Updated April 1st, 2020 The Strange Life and Interesting Timeline of Ivan Ronald Schablotski (All the stuff that happened before Ivan split into 1van and 2van) by Kevin Heim Notes highlighted in Yellow are recent additions to the timeline. Ivan Schablotski with TVCU founder Rob Wronski Jr, and the Horror Crossover Encyclopedia, 2015. Please note: This page is now dedicated solely to events that took place before Ivan was split amidst a time travel paradox occurring between 2015, 1942, 2015, and 1942. All of the original material is still intact, including the original introduction, as the other pages deal with either 1van or IIvan, and you should really know who this/these character/s is/are before going to either of those timelines. This does not mean there will be no new content on this page. As more stories get published, more details of Ivan's early life will be revealed. In 2020, a story set in 1987, and another one set in 2014, will be publishe...
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