
Showing posts from March, 2015

Let’s discuss the book…

For those who have read the Horror Crossover Encyclopedia, what crossover that you previously didn’t know about did you find to be the most interesting?

Return of the Quickie: Comics to Screen Part II: Marvel Comics

This blog post is about Marvel Comics characters that have been adapted to the it relates to the multiverses of Marvel Canon.  My upcoming TELEVISION CROSSOVER UNIVERSE:  WORLDS AND MYTHOLOGY will cover how Marvel Comics characters and series fit into the Television Crossover Multiverse, and my other upcoming book, the Cartoon Crossover Encyclopedia, will do the same for Marvel characters and series in the Cartoon Multiverse.  But Marvel over the years has also established that their own shows and movies exist within their own multiverse.  And so that's what I'm talking about today, since this is a blog about shared realities of television and film.  Omniverse Originally according to The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 2004, "the omniverse is the collection of every single universe, multiverse, dimension (alternate or pocket) and realm." Megaverse There are certain universes which are tied to the Marvel multiverse – such as the...