vampyre; Dracula (novel); Nosferatu; The Wolf Man; An American Werewolf in London; The Howling; Wolf; Texas Chainsaw Massacre; Friday the 13th; Night of the Living Dead; Return of the Living Dead; F.E.A.R.; The Blob; Feast; Horrors of the Wendigo; Frostbiter; Ghost; Bram Stoker’s Dracula (film); The Cyclops; Cyclops Giant; Nightbreed; Leeches!; Attack of the Giant Leeches; Rows of Teeth; The Birds; Killing Birds; Birdemic: Shock and Terror; Silent Hill; Attack of the Killer Lane Gnomes; Alligator; Lake Placid; Them!; Legion of Fire: Killer Ants!; Ants; Empire of the Ants; King Kong; Centipede Horror; The Giant Claw; The Ring; Attack of the Giant Gila Monster; The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms; Tarantula; Eight Legged Freaks; Jaws; Frogs; Lord of Darkness; House of the Dead; The Grudge; Chopping Mall; BlinkyTM; The Kraken; Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep; Octopus; The Beast; Deep Rising; It Came From Beneath the Sea; Tentacles; Eye of the Beast; Mega Shark; Giant Octopus; Castle Freak; Tokyo Gore Police; Septic; Mutants; Ogre; Blood Pool; Legend of the Ogre; Killing Floor; Little Shop of Horrors; The Breed; Hatchet; Phantasm; See No Evil; Thinner; Monster House; Attila; Dead Snow; Frankenstein’s Army; Manhunt; The Monster in the Closet; Killer Eyes; Demomata; CSP-682; Parasite Eve 2; Dead Space; Night of the Lepus; Creature from the Haunted Sea; Tremors; Hostel; The Collection; The Butcher; Dead Rising; My Bloody Valentine; The Exterminator; Willard; War of the Worlds; Signs; Lollipop Chainsaw; Ghost Ship; Curse of the Pirates; Jolly Roger; Lead Soldiers; Vampire Vikings; The Witch; Blair Witch Project; The Village; The Thing; Vampire Breath; Goosebumps; Angel; King Cobra
Non-Horror Crosses: Harry Potter; Wizard of Oz; Great Expectations; Batman; Labyrinth; Land of the Giants; The Wrath of Paul Bunyan; Dreamscape; Last of the Mohicans; Blood Meridian; Scalps; Savage Sam; Sin City; Kevin Spencer; We Need to Talk About Kevin; Jacob’s Ladder; Doctor Who; Black Swan; Pan’s Labyrinth; Nutcracker; Blade Hunter; The Chronicles of Narnia; Time Bandits; The Princess and the Frog; Pirates of the Caribbean; Futurama; The Incredible Shrinking Man; Pee-Wee’s Playhouse; Red Planet; Terminator; Zathura; Hardware; Robot Wars; Bacterial Contamination; Firefly; Clash of the Titans; Team Fortress; Man from Planet X; Starship Troopers; Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal; Twisted Metal
The Story: A group of teens head out for a weekend in a cabin in the woods, not knowing that they have been chosen as sacrifices to an ancient deity in order to save the world from his wrath.
Notes: This film exposes the secret truth behind modern horror. Behind it all is a secret organization, chosen to sacrifice youth to ancient gods. All of the above named crossovers have been linked in this film, and revealed to be part of this secret conspiracy. Most of the crossovers above come from the monsters and artifacts contained in the facility. While some of the monsters and artifacts are clearly from certain films above, many are based on certain types of horror films, in which case I included the more well-known of these film types. I recommend the well-researched Cabin in the Woods Wiki for a more detailed listing of the monsters and their inspirations. Note that I included in the above crossovers some monsters that only appeared in the official novelization and the official Universal Theme Park attraction tie-in. With this film, I break one of my major rules of crossover connecting. Though some of the crosses are direct crosses, like Evil Dead and Left 4 Dead, most of them are only connected because the films represent the more well-known films of the trope from which a certain monster comes. Normally, I would not count something that is “like something from”, but there is dialogue within the film that makes me break my rule. In one scene, referring to the monsters, security officer Daniel Truman says “They’re like something from a nightmare.” Lin, a head scientist, responds, “No, they’re something nightmares are from.” She goes on to explain that these monsters are the creations of the Ancient Ones, having been around since the beginning, and different cultures have told stories that interpret them in different ways. Thus, in the instance of this film, “like” is enough because of the author’s intent. And thus my love/hate relationship with Joss Whedon, for expanding the Horror Universe dramatically but making me do a lot of work to write this entry. Note that this film ends with the start of an apocalypse, so the end must veer into a divergent timeline. We must presume in the main Horror Universe, the virgin shot the fool. And if you haven’t seen the movie, that last sentence probably seems very bizarre. This film has been referenced as fictional in South Park, The Cinema Snob, Scary Movie 5, and Doc of the Dead. It is also paid homage to in Red Dawn when Chris Hemsworth and his friends once more wind up in a cabin in the woods. The film has also been spoofed in Robot Chicken and Scary Movie 5.


Release Date: December 24, 2012 (Contemporary Setting, a few days after A Hard Day’s Knight, and between Secret Histories novels For Heaven’s Eyes Only and Live and Let Drood)
Series: Nightside
Horror Crosses: Carmilla; Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde; Frankenstein (Universal); Frankenstein (novel); Sweeney Todd; The Picture of Dorian Gray; Carnacki Ghost Finder; Ghost Finders
Non-Horror Crosses: The Middleman; Maltese Falcon; The Time Machine; League of Extraordinary Gentlemen; Secret Histories; The Chronicles of Amber; Shadows Fall; They Live
The Story: John is about to marry Suzie and retire as a private investigator to work as an official for the Nightside. However, events get interrupted when the Sun King arrives, threatening to end the eternal darkness of the Nightside.
Notes: John turns down a case from Katherine Karnstein, who wishes to find her lost innocence. Katherine is likely from the same family as Carmilla. (Some names are rare enough that their very mention denotes a crossover). There is a Jekyll and Hyde reunion dinner, which is not only for the Jekyll family, but for anyone who has used the formula. In the Nightside, that’s a lot of people. Any of those Jekyll family members or Hyde monsters who have appeared throughout this reference guide may have been present at the function. The Bride of Frankenstein appears at the Immortals’ Ball, and thanks John for his recent battle with the Victor Frankenstein of the mirror reality. John mentions that Bettie Divine was involved in the Lovett Pie Show fiasco, a reference to Sweeney Todd. An immortal has discovered that he can kill other immortals with a shard of glass from the mirror of Dorian Gray. A former member of the Carnacki Institute is consulted. The Carnacki Institute is from Green’s Ghost Finders series. John mentions that Thomas Carnacki was his mentor. John sees a vampire ventriloquist’s dummy, which may be from the Middleman episode “The Vampiric Puppet Lamentation”. Taylor mentions being grateful his last civilian case doesn’t involve the Maltese Falcon, and adds “which is a very real object, in case you were wondering”. This story is meant to be the finale of the Nightside series. Several stories mention the Maltese Falcon in a way that could be taken as a pop culture reference or as a real object. It was nice of John (and Green) to let us know for sure the intention before ending the series. At the Immortals’ Ball, stuffed morlock is served. Morlocks from the Time Machine appear frequently in the Nightside series. Orlando, from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, is present at the ball. Like most Nightside stories, this one has many references to Green’s Secret Histories series. However, in this case, there is a major plot point that ties the two series together. Part of the reason that the Sun King is drawn to the Nightside is as a result of the events which destroyed the immortal Drood family in For Heaven’s Eyes Only. When a ghost bar vanishes, so do those who were inside, including the Amber Prince. When John and Suzie finally get married, characters from Shadows Fall are guests. One of the characters has the special glasses from They Live that allows him to see aliens.


Release Date: June 3, 2014 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Secret Histories
Horror Crosses: Nightside; Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos; Frankenstein (novel); Frankenstein (Simon R. Green); Judge Pursuivant; Frankenstein (Universal); Creature from the Black Lagoon
Non-Horror Crosses: Nun Areala; Excalibur (Marvel); Alice in Wonderland; An Inhabitant of Carcosa; The Time Machine
The Story: Eddie searches for Lady Faire, an omnisexual creature who was one of the final creations of Victor Frankenstein.
Notes: Most of the crosses here are the same crosses already discussed from previous Nightside and Secret Histories novels by Green. Lady Faire is an original version of the Frankenstein monster created by Green. One character is a graduate of the Deep School, from the Judge Pursuivant story “The Letters of Cold Fire”. At the Vatican, Eddie is pursued by warrior nuns, which may be a reference to Nun Areala.


  1. That's sage advice at the end there, Robert. I just wish I'd follow it! LOL

    And interesting list, many of the entries totally unfamiliar to me. I just know the basics - the three Karloff films, the Bud & Lou film, and Young Frankenstein. Oh, and the Andy Warhol hoot. (That had one of the worst/best lines of dialogue I ever heard!)

    The Frankenstein films I mentioned were one of those times when I'd think - What if I did movie tie-ins instead of TV? Based on only those films, I always thought Gene Wilder's character was the little boy in the last Karloff flick, but that's just me......

    Fun reading as always!


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