The First 50, Part II: From Creepy Weirdo to Chrome Microphone of Excellence
Continuing where I left off in my reflections on the first fifty episodes. The links were slowing down the page, so I cut it in half. TVCU #21 - Hannah Lackoff As James pointed out, her story made me cry. It made me feel joy, and anger, and sadness, and surprise. This was another of James' guest choices, and another award winner. TVCU #22 - Sam Gafford We lost him for a minute in the middle of the interview, and he was still one of our best guests. This was perhaps the culmination of our Carnacki theme, as Sam Gafford is the authority on William Hope Hodgson. He shares with us an amazing piece of history in this episode that could have led to very different lives for two historical figures. And cool accent. Another of James' picks. By this point, James was more actively advocating for more guest picks, something I had been advocating for the co-hosts to do from the beginning, but Ivan and Chris were a little slower on jumping o...