The Joker

Jingle Bells
Batman smells
Robin laid an egg
lost its wheel
and Joker got away

I guess this would be part three of the Batman trilogy, part I being Batman and part II being James Bojaciuk's Gotham City.

This post is about the Joker legacy, and there's a reason it is being posted on April 1.  Not only because the Joker would want it that way, but also because this post if full of fun theories from the TVCU Crew that you shouldn't take too seriously.  We're making a lot of stuff up here that should be considered apocryphal.

Before I do the typical crossover chronology, I want to talk briefly about the Joker legacy in the TVCU.

So the villain we know as the Joker is an immortal, who worked for an evil secret organization.

The full story behind his origin is unknown, and since the Joker is quite mad, even he doesn't seem to be quite sure what is the full truth.

We do know that his disfigurement may not have been something he was born with.  It seems fairly certain that the future Joker was a member of the Red Hood gang, and falling into a vat of chemicals caused his disfigurement, transforming him into a permanently scary clown.  After this, he began terrorizing Gotham City, constantly matching wits with the Bat-Man.

Image result for golden age Bat-Man vs. Joker

During the 1950s to 1970s, there were actually three Jokers.  One Joker was calling himself Joker Junior, and claiming to be the son of the Joker, but it later became revealed that this was really the original Joker posing as his own son.  [This Joker is represented by silver age comic book appearances of the Joker.]

Image result for silver age joker

Snapper Carr (Lucas Carr)--This was the mascot of the Justice League of America from 1960 to 1970, when he was tricked into revealing the location of the first League headquarters to the Joker.

The second Joker of this period was a man whose name was never revealed, much like the original.  This man was not disfigured, but instead wore clown make-up, even over his mustache.  [This is the Joker seen on the Batman TV series, played by Cesar Romero.]

Image result for Joker Cesar Romero

The third man claiming the name of the Joker is a mystery as well.  Though he would sometimes claim to be Creed Bratton, this was not his real name.  [This is the Joker from the New Adventures of Batman animated series, and is Creed Bratton, a real life musician from the Grassroots and a character soon on the Office.]

Image result for Joker new adventures of BatmanImage result for creed bratton as the joker

In the late 1970s, a new Joker appeared.  This was mobster Jack Napier, who had a similar accident as the original Joker.  He menaced the third Batman for a number of decades.  [This is based on the 1989 film but represents the "post-crisis" era Joker as well.]

Image result for jack nicholson joker

In more recent years, a villain called the Hoaxter matched wits with Christian Bale, who had taken the mantle of the Bat upon himself.  [Of course based on Heath Ledger's portrayal from the Dark Knight.  This version is brought in via Ivan's post, which is probably also being updated today.  This version probably also represents the Joker seen in the 2000s in comics.]

Image result for heath ledger joker

More recently, another Joker wannabe has appeared.  Little is known yet about his incarnation.

Image result for joker suicidé squad movie

And now onto the crossover chronology:

c. 260 B.C.Batman #24 [1] (Aug./Sept. 1944)--Batman and Robin visit ancient Rome, where they help an aging charioteer win his last race and defeat a Roman gangster called Publius Malchio with the help of The Jester, a good-natured harlequin who looks startlingly like the Joker. 
NOTES: The Jester's harlequin costume (and even the term harlequin) is thoroughly anachronistic, but the story leaves deliberately ambiguous the question of whether these events are real or simply a dream or hallucination induced by Carter Nichols' time-hypnosis technique.

c. 900Batman #49 [3] (Oct./Nov. 1948)--Batman and Robin visit the city of Baghdad, where they encounter the evil Crier, a villain who looks exactly like the Joker except that he cries rather than laughs. During their time in Baghdad, the Dynamic Duo converts an ordinary rug into a serviceable glider, an event they believe may inspire later legends of flying carpets.

1903--SHERLOCK HOLMES:  THE CROSSOVERS CASEBOOK--Professor Moriarty finds a way to traverse the multiverse, and finds a Sherlock Holmes who has become the Joker.

November 1, 1925--Alleged birth of Creed Bratton.  For more on this joker, click here.  And check out Creed's faux website here

1928 Comedian Joe Napier is maimed and assaulted by gangsters. He is sentenced to prison for killing his attackers. In prison he abused and poisoned. The Joker emerges from this ordeal. 

November 1939--INDIANA JONES AND THE RELIC OF GOTHAM--Little known artist Bob Kane finds a relic that is sought after by Nazis and INDIANA JONES, bringing them all to Gotham, where Batman and the Joker get involved.

January 1940--Detective #168, Feb. 1951--A laboratory worker becomes a masked thief called the Red Hood in order to rob various Gotham City businesses. Pursued by Batman, the Red Hood escapes by leaping to his apparent death in the waste chemical catch basin of the Monarch Playing Card Company. Unbeknownst to Batman, the Red Hood survives, but the chemical wastes turns his hair green, bleaches his skin white, and dyes his lips red. He later becomes Batman's deadliest foe: the Joker.  
NOTES: The Golden Age Joker's real name was never revealed. These events, recounted in flashback, were his first chronological appearance, although the story describes this incident as taking place "10 years ago" (i.e., in late 1940 or early 1941), while the Joker's debut in Batman #1 implies that the Joker had already assumed his familiar green-haired, white-skinned form by the spring of 1940. In any case, this remains the most commonly repeated version of the Joker's origin, although modern stories typically describe his lips as white, attributing any other coloration to the use of lipstick.

1940 The Joker first terrorizes Gotham City
         District Attorney Harvey Kent is maimed by the Joker during his trial. Kent becomes Two-Face.

Spring 1940--Batman #1 [4] (Spring 1940)--Two days after his capture by Batman and Robin, the Joker escapes jail and begins a new reign of terror that ends when he accidentally stabs himself while trying to kill Batman. 
NOTES: As originally written, this second appearance of the Joker ended with his death. However, editor Whitney Ellsworth decided the Joker was too good a villain to lose and ordered the addition of a final panel showing the Joker being taken away by ambulance with dialogue indicating that he would survive his wounds.

Summer 1940--Batman #2 [1]--Learning that the Joker is still alive, Batman and Robin attempt to kidnap him and take him to "a famous brain specialist" for an operation that will make the Joker "a valuable citizen." They find the Joker has already been freed from the hospital by a gang of crooks who hope he will help them steal the priceless Pharaoh Gems. While searching for the Joker, Batman again encounters the Catwoman and allows her to escape in exchange for information on the Joker's whereabouts. The Catwoman later trades the Pharaoh Gems to the Joker for Robin's life and then escapes capture by leaping from the Batplane. 
NOTES: The Catwoman is called "Cat-Woman" in this story, although she still does not appear in costume. The reference to a "famous brain specialist" in this story may have been an allusion to pulp hero Doc Savage, who sometimes performed such operations at a secret clinic in upstate New York. Doc Savage, the creation of author Lester Dent (writing as Kenneth Robeson), was a major influence on both Superman and Batman. Savage first appeared in the pulp novel Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze in March 1933 and went on to appear in 181 novels from Street& Smith publications between 1933 and 1949.

Winter 1940--Batman #4 [1]--Batman and Robin have a rematch with the Joker, who has survived his apparent demise in their previous encounter. The Joker eventually escapes, once again appearing to have perished. 
NOTES: This story (and the second and third stories in this issue) identifies Batman's home city as New York, but the fourth and final story identifies it as Gotham City, the first time that name appeared in the Batman series.

Spring 1941--Batman #5 [1]--Two months after being rescued from Gotham harbor following his last encounter with Batman and Robin, the Joker opens a gambling ship operating just outside the three-mile limit (and thus outside police jurisdiction). When Batman investigates, the Joker's beautiful accomplice Queenie accidentally discovers the Caped Crusader's secret identity after noticing a shaving cut on his chin. Queenie falls in love with Batman and is subsequently shot to death while saving him from one of her accomplices. 
NOTES: Bruce Wayne smokes a cigarette in this story, as he did in a number of stories in the early and mid-1940s, although he generally preferred a pipe to cigarettes. This was the last quarterly issue of Batman, which subsequently became bi-monthly until 1954, and the first to introduce the distinctive Batmobile that Batman used throughout the 1940s. The 1940s Batmobile was usually depicted as a streamlined two-door sedan or club coupe with bulbous fenders extending back into the front doors, along with an enormous bat-shaped ram on the nose, external exhaust pipes protruding through the hood, and a scalloped dorsal fin extending from the trailing edge of the roof through the tail. Although the Batmobile was usually colored dark blue, it was often described in the text as black, generally with red trim. Few details were ever given about its powertrain, but it was described as having a powerful supercharged engine. This version of the Batmobile remained in use through Detective Comics #156 (Feb. 1950).

Dec. 1941--Batman #8 [4]--Batman and Robin are invited to Washington, D.C., where they are publicly honored by the president and the director of the FBI, who is subsequently wounded by the Joker during an attempt on Batman's life.  
NOTES: This story identifies the FBI chief as "G. Henry Mover," but modern accounts have established that the FBI director at this time was J. Edgar Hoover (1895–1972), just as on Earth-Prime.

Dec., 1941Detective #62--After learning that he has been omitted from a list of "the nation's five favorite comedians" — named as potential inheritors of the estate of the late Happy Hanson — the Joker attempts to murder all five comedians (Freddie Banter,Claude S. TilleyDenny JacksonTed Allenby, and Buster Parks) in hopes of claiming Hanson's fortune for himself. At one point during the ensuing chase with Batman and Robin, the Clown Prince of Crime passes up the opportunity to unmask Batman, reluctant to end their frequent battles of wits.
NOTES: Each of the comedians in this story is clearly modeled on a real-life comedian of the period. Happy Hanson was based on silent movie master Charlie Chaplin (1889–1977), Freddy Kanter on comedian Eddie Cantor (1892–1964), Claude S. Tilley on W.C. Fields (William Claude Dukenfield, 1880–1846), and Buster Parks on Buster Keaton (Joseph Frank Keaton VI, 1895–1966). Denny Jackson was modeled on popular radio personality Jack Benny (1894–1974) while Ted Allenby was based on Benny's radio rival, Fred Allen (1894–1956).

Feb. 2, 1942Batman #11 [1] (June/July 1942), All-Star Squadron #20 (April 1983)--After the Joker attempts to murder Robin by trapping him in a room full of burning sulfur, Batman beats the villain senseless and leaves him on the steps of the Gotham City courthouse for the police. 
NOTES: The date of these events, which would put this story out of sequence with the other stories published during this period, was established by All-Star Squadron #20, which took place concurrently.

April 1942Detective #64 (June 1942)--Tired of life as a fugitive, the Joker conceives a daring scheme to put him beyond the reach of the police and Batman: He surrenders to police to face trial for his many crimes, pleads guilty to them all, and cheerfully accepts a sentence of death. Moments after he has been pronounced dead in the electric chair, his men recover his body and revive him with a drug of his own invention. Although the Joker is soon recaptured by Batman and Robin, a judge reluctantly agrees that since the villain has already been tried and put to death, he cannot be prosecuted again for any of his previous crimes. While the decision leaves the Joker temporarily a free man, Batman soon realizes that the Joker is still secretly running his old gang and manages to implicate him in their crimes, making the Harlequin of Hate a fugitive once more. 
NOTES: This story shows that Gotham City radio station WABX is now broadcasting a series entitled The True Adventures of Batman. In our world, there were two unsuccessful pilots for such a radio show: one in 1943, starring Scott Douglas and entitled simply The Batman, and the other in 1950, starring John Emery and entitled The Batman Mystery Club. Only one episode was produced of each and neither was ever broadcast. Nonetheless, from 1945 through 1948, Batman and Robin were frequent guest stars on the Mutual Broadcasting System's Adventures of Superman radio series.

April 1942World's Finest #6 (Summer 1942)--Batman and Robin appear on the program Racket Busters, broadcast simultaneously on radio and television. Among those listening in the audience are the Joker, the Penguin, and Catwoman. Afterward, Batman persuades dying actor Mark Loring to dress as Batman long enough to convince View Magazine reporter "Scoop" Scanlon — who has discovered Batman's true identity — that Batman and Bruce Wayne are really separate people. 
NOTES: The date of these events was established by the publication of the May 1942 issue of View during the course of the story; if it was a monthly magazine, the May issue would have appeared in early April. The "Racket Busters" program name was presumably an homage to Gang Busters, a popular crime anthology series that ran on radio from 1935 to 1957 and briefly on television in 1952. DC published 67 issues of the Gang Busters comic book from 1947 to 1959. This story was the first time in the comics that Batman and Robin appeared on television.

Oct./Nov. 1942-Batman #13 [2]--While pursuing the Joker, Dick Grayson poses as an autograph collector, traveling around Gotham to get the signatures of famed baseball player Joe DiMaggio and artist Jerry Siegel, the creator of Superman. 

Spring 1943--World's Finest #9--While pursuing the Joker, Batman and Robin briefly encounter the Star-Spangled Kid and Stripsey. 
NOTES: This incident is a brief (four panels) cameo by Batman and Robin in the Star-Spangled Kid strip in World's Finest Comics #9. The main Batman story in the same issue, "Crime of the Month Club" (written by Bill Finger with art by Jerry Robinson and George Roussos), pits Batman and Robin against crooked mystery writer Bramwell B. Bramwell. The Star-Spangled Kid and Stripsey were created by artist Hal Sherman and writer Jerry Siegel, the co-creator of Superman, making their debut in Star-Spangled Comics #1 (Oct. 1941). In a novel variation on the kid-sidekick concept popularized by Batman and Robin, the strip featured a young hero (Sylvester Pemberton) with an adult sidekick (Pat "Stripsey" Dugan).

Sept., 1944Batman #25 [1] (Oct./Nov. 1944)--When the Joker and the Penguin become prison cellmates, they decide to escape together and then settle their rivalry by vying to see who can be the first to steal a rare emerald, with the loser agreeing to leave Gotham forever. After their mutual antagonism nearly gets them captured, the two villains decide instead to join forces against Batman and Robin. Batman and Robin manage to turn the tables on the two villains by playing on their massive egos, eventually landing both the Joker and the Penguin back in prison.

January 1945--BATMAN AND CAPTAIN AMERICA--The two heroes team-up against the Joker and Red Skull. Sidekicks Robin and Bucky also appear. This story is later referenced in Superman and Batman: Generations. Though I don’t include all of Generations within the TVCU, at least the chapters that take place in 1939 and 1949 fit. The ending of this story shows that in this reality, it is Batman II (Dick Grayson) and Robin II (Bruce Wayne Junior) who find Captain America frozen in ice, rather than the Avengers, and I consider that to be canon for the TVCU. 

March 1945Superman radio (March 1945), (World's Finest #271, Sept. 1981)--While pursuing the sinister master spy Zoltan, Batman is captured and encased in a wax-like shell. Dick Grayson, knocked unconscious and nearly drowned by Zoltan's men, is found by Superman, who helps Robin rescue Batman and apprehend Zoltan. In the process, Superman learns Batman and Robin's secret identities, but they remain ignorant of Superman's identity as Clark Kent.  
NOTES: This adventure, recounted in flashback, is essentially a much-simplified adaptation of a storyline that originally aired on the Adventures of Superman radio series from Feb. 28 to March 15, 1945. The radio story, complete recordings of which are not known to survive, was Batman and Robin's first appearance on the Superman radio series and the first time Superman, Batman, and Robin actively participated in an adventure together. The Superman radio show, which debuted on Feb. 12, 1940, ran in syndication through March 9, 1942, and was then picked up by the Mutual Broadcasting System, resuming on Aug. 31, 1942, under the title The Adventures of Superman. For most of the series, Superman and Clark Kent were played by Clayton "Bud" Collyer, who also voiced Superman in the 1941–1943 Fleischer Bros. cartoons. Batman was variously portrayed by Stacy Harris, Matt Crowley, and Gary Merrill while Robin was played by Ron Liss. World's Finest Comics #271 established that some events of the radio series had parallels in the TVCU, although the radio and comic book versions differ in many details and the radio continuity is sometimes at odds with both Golden Age continuity and the contemporary comics; for example, the radio Clark Kent worked for Perry White of the Daily Planet, not George Taylor of the Daily Star, while the radio Batman and Robin live and operate in Metropolis rather than Gotham City. Interestingly, radio actor Ron Liss later reprised his role as Robin for a series of audio adventures released on a 1966 record album entitled The Official Adventures of Batman and Robin, with Jack Curtis as Batman and Jackson Beck, narrator of the Superman radio series, providing the narration. Liss is credited as the writer of the album's four stories, which include a Penguin story based on "Parasols of Plunder" from Batman #70 (April/May 1952), originally written by Bill Woolfolk and drawn by Lew Sayre Schwartz and Charles Paris, and a Joker story incorporating elements of the Joker's first two appearances from Batman #1 (by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson) and the "The Joker's Utility Belt" from Batman #73 (Oct./Nov. 1952), by David Vern, Dick Sprang, and Charles Paris. The record was produced and directed by Herb Galewitz and released by MGM's Leo the Lion Records label (CH-1019).
1945--THE AVENGER:  THE JUSTICE INC FILES--"Happy Death Men"--Overheard is a conversation regarding gruesome deaths in Gotham City that left grins on the victims' faces.

Dec. 1945--Batman #32 [1]--The Joker sets out to humiliate Batman and Robin with a series of pranks inspired by college fraternity hazing rites. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne buys a birthday gift for Linda Page. 
NOTES: The title of this story, "Rackety Rax Racket," was probably inspired by the 1932 film Rackety Rax (dir. Alfred L. Werker, 20th Century) starring Victor McLaglen. This story was the final Golden Age appearance of Linda Page; her next "Golden Age" appearance was in flashback in Brave and the Bold #197 (April 1983), set in 1955.

Image result for stooges new batman adventures

Late 1940s--NEW BATMAN ADVENTURES--The Three Stooges have taken a job as the Joker's henchmen. Batman kicks their butts.

June/July 1950--Batman #59 [3] --Professor Carter Nichols accidentally sends Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson forward in time to the year 2050, where, as Batman and Robin, they meet Police Chief Rekoj, a law-abiding descendant of the Joker.

Feb. 1951--Detective #168--The Joker briefly resumes his guise as the Red Hood in order to rob the payroll of State University, where Batman is teaching a seminar in criminology. Afterward, the Harlequin of Hate is waylaid by ex-convict "Farmerboy" Benson, who steals the Red Hood costume and helmet and uses them to commit several additional robberies. Batman and his students eventually capture and unmask the false Red Hood, who they have already deduced could not be the original, and find the Joker, bound and gagged in a tool shed. The Joker proceeds to explain how his original career as the Red Hood led to his new appearance and identity, something even Batman had never known. 
NOTES: This was the first time the Joker's origin was ever revealed; none of the Clown Prince of Crime's previous appearances offered any explanation of his unusual hair and skin color.

Feb. 1952--Detective #180--The Joker briefly reforms after inheriting a fortune from his one-time gangland rival, "King" Barlowe. After discovering that much of Barlowe's bequest is counterfeit, however, the Joker returns to crime in order to raise money to pay his inheritance taxes, unwilling to admit that he has been tricked.  
NOTES: This story was later adapted as an episode of The New Batman Adventures animated series, entitled "Joker's Millions." The episode was scripted by Paul Dini and originally aired Feb. 21, 1998.

Oct./Nov. 1952--Batman #73 [3] --The Joker unveils his own version of Batman's utility belt, stocked with gag and novelty items like jumping beans and joy buzzers.  
NOTES: Although the gags in the Joker's utility belt are basically harmless, in later stories, the Joker used similar items to far more lethal effect. This story partly inspired the plot of a two-part episode of the 1960s Batman TV series, entitled "The Joker is Wild"/"Batman is Riled." That episode (the first of the series to feature the Joker) was written by Robert Dozier and originally aired Jan. 26–27, 1966.

Dec. 1952--Batman #74 [1]--The Joker contrives to have himself committed to the Gotham Institute for the Insane as part of a plan to nab $1 million of unrecovered loot hidden by another patient. Suspecting that the Joker's insanity is a ploy, Batman infiltrates the asylum disguised as a patient, but the Joker sees through the disguise and nearly uncovers Batman's secret identity in the process. The timely arrival of Robin and another patient wearing a Batman costume leaves the Joker so bewildered that the Clown Prince of Crime suffers an actual nervous breakdown, although he later recovers and is transferred to the state prison. 
NOTES:  While the Golden Age Joker was eccentric, erratic, and sometimes homicidal, most of his encounters with Batman and Robin ended with the Clown Prince of Crime either in prison or seemingly dead — the idea that the Joker should be treated rather than incarcerated was not seriously broached until the 1970s. Nonetheless, the asylum depicted in this story may have been a predecessor of the Golden Age version of Arkham Asylum. Arkham, introduced in Batman #258 (Sept./Oct. 1975) and named for the fictional New England town in the stories of H.P. Lovecraft, was a fixture of Silver Age and Modern Age continuity, but its existence as part of Golden Age canon was not confirmed until Brave and the Bold #200 and the Huntress story in Wonder Woman#305 (both cover-dated July 1983).

Oct. 1954--Batman #87 [1]--Batman's career is recounted on the live television program Your Life Story, prompting a vicious attack by the Joker.  
NOTES: The fictional television program in this story is modeled on This Is Your Life, a popular weekly series hosted by Ralph Edwards that ran on NBC from 1952 to 1961.

May/Jun 1957 --World's Finest Comics #88 --"Superman's and Batman's Greatest Foes"--Lex Luthor and the Joker team-up and become business partners in what appears to be a legitimate operation. Superman and Batman suspect otherwise and investigate.

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9.62--Justice League of America #14--The Atom II joins after saving the JLA from Amos Fortune, who had recruited Hector Hammond, Pied Piper, Sea-Thief, Angle Man, Dr. Davis and the Joker.

Spring 1965--BATMAN--The Joker Junior (actually Creed Bratton), the Penguin II (Oswald Cobblepot Junior), Catwoman III (Kitanya Irenya Tatyana Karenska Alisoff), and the Riddler I (Edward Nigma) join forces to take down the United Nations Security Force to hold for ransom.

October 1965--BEWITCHED--"The Joker is a Card"--This is the first appearance of Samantha's Uncle Arthur.  He is a practical joker.  

Brave and the Bold #68

Oct/Nov 1966 --Brave and the Bold #68--"Alias the Bat-Hulk"--Three of Batman's most notorious foes, Riddler, Penguin, and the Joker, team-up. They expose Batman to an experimental gas which changes him into a Bat-Hulk. As the Bat-Hulk, Batman is a menace using immense strength and chemical powers for crime.  The transformation isn't permanent, and Batman returns to his normal self. He seeks out Metamorpho for help, sensing the condition will return him to the Bat-Hulk. Batman's prediction is correct, and Metamorpho is unable to stop the Bat-Hulk.  Bat-Hulk then teams with the three villains to pull daring robberies. Metamorpho continues to battle Bat-Hulk on the rooftops of Gotham City. Eventually a lightning bolt strikes Bat-Hulk, permanently changing him back to Batman. Joker, Riddler, and Penguin are then captured and returned to police custody.

November 1966--BATMAN--"The Impractical Joker"--Batman and Robin watch the Green Hornet TV show.  Clearly, this show must be a fictionalized version of the hero.

June 1967--HELLTOWN--This story occurs just after Charles Victor Szasz has begun operating as THE QUESTION. The Question, in a conversation with his mentor, brings up past mystery men, including THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL, THE GREEN HORNET, WILDCAT, THE SANDMAN, and BLACK CANARY. Later on, Batman II (Dick Grayson) has a conversation with his butler Alfred Pennyworth (who is not the same as Bruce's former butler Alfred Beagle) in which they mention THE SHADOW. RICHARD DRAGON and Lady Shiva are also involved in the tale, and ORACLE is mentioned. Oracle is the first Barbara Gordon, who once operated as Batgirl in the 1940s. After the Joker (the original) shot her, she was paralyzed, but became an information broker to the world's heroes. Barbara is the daughter of former Police Commissioner James W. Gordon (aka THE WHISPERER) and the sister of current Police Commissioner Tony Gordon. She is also the aunt of Tony's daughter Barbara, who is now the second Batgirl.


1990s Ivan in the 1960s Batcave
December - THE NOWHEN-MEN: BAT TO THE FUTURE - The NoWhere-Men (Ivan and Don, both 22 years old) arrive in New York City from 1300 AD and encounter the current Batman, Robin, and assorted villains. Ivan has a brief relapse into his Charlatan persona (due to the Anti-Logic) but Don helps him focus before he can be arrested for crimes committed by the Joker. Using the NoWhere-Van the depart 1969 and journey to the year 2078 AD.
Shop window in New York City
The 1960s Batman characters (Batman, Robin, and the Joker) are from the BATMANtelevision series (1966-1968), as adapted from the DC Comics stories, dating back to DETECTIVE COMICS #27 (1939). In the TVCU, this is the second Batman (Dick Grayson) and Robin II (Bruce Wayne Jr). Gotham City is a common nickname for New York City.

Late 1960s--BATMAN'66--From Matt Hickman:  I found 2 more batman 66 crossovers I don't think are listed on the batman blog Jose Jimenez in the The Yegg Foes in Gotham and Detective Sam Stone form Felony Squad in The Impractical Joker

A compilation of all 14 window cameos from the 1960s ABC TV series Batman. Almost fifty years later, some of these folks are still remembered…

Late 1960s--BATMAN'66--From Matt Hickman:  So I just found out the Jokermobile form batman 66 Was made for An Elvis movie Easy Come, Easy Go the only Changes they Made was removing the Front seats and placing a a Joker head on the Front. Given this is a pretty distinctive car and the Joker being the Joker I'd Say it's likely He stole it after the events in Easy Come, Easy Go

Late 1960s--BATMAN'66--From Matt Hickman:  In the batman 66 episode Joker trumps and ace The Joker uses super sticky confeti to inconnpactatee victums druinga jewlery store heist this is the same wopen used by super hero Jack in the bbox of astro city fame

Late 1960s--BATMAN'66--From Matt Hickman:  The Batman 66 Story The Joker's Layoff Riot! Has a Cameo By the Scooby Doo Gang waiting in line to get their copies of Winterdale's Compedium of Jokes signed

Late 1960s--BATMAN'66 MEETS THE GREEN HORNET--The heroes team-up again against the Joker and General Gumm.

Release Date: September 15, 1972 (Contemporary Setting)
Non-Horror Crosses: Batman (The New Adventures of Batman)
The Story: Mystery, Inc. teams-up with Batman and Robin to foil the counterfeiting ring run by the Joker and the Penguin.

Notes: Using the Generations premise, this Batman would be Dick Grayson and this Robin would be Bruce Wayne Junior. The Penguin would be Oswald Cobblepot Junior based on Dennis Power’s contribution to the theory, and according to John Byrne, this is the original Joker, posing as “Joker Junior”. The New Adventures of Batman is an animated continuation of the 1960s live action Batman series. Later, the Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated series will conflate this Batman with that of Super Friends.

Release Date: December 15, 1972 (Contemporary Setting)
Non-Horror Crosses: Batman (New Adventures of Batman)
The Story: When a Professor is kidnapped by the Joker and Penguin in order to obtain his flying suit, Mystery, Inc. once more teams with Batman and Robin.
Notes: The two teams will team-up a third time on Batman: the Brave and the Bold. Recently, they have teamed again in DC Comics’ Scooby-Doo Team-Up, but the series is too new at this writing for me to evaluate how it may fit into Horror Universe canon.

Spring to Summer 1973--SUPER FRIENDS--Batman II (Dick Grayson) becomes an instructor along with Robin II (Bruce Wayne Junior), Superman (Kal-El/Clark Joseph Kent), Wonder Woman, and Aquaman to train new heroes Marvin and Wendy (and later Zan and Jayna).  They also work as part of the Justice League of America.  The team is nick-named the Super Friends, and later will be code named the Super Powers Team.  The team works secretly for the U.S. Government and the United Nations.  The team was actually founded in 1967 and disbanded in 1985.  It's entire roster over it's long run included:  Aquaman, Batman II, Robin II/Batman III, Robin III, Superman (Kal-El/Clark Joseph Kent), Wonder Woman, Atom II, Cyborg, Firestorm, Flash II, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Hawkgirl II, Hawkman II, Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, El Dorado, Rima the Jungle Girl, Samurai, Green Arrow II, Plastic Man, Wendy Harris, Marvin White, Wonderdog, Zan, Jayna, Gleek, Captain Marvel I, Huntress II, Black Canary II.  See the end of this blog, where I will go through all the super-heroes (and villains I have brought in so far with little bio info on each.  I want to make clear that even though the shows for the most part appear just like you see them, in general the public isn't aware or clear of the activities of these heroes.  The primary foes of the Super Friends would be the Legion of Doom:  Bizarro, Black Manta, Brainiac, Captain Cold, Cheetah, Giganta, Gorilla Grodd, Solomon Grundy, Lex Luthor, Doctor Natas, the Riddler I, the Scarecrow II, Sinestro, the Toyman II, Mordru, and Dr. Sivana.  During their final years, they mostly fought Darkseid and his minions.  Additional bad guys they faced were:  Bizarra, Joe Chill, the Crime Syndicate of America, Felix Faust, Gentleman Ghost, Joker Junior, Mirror Master, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Penguin II, Royal Flush Gang, the Shark, Dracula, Frankenstein, Orville Gump, the Phantom Zone villains, and Zy-Kree.

Early 1970s--SCOOBY-DOO TEAM-UP # 1--"Man Bat and Robbin'"--Batman and Robin again work with Mystery Inc.  They reference their previous team-ups against the Joker and Penguin.

April 1975 --Brave and the Bold #118-- "May the Best Man Die"--Batman and Wildcat vs. the Joker.

Sep/Oct 1975 --Joker #3--"The Last Ha Ha"--Guest starring the Creeper.  

Summer 1976Justice League of America #135–137 (Oct.–Dec. 1976)--Bruce Wayne briefly emerges from retirement to attend a dinner honoring Dick Grayson, the first time Dick has been publicly feted since embarking on a solo crimefighting career. The Caped Crusaders are enlisted by the god Mercury to stop the villainous King Kull. Bruce and Dick join forces with Hawkman and Hawkgirl and Mr. Scarlet and Pinky to defeat a group of villains including the Golden Age Joker. Bruce's efforts are stymied by the fact that the mystical energies of an orbiting satellite have turned half his jaw to steel, although the satellite's destruction later returns him to normal.  
NOTES: This story was the first Silver Age/Bronze Age appearance of the Golden Age Joker and the only JLA/JSA adventure in which the Golden Age Batman took an active role, although his involvement in the story is limited. (He and Dick are prominently featured on the covers of Justice League of America #136 and #137, but Batman spends much of the adventure talking like the old Dick Tracy villain Mumbles!). Mr. Scarlet and Pinky were Fawcett Comics characters, created by France E. Herron and artist Jack Kirby; they debuted in Wow Comics #1 (Dec. 1940). King Kull, another Fawcett character, first appeared in Marvel Family #67 (Jan. 1952); he was created by Otto Binder and artist Kurt Schaffenberger. The Silver Age Hawkman and Hawkgirl debuted in Brave and the Bold #34 (March 1961), by Gardner Fox and Joe Kubert.
1978 Barbara Gordon-Grayson is shot by the Joker and suffers permanent spinal damage. Her father James Gordon is kidnapped and tortured to death. 

 * The LHA Oddities (Crazy Ivan, Slap Shot, the Instigator, Mad Maxx, & Practical Joker) arrive from 1995, vs Disco Inferno in VA.

Fall 1980--BATMAN VS. THE INCREDIBLE HULK: THE MONSTER AND THE MADMAN--Batman II (Dick Grayson) must face off against the Hulk (who is Bruce's old friend David Banner). The set-up is created by the Joker and the Shaper of Worlds.

March–June 1981--Wonder Woman #277–280--Helena Wayne and Harry Sims have an awkward discussion about Harry's knowledge of Helena's secret identity and their budding romantic interest in one another. Their conversation is interrupted by news of a prison riot at Gotham's Gull Island Penitentiary, led by Lionmane, a brutal former henchman of the Catwoman. Meanwhile, the Joker escapes from prison and nearly kills Harry with deadly laughing gas. 

July–Sept. 1981--Wonder Woman #281–283--The Huntress pursues the Joker, eventually enlisting the aid of Dick Grayson as Batman in order to draw the Clown Prince of Crime out of hiding.

Oct.–Nov. 1981--Wonder Woman #284–285--The Huntress and Dick join forces again to clear their law partner, Arthur Cranston, of a bogus fraud charge. Later, they save Harry Sims, still in the hospital recovering from the Joker's attack, from a vengeful escaped convict.

April, 1983Wonder Woman #305–307 (July–Sept. 1983)--The Undertaker's allies, Dr. Amos Tarr and Professor Fether, abduct the Huntress and take her to Arkham Asylum, which the villains have commandeered for their own purposes. Despite being injected with a potent hallucinogenic drug that induces troubling visions of her parents the Huntress manages to escape with the aid of undercover policeman Gary Minelli
NOTES: The names Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether were clearly inspired by the title characters of Edgar Allen Poe's 1850 short story "The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether." Tarr's first appearance was in the Huntress story in Wonder Woman #301 (March 1983), Fether's in #304 (June 1983). Curiously, none of Batman's old foes are seen in Arkham in this storyline, although Brave and the Bold #200, published contemporaneously, shows that the Joker is again an inmate there. 

April 24, 1983Brave & Bold #200 (July 1983)--At Arkham, Nicholas Lucian, alias Brimstone, regains consciousness after a 28-year coma only to learn that his body has atrophied from years of disuse and his Batman is dead, denying Lucian his revenge. Although Lucian is physically almost helpless, he discovers that he can exert mental control over his grand-nephew, a law-abiding citizen of whose existence Lucian has long been dimly aware. Lucian forces his puppet to carry out a campaign of terror directed at the current Batman, but the younger Lucian eventually breaks free of his uncle's control, causing psychic feedback that leaves the elder Lucian conscious but completely paralyzed. 
NOTES: Lucian is informed of the Golden Age Batman's death by the Joker, also an inmate of Arkham and now looking considerably older and more decrepit than in his previous appearances. This was the Golden Age Joker's final pre-Crisis appearance. Arkham is called the Arkham Institute in this story; in the contemporaneous Huntress story in Wonder Woman, it is alternately described as the Arkham Sanitarium and the Arkham Home for the Criminally Insane.

DC Comics Presents #72

August 1984 --DC Comics Presents #72 --"Madness in a Dark Dimension"--The Joker teams up with Superman and the Phantom Stranger!

November 1984 --Saga of Swamp Thing #30-- "A Halo of Flies"--Swamp Thing comes to Gotham and encounters the Joker and Floronic Man.  

December 1984-SPIDER-MAN AND BATMAN: DISORDERED MINDS--Spidey teams up with Batman II (Dick Grayson) against the Joker and Carnage. Note that in this reality, the Venom and Carnage sagas must have occurred earlier in order to it into the original Spider-Man timeline.

Late July 1985--CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS--The Joker appears (likely this is Jack Napier). He is present when Batman (Bruce Wayne Junior) sees the vision of the Flash, and later participates in a massive army of villains gathered by Luthor and Brainiac.

Schablotski, dressed like a...
JUL 28 - LIKE A SURGEON - Beauford "Ford" O'Donald, a classmate of Jack Kingsley from Belfry, New Jersey, turns up in Oldham Asylum in LeStrange KY, after a run-in with the Church of the Sleeping God. Jack and Peter Fitzhume Sr pose as psychiatrists to see him, with Ron tagging along, posing as their intern. Ford reveals to them that the Church was scouting areas around the country for a powerful ritual, under the guise of being roadies for Weird Al Yankovic and the Monkees (Peter Tork, Mickey Dolenz, and Davy Jones) on their concert tour (currently in Louisville). The cultists are exposed and flee. Jack claims to be Ford's personal doctor to have him transferred to the Dunwich Mental Institute, but instead O'Donald joins the Enigma Quorum to help track down the cult's chosen location, which he knows must be near by. Ron Schablotski is so impressed by Yankovic (of whom he was already a fan) that he adopts a most unfortunate hairstyle for a time, and will later use the nickname "Crazy Ivan" in homage to "Weird Al".
Yup, that's not a wig
Davy Jones of the Monkees and Weird Al Yankovic have both met Mystery Inc. in animated form; on a 1972 episode of THE NEW SCOOBY DOO MOVIES called "The Haunted Houseman of Hagglethorn Hall" and a 2011 episode of BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD titled "Bat-Mite Presents: Batman's Strangest Cases" respectively (the latter crossover also involving Batman, Robin, the Joker, the Penguin, and Bat-Mite). Additionally, The Monkees have met the Penguin, Dracula, and other fictional figures on various episodes of their own show, THE MONKEES (1966-1968). Dunwich Mental Institute is from a 2008 episode of FRINGE. Ford O'Donald, Belfry, Lestrange, Oldham Asylum, and the Church of the Sleeping God are my own inventions. Regrettably, Ron's new hairstyle actually happened.

November 1987--POWERKID # 63--"Possessed"--Bob's sister Michelle is possessed by Satan, and since that's not his area, he turns to the Monster Club, a team of teenagers that consist of a vampire, witch, werewolf, and ghost. They live in Hadenville, Ohio, which is also the location for the headquarters of the new Heroes of Earth introduced in Heroes. It's also the setting for Dark Knight over Hadenville, a 1989 story in which a troubled teen creates his own Batman costume and become a vigilante. That story concludes with the real Batman and Joker appearing, in their post-crisis versions, which for the TVCU would be Bruce Wayne Junior and Jack Napier. (There's some that feel that this Joker might actually be an immortal who was the original Joker. Others might argue that the clown prince here is Creed Bratton of the Grassroots and the Office.) The werewolf teen of the Monster Club is named Gary Talbot, and yes, he is related to Larry Talbot, the Wolf Man. Satan is a villain from...well, you know. 

Summer 1993--PUNISHER/BATMAN: DEADLY KNIGHTS--The Punisher once more teams with Batman, who is now Bruce Wayne Junior returned to the cape and cowl. The Punisher notes that this is not the same Batman he previously encountered.

1994--INNER TOOB--An O'Bservation from Toby O'Brien regarding the second Joker. "In fact, 1994 on the Toobworld timeline could mean that the Joker might have been murdered by the Trickster, who either wanted the sobriquet for himself, or was just following the tradition of the young gun supplanting the legend."

1995--MAY-- * Animal, Big-O, Captain Heavy-Stress, Freebird, LOUd Boy, Mandatory Voluntary Man, Oxymoron, Mysterious Ranger, Oddiot, Instigator, Dormant Jean, Head, Whipping Boy, Monty Carlo, Rat-Boy, Slap Shot, Incredible Sulk, Dippity-Doo, (Johnson), Mosquito Bandito, & Practical Joker are assigned to Blue Jacket Special Division: LHA Oddities, & put on board USS Saucepan. [ACTS OF WAR: CARIBBEAN FRONT]

1995--OCT-- * Crazy Ivan, Incredible Sulk, Practical Joker, & WaveTech stop kamikaze attack by Shukenja & Shusui on Waterside Mall in Norfook; Japanese criminals disappear when things get nasty.

1996--MAR-- * Practical Joker basks in the sun in Geronimo Bay, Cuba.


November 1996--DEXTER'S LABORATORY--"TV Super Pals"--Dexter and Dee Dee audition to be Major Glory's sidekick; The Infragable Krunk wants to watch his favorite TV show; Dexter is trapped inside a video game. The Disgruntled Postman is very similar in appearance to the Joker wearing a postman's uniform. His skin is white; his hair green; and his lips are red. He wears a postman's uniform consisting of a light blue long-sleeved collared shirt, a black tie, blue shorts, black knee length socks, black shoes, and a blue postman's hat.

Release Dates: October 4, 1997
Animated Series Crosses: Batman: The Animated Series
The Story: The Joker and Lex Luthor join forces, which brings Superman and Batman together for the first time as allies.
Notes: Though Superman: TAS is technically a spin-off of Batman: TAS, as they were meant from the start to share a reality, this was the first episode to actually demonstrate that the two series shared a reality, and this story would be the genesis for the expansion that would lead to Batman Beyond, Justice League, the Zeta Project, and Justice League Unlimited. These three episodes originally aired as one singular movie, and were then split into a three parter for syndication. It can be found on DVD as the Batman/Superman Movie. Historically, Superman debuted in Action Comics # 1, June 1938, and Batman first appeared in Detective Comics # 27, May 1939. The two first shared a cover in New York World’s Fair Comics 1940, but the covers at that time were not considered part of the in-story canon. A year later, they would both regularly be featured in World’s Finest Comics, but during the golden age of the 1940s, they appeared in separate, unrelated stories. In All-Star Comics # 3, they were both mentioned as being honorary members of the Justice Society of America, the first instance in which they were shown to share the same reality. During the 1940s, the two actually appeared three times together as members of the Justice Society. In the Adventures of Superman radio drama, Batman would regularly appear to team-up with Superman. It wasn’t until 1952 that Batman would team-up with Superman in Superman’s book. This was said to be their first meeting, despite the JSA stories, thus being one of the earliest dividing lines between the continuity of the golden age/Earth-2 and silver age/Earth-1 stories. In 1954, World’s Finest Comics began featuring the Superman-Batman team as the featured story, mostly because they had to reduce the page count for economic reasons and so had one story for both rather than two separate tales. The success of the Superman-Batman team in World’s Finest has continued a tradition of teaming up DC’s most popular two characters, and soon (as of this writing), a live action feature film will finally be released putting the two iconic characters together.

Release Date: January - February 1999 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Batman (Modern Age/Post Crisis); Hellboy (comics); Starman (Jack Knight)
Horror Crosses: Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos
The Story: Batman, Hellboy, and Starman must team up against a Neo-Nazi cult trying to raise a Lovecraftian Elder God.
Notes: Anything that crosses with Lovecraft gets solidly placed in the Horror Universe. Because of this, the Hellboy comics and movies are in the Horror Universe. This Batman should be Bruce Wayne Junior for Horror Universe purposes. He’s a bit more grim and gritty than his father in the role. (Ironically, BJ was also the 1960s Robin, who was pretty lighthearted and full of bad puns. But an incident with the Joker as told in John Byrne’s Generations explains his new attitude.) This also brings in the modern age Jack Knight Starman series. Interestingly, that Starman series by James Robinson kept the same writer throughout and had a beginning and an ending. And though it took place in the DC Universe, which operated under the comic book time where the entire 75 plus years of DC Comics stories happened in the past 5 - 12 years only, the internal Starman timeline had time moving at the same pace as the real world. Jack’s annual visits with his deceased brother happened annually. The Starman series tied into the entire Starman legacy, as well as Phantom Lady, the Shade, the Black Pirate, and the golden age Justice Society of America. I have no problem with bringing in the JSA and these other characters, keeping in mind that that doesn’t mean that every single appearance is canon in the Horror Universe. Basically, the rule for DC and Marvel super-heroes is that if they get included due to a crossover with a horror series, then only their first appearance and/or origin story gets in as canon, and then whatever stories show up in this guide. The DC and Marvel Universes have very complex mythos regarding their superheroes that don’t work in the Horror Universe. However, they can exist if they had very limited adventures, only operating occasionally, and mostly against more supernatural threats. On the other hand, with super-heroes who are already designed as horror/supernatural characters, such as Hellboy, Vampirella, Doctor Strange, or the Demon, I have no problem including all of their stories that didn’t involve crossovers with other characters, and crossovers with other supernatural/horror characters. While Starman is not a horror character, I feel because of the nature of how his story is told, this story can bring in the entire Jack Knight storyline as told by James Robinson, but not all DC Starman stories.

2000--ALEX RIDER--From James Bojaciuk: As for Alex Rider, here's the vital information. in the Alex Rider novels there are a good number of hints, mild though they be, that Alex is the grandson of James Bond by way of Honeychile Rider (from Doctor No). All of the novels are connected by a single group of villains: the seemingly omnipotent Scorpia.
Scorpia is the Nine. I'll leave a link to a much longer article I wrote on my old blog exploring the connection:…/alex-rider-re...
See More

February 2000--ANGEL--"Smile Time"--In the Angel episode "Smile Time", one of the lab workers at Wolfram and Hart suspects the Joker is behind the large amount of children dying with big smiles on their faces. And considering the Joker of the TVCU is immortal, they might know something about how that is possible, since nobody else does. Coincidentally, Angel has often been compared to Batman.

May 2001--JOKER - MASK--What happens when Gotham City`s Clown Prince of Crime discovers a thousand-year-old relic that will make him invincible? Unfortunately, Batman is about to find out, as two of history`s most madcap maniacs join forces -- literally! And to add insult to injury, Joker/Mask becomes a prime-time television sensation, and you don`t want to know how far he`ll go to keep his ratings high! Joker/Mask is more fun than a barrel of monkeys -- monkeys with hand grenades, that is!

December 2001--the Heroes of bionicle Cameo in Spectre Vol 4 #10 which also takes place during Jokers Last Laugh

Release Date: January 26, 2002
Animated Series Crosses: Batman: The Animated Series
The Story: The Joker comes to Dakota to recruit the mutated gang members, leading to a team-up between Static and Batman.
Notes: This story officially incorporated Static into the DC Animated Universe, and would lead to his incorporation into the mainstream DC Comics universe as well. It’s fitting that Static’s first DCAU crossover would be with the show that launched the DCAU.

2002 to 2003--BIRDS OF PREY--The TVCU version of the Birds of Prey existed in a short lived television series.  Though it was meant to take place in the future of the Smallville Universe, TVCU-3, Toby O'Brien believes it to be the future of Batman'66, making it a contemporary series in that same timeline, which our our purposes is the main TVCU timeline.  That series for our purposes would have featured Barbara Gordon II (daughter of Tony Gordon and niece of the original Barbara Gordon) as Oracle II, Helena Kyle, daughter of "Selina Kyle" from Batman'66, and Dinah Redmond, daughter of the second Black Canary.  This show also featured the second Harley Quinn.

2003--BATMAN:  DEAD END--DC MULTIVERSE (UNCLASSIFIED)--Batman and the Joker face an Alien and three Predators.

Release Date: 2005 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: The Batman (Animated Series); Dracula (The Batman)
Horror Crosses: Carmilla
The Story: Dracula’s coffin ends up in a cemetery in Gotham City. Dracula is then accidentally revived by the Penguin. Dracula then creates an army of vampires, including the Joker.
Notes: This version of Dracula is likely another soul clone. He claims to have been married to Carmilla Karnstein, and that brings in the animated series, The Batman, into the Horror Universe. However, since that cartoon reboots and retells much of the Batman mythos, it’s hard to fit into the Horror Universe. Thus, I must presume that this is yet another alternate timeline, just as with Batman: the Brave and the Bold. In fact, in Brave and the Bold, Bat-Mite demonstrates more than once that every version of Batman depicted in print or onscreen exists within a larger multiverse (which would be the Horror Multiverse for our purposes). Several other stories within this reference guide also demonstrate the existence of this multiverse, which includes the Dark Tower, Anno Dracula, Wonderland, worlds overrun by zombies or devastated by nuclear war, and many more.

2005:A Batman Battles the ScareCrow, Insane Clown the Joker and Lawyer Truned Bruned Madman Two Face 

June 2006--Infinite Crisis #7 --Heroes grieve for Superboy. Metropolis explodes into metahuman war. Bane kills Judomaster. Prometheus kills Deadline. Black Adam beheads Amazo. Superboy-Prime kills Grundy, Mongrel, Geist, Razorsharp, Ballistic, Nightblade, Baron Blitzkrieg, Charaxes and Major Disaster. The Supermen burst in to save the day, taking on Doomsday. Dr. Light has regained her powers. Superman (Kal-L of Krypton II) confronts Alex Luthor finally, but is overcome by Superboy. Bart Allen returns, having grown several years and wearing his grandfather's uniform. He claims that he was the only Flash to be able to return to help against Superboy. Superboy heads for Oa, hoping its destruction will restart the universe. En route, he blasts Zauriel and Breach (who turns into Captain Atom). Looker and Technocrat may have been caught in this blast. Alex Luthor blasts Nightwing. The Lanterns merely slow Superboy, who kills Galius Zed and a Lantern that looks like Tellus. Batman confronts Alex, picking up a gun, and fires, but the gun is empty. Wonder Woman enters with a sword and throws it down. In a way, they're even now. A building collapses and buries Alex. The Supermen take Superboy into a kryptonite field, which doesn't affect him as much, they continue to head straight through Krypton's sun, and crash land on Mogo. All of them find their powers diminished. Superman (Kal-L of Krypton II) dies from the battle after saying goodbye to Power Girl, Superman III (Clark Kent Junior) is left powerless among kryptonite and Superboy is taken captive by the Lantern Corps. Many of the heroes who were in space disappear. A boy on a beach finds a lantern (that of the Tangent universe Green Lantern). Bart hands over the Flash mantle to Jay again, saying that Wally and Linda disappeared with their twins. the Speed Force is destroyed and Bart's power is gone. Jay retains his metahuman speed. Alex Luthor is found by Lex and the Joker, who is still bitter about being ignored. Joker kills him. Diana, Clark and Bruce meet in Gotham. Clark is powerless, Diana sets out to find herself, and Bruce plans to take Rick and Tim on a trip of rediscovery. Final page foreshadows things to come. On Oa, Superboy plots a way out of his green prison. 32 Lanterns died. 50 now guard him. NOTE:When this story was collected in trade paperback, the clicking sound of Batman firing the gun was removed.

October 2008--BIG BANG THEORY--"The Griffin Equivalency"--When Sheldon grins like the Joker, Leonard says, they're not here to kill Batman.

Circa 2009 to 2011--BORED TO DEATH--One of the Joker's makes a cameo.


Ivan and Herbert
Dr. West's reanimate solution
SEP - OCCUPY ARKHAM - Ivan works with Dr. Herbert West at Arkham Sanitarium to research connections between West's reagent and the Mbwun virus, and runs afoul of the Hoaxter, Jackstraw, Moxie Doll & Doxie Moll, the Withering, and the Outsider during a patient mutiny. As Moxie was once a psychiatrist herself, she assists in subverting the revolution, but demands better conditions for herself and the other patients. Ivan is offered a position as a part-time consultant and lab tech.
Mbwun is from RELIC (1995) by Lincoln & Child. Hoaxter, Jackstraw, Moxie Doll & 
The Hoaxter                Jackdaw           The Withering
Doxie Moll, and Withering are modern TVCU counterparts to Batman villains Joker, Scarecrow, Harley Quinn (two versions), and Two-Face; Hoaxter was first named in REANIMATOR VS THE ARMY OF DARKNESS #1. The Outsider is from the HPL short story The Outsider, written by H P Lovecraft in 1921), although whether this Outsider is the same being, a reanimated creation of Dr. West, or an otherwise original undead character is yet unknown. Arkham Sanitarium is from Lovecraft's THE THING ON THE DOORSTEP (1933), but is also the hospital where many of Batman's foes are taken, as Arkham Asylum, used in DC Comics first in Batman #258 (1974).
The Outsider, Moxie Doll, & Ivan
Ivan outside Arkham Sanitarium
Moxie Doll is not connected to the BORDERLAND character Moxxie or the MoxieGirl line of Dolls. Dr Herbert West is the fourth in a long line of Arkham doctors with that name, placing him in continuity with Lovecraft's Herbert West–Reanimator(1922), RE-ANIMATOR (the 1985 film), and "The Chronicles of Dr. Herbert West" comic book published by Zenescope in 2008 (which may be the same West that Ivan met).

December 2011--FAMILY GUY--"Grumpy Old Man"--The scene where the drill sergeant with Alzheimer disease is repeatedly cursing at a man he calls a "joker" is a reference to Vietnam war movie Full Metal Jacket by Stanley Kubrick.

Sushi Girl (2012)
Danny Trejo cameos as a killer with a machete. He's unnamed--and, though he's choked unconscious, he survives. I'd say something like, "And he's dressed like Machete," but unless Danny Trejo's in the old west he's always dressed like Machete. Still, it's Machete.
The movie is on Netflix, and I highly recommend it. Mark Hamill has fun playing a version of Ledger's Joker.

The KARATE FIGHTERS toy line is basically Rock-em sock-em robots only with human/monster fighters the plot being they're have a trounment in addition to the original characters they also had KARATE FIGHTERS of Batman the joker form Small soldiers Chip Hazard and Archer Duke and A neo viper form G.I. Joeanother of the fighters seems to be one of the Red Ninja clan form g.i.joe the final 2 figures of the line are raptors fortJurassic park…/reviews/review061105-13.htm

August 2014--So far this Year HHN orlando has no central theme But It seems likely this house will have some crossovers at the Very least Jack and the Cabin in the Woods clown they already have the costumes after all Maybe theJoker too if they still have the outfit form the Bill and Ted show

Universal Orlando News & Rumors

October 2014--n this Episode of WWE on TSN at 2300 Doink the Clown Quotes the Joker"I'm only laughing on the outside
My smile is just skin deep
If you could see inside I'm really crying
You might join me for a weep." Being that Doink at is a Evil Clown I think there's Every possibility that's He's one of  Jack Napier's Former Henchmen…

2014--MORE BLOOD--"Fool's Paradise"--Remo Williams teams up with the fourth Batman against the Joker.  This Batman probably is not Abed Nadir nor Christian Bale.  I expect this to be Damien Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne Junior.  The Joker here is the immortal original Joker.

January 2015--Fast food giant McDonald’s has released a new commercial and ad campaign that is a virtual treasure trove of pop culture archenemies. This new video to go with the “I’m Loving It” tagline includes: Pac Man, Batman, Joker, The Wicked Witch, Dorothy,Spongebob Squarepants, Freddie Krueger, Michael Meyers, Super Mario,King Kruppa, The Smurfs, Gargamel, Wile E Coyote, Road Runner, King Kongand Rock’em Sock’em Robots… but the most impossible to believe archenemies getting together of McDonald’s food… Bears and Packers fans and Republicans and Democrats.

April 2015--In "endgame", the last pre-convergence batman story, the joker is implied to be immortal. That new in-story information may be useful for the tvcu concept.

2050Batman #59 [3] (June/July 1950)--Accidentally transported into the future by Professor Carter Nichols, Batman and Robin meet the future Gotham's police chief, Rokej, a law-abiding descendant of the Joker, compete in an interplanetary race, and apprehend a crooked spacecraft manufacturing engineer who has been sabotaging his own company's ships to make them easy prey for space pirates. 
NOTES: Rokej's exact relationship to the Joker is not specified in this story, nor is there any explanation of why the Joker's descendant would also have green hair and white skin. (This story was published roughly seven months before Detective Comics #168 (Feb. 1951), which was the first story to establish that the Joker's hair and unusual pallor were the result of chemical exposure.)

EARTH-27--it_s_simple__we_kill_the_doctor___no_wait__batman__by_nebezial-d6yi2xh (1).jpg

Earth 992Numerical designation by John Wells after the month and date -- September, 1992 -- thatBatman: The Animated Series went on the air.Batman: The Animated SeriesThe Superman/Batman AdventuresSuperman: The Animated SeriesThe New Batman AdventuresThe New Batman/Superman AdventuresBatman BeyondGotham GirlsLoboStatic ShockThe Zeta ProjectJustice LeagueTeen TitansZatannaJustice League UnlimitedKrypto the SuperdogLegion of Super HeroesBatman: Mask of the PhantasmBatman & Mr. Freeze: SubZeroBatman Beyond: Return of the JokerBatman: Mystery of the BatwomanTeen Titans: Trouble in TokyoSuperman: Brainiac Attacks
  • An Earth populated by less dark incarnations of the heroes of the present-day DC universe.
Batman: The Animated Series

EARTH-74425--Significant InhabitantsAction JacksonAquamanBat-GirlBatmanKit CarsonCaptain AmericaCatwomanDracula, the Frankenstein monsterJoker, the MummyMr. MxyzptikPenguinRiddlerRobinSpider-ManCaptain MarvelSupergirlSupermanTiger JackWerewolfKit and Tex WillerWonder Woman.  (Albi Super-Eroi I#43/Capitan America I#44/L'Uomo Ragno I#121) - The criminals Mr. Mxyzptik, Penguin, Riddler and Joker joined their forces and, using some deadly laser handguns, tried to disintegrate Action Jackson. He easily avoided them.

Lego Universe--A version of the Joker exists here, who encounters the Simpsons and many others from licensed products created by Lego.

Writers wanted for TVCU Crew: The Next Generation. As the TVCU enters its fifth year, many of us have moved onto other projects, while still trying to hold on dearly to our roots in the TVCU. I never want to stop doing the TVCU, despite the books, nor do I want it to become one of those stagnant, dead sites like has happened to so many of my other favorite fan sites. So as I put the call out in 2011 for guest writers and TVCU Crew members, I now do so again. If you are a fan of the TVCU, and why are you reading this if you aren't, if you have any topic you'd like to tackle, please do so. For those who are already admins on the blog, you of course need no further permission to post, but for anyone else, feel free to submit to me if you have a guest post you'd like to submit. Just make sure that you keep to the rules, precedents, and format as established from previous posts, while remembering not to worry so much about the rules, precedents, and format as established from previous posts. What does that mean? It should be clearly a blog that is easily recognizable as a TVCU blog, and sticks to the core canon, but you should feel free to express yourself in your own writing style. For an example of how you can do your own thing while sticking to the TVCU way, I suggest taking a look at my posts on A Nightmare on Elm Street and Offspring of Zed, James Bojaciuk's posts on Wonderland and My Little Pony, and Gordon Long's posts on Rankin-Bass and Groundhogs' Day. Each of those are very different, and yet stick to the same basics for formatting and stick to the core rules of the TVCU. The most important thing is have fun. I have not yet ever turned down a post submitted to me, nor even told the writer to make changes before submission. Our blog gets about 10,000 views a month when we actively post new stuff and updates, and about 9,00 monthly views when we do absolutely nothing. So it's a good opportunity if you want to be a professional writer to get some exposure. Though James and I own the site, anything you write is your intellectual property. We may reuse excerpts in other posts (when a crossover from one post affects your subject). And we are currently working on TVCU books that will offer reprinted posts with new material. If we should select your post for inclusion, we would not do so without your permission, and you would be properly compensated for its use, just as if you were contributing to an anthology. So please, start watching and start writing.

James adds, " I'll also note, for anyone interested in taking part (and you should! This is fantastic fun!), that this is my all-time favorite TVCU article of all the ones I've written:"

James Bojaciuk also raises a good point. The TVCU isn't just about TV, though most of my focus goes there because it's the medium I know best that seems to get the least exposure when talking about crossovers. Literary works and video games are two areas that are perfectly acceptable, for instance, that have not really been explored much. James is the brave soul who tackles the literary aspects of the TVCU, and does so extremely well. Also, note, that even with our "observe and report" methodology, we do from time to time, come up with some great theories, like the Holmes tulpa, the Zed Anomaly, Armand Tesla, ect. If you've read the blog for a while, you probably understand it. Don't hold back for fear of rejection. Have fun with it. Remember, this is a world where Creed from the Office was the 1960s Joker, where Abed is now Batman, and where Cleveland and Charlie Brown are related.


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