I'll Be Back: The Terminator Crossover Timelines
This is one I've meant to do for a long time. It's been on my to-do list from way back when I did the Alien/Predator post. So glad to finally tackle this. My plan is to cover all the timelines, and differentiate the different timelines, and of course, see how crossovers connect this franchise to the greater Television Crossover Universe and Multiverse.
Timeline 1: The Original Film Quadrilogy (Note that time changes throughout the series, but I still consider it mostly one intact timeline.)
1959--Birth of Sarah Connor.
May 1984--Terminator--The present day events of this film. Note that there has been several comics related to Terminator which I believe to mostly take place in this original timeline. Crossovers include RoboCop Versus the Terminator, Aliens versus Predator versus the Terminator, and Terminator/RobobCop: Kill Human. There has also been video games and novels.
1997--Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines--Sarah Connor dies of Leukemia.
2003--Terminator: Salvation--Past events of this film.
2004--Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines--The present day events of this film.
In the year 1995, at the end of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Sarah Connor, her son John and the 800-series Terminator successfully destroy the T-1000, as well as the arm and CPU chip from the Terminator sent back to 1984 in the first film. The T-800 from the second film, at its own request, is then also destroyed to eliminate any future technology that could be used to create Skynet through reverse engineering. Despite this, at the beginning of the television series, a T-888 using the name "Cromartie" is sent back to 1999 to kill John. "Cameron", a Terminator that John sent back from 2029 to protect his younger self, leaps forward in time with John and Sarah to the year 2007 to prevent a delayed Judgment Day once and for all. Now wanted fugitives with the fear of pending leukemia preying on Sarah's mind, they must also face the reality that other enemies from the future could be after them.
1973--Terminator: Genysis--Pops arrives to save Sarah.
May 1984--Terminator: Genysis--The 1984 events of this film.
August 29, 1997--Terminator: Genysis--Judgement Day before time travel happens.
August 2017--Terminator: Genysis--The present day events of this film.
1998--Terminator: Dark Fate--After having changed the future (following T2), John Connor is killed by a Terminator in 1998.
Sometime before 2020--Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath--Mortal Kombat involves (lately) pulling other characters from throughout the multiverse. The Dark Fate version of Arnold's Terminator appears where he does battle with the Peter Weller version of Robocop. The Terminator 3 version of Arnold's Terminator is also used.
2020--Terminator: Dark Fate--The present day events of this film. Shortly after the events of this film the new "Judgement Day" occurs, based on the age of the actress playing Grace and her 10 year old counterpart.
2042--Terminator: Dark Fate--Future events of this film.
Timeline 5: Superman vs. The Terminator: Death to the Future (The DC Universe)
This timeline is only one of many that involve crossovers, and amounts to little so far as Terminator continuity is concerned, but it is firmly rooted in Post-Crisis DC Continuity with the clone Superboy and the extradimensional protoplasmic Supergirl. The future that Superman travels to may even have been the ultimate fate of that world, had not reality been changed by Superboy-Prime not long afterwards.
May 1984--Terminator--The present day events of this film. A Terminator is sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor in the present, before she can give birth to John Connor. The Terminator is defeated.
Release Date: June 18, 1993 (Contemporary Setting; See Notes)
Series: Last Action Hero
Horror Crosses: A Nightmare on Elm Street; King Kong
Non-Horror Crosses: Basic Instinct; Terminator
The Story: A boy gets a golden ticket and finds himself in the universe in which his favorite film hero exists.
Notes: The boy is from the “real world”, which I tend to refer to as Earth-Prime. His film hero must exist in the Horror Universe. In relation to the other crosses, this film’s police station scene must occur on the same day as the famed leg crossing interrogation scene from Basic Instinct as Sharon Stone is seen in the same outfit while walking out of the station. As she is leaving the station, she is passed by the Terminator posing as a cop from T2, thus also placing the scene during the events of that film. A more complicated cameo is an appearance of Freddy at the L.A. police station being arrested. He should be dead and in Hell. And not in L.A. I have a wild theory that perhaps he managed to come back, and got pulled out of a dream, where he becomes a wussy wimp. Later, the main villain of this film finds his way to the real world, and attempts to bring Freddy and King Kong along. However, those dream demons who gave Freddy his powers are also in the real world at this time (in Wes Craven’s New Nightmare) with a new Freddy, and likely banished Freddy back to Hell behind the scenes following the events of this film. And finally, yes, there is an animated cat in the police station, which everyone dismisses as normal except for the visitor from “the real world”. As seen in Evil Toons, the Necronomicon ex Mortis can be used to bring cartoon characters to life. The Earth Day Special and Looney Tunes: Back in Action show examples where this might have also been the case. This film must be another instance where magic from the Necronomicon ex Mortis or a similar type of magic has brought a cartoon character to life. As in the other examples, the magic seems to make all around the magic see the situation as normal, but since the boy is from another reality, he must not be affected by the magic.
1992--Rambo versus Terminator Toy Pack--Apparently this is a thing that existed. A two pack action figure set (foreign) came out (with a commercial) that pitted Rambo against the Terminator!
Timeline 1: The Original Film Quadrilogy (Note that time changes throughout the series, but I still consider it mostly one intact timeline.)
1959--Birth of Sarah Connor.
May 1984--Terminator--The present day events of this film. Note that there has been several comics related to Terminator which I believe to mostly take place in this original timeline. Crossovers include RoboCop Versus the Terminator, Aliens versus Predator versus the Terminator, and Terminator/RobobCop: Kill Human. There has also been video games and novels.
February 28, 1985--Terminator 2: Judgement Day--Birth of John Connor.
July 1994--Terminator 2: Judgement Day--The present day events of this film.
T2-3-D--Battle Across Time--Universal Studios theme park attraction is a sequel.
August 29, 1997--Terminator 2: Judgement Day--This would have been Judgement Day, had not time travel interference cause the date to move up to 2004.
T2-3-D--Battle Across Time--Universal Studios theme park attraction is a sequel.
August 29, 1997--Terminator 2: Judgement Day--This would have been Judgement Day, had not time travel interference cause the date to move up to 2004.
1997--Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines--Sarah Connor dies of Leukemia.
2003--Terminator: Salvation--Past events of this film.
2004--Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines--The present day events of this film.
2018--Terminator Salvation: The Machinima Series--Blair Williams is fighting the war against the machines in downtown Los Angeles while tracking down the infamous hacker "the ghost" and trying to pursue him to join sides with the resistance.
May 2018--Terminator: Salvation--The present day events of this film.
May 2018--Terminator: Salvation--The present day events of this film.
2029--Terminator--The future setting.
2029--Terminator 2: Judgement Day--The future setting.
2033--Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines--The future setting.
Timeline 2:
2029--Terminator 2: Judgement Day--The future setting.
2033--Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines--The future setting.
Timeline 2:
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
In the year 1995, at the end of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Sarah Connor, her son John and the 800-series Terminator successfully destroy the T-1000, as well as the arm and CPU chip from the Terminator sent back to 1984 in the first film. The T-800 from the second film, at its own request, is then also destroyed to eliminate any future technology that could be used to create Skynet through reverse engineering. Despite this, at the beginning of the television series, a T-888 using the name "Cromartie" is sent back to 1999 to kill John. "Cameron", a Terminator that John sent back from 2029 to protect his younger self, leaps forward in time with John and Sarah to the year 2007 to prevent a delayed Judgment Day once and for all. Now wanted fugitives with the fear of pending leukemia preying on Sarah's mind, they must also face the reality that other enemies from the future could be after them.
2008--EniTechResearch--This is a viral marketing, online spinoff from the series.
Timeline 3: Terminator: Genysis
Timeline 3: Terminator: Genysis
1973--Terminator: Genysis--Pops arrives to save Sarah.
May 1984--Terminator: Genysis--The 1984 events of this film.
August 29, 1997--Terminator: Genysis--Judgement Day before time travel happens.
August 2017--Terminator: Genysis--The present day events of this film.
November 2019--Blade Runner--Reese refers to Pops as a "Skin Job", a term used in Blade Runner for replicants. Blade Runner actually takes place in the Xenoverse, but it's possible it could have taken place in this timeline as well. The Blade Runner sequel wouldn't fit in this timeline though since the future events of Genysis would take place 20 years before the events of the Blade Runner sequel.
2029--Terminator: Genysis--Future events of this film.
Timeline 4: Terminator: Dark Fate
2029--Terminator: Genysis--Future events of this film.
Timeline 4: Terminator: Dark Fate
1998--Terminator: Dark Fate--After having changed the future (following T2), John Connor is killed by a Terminator in 1998.
Sometime before 2020--Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath--Mortal Kombat involves (lately) pulling other characters from throughout the multiverse. The Dark Fate version of Arnold's Terminator appears where he does battle with the Peter Weller version of Robocop. The Terminator 3 version of Arnold's Terminator is also used.
2020--Terminator: Dark Fate--The present day events of this film. Shortly after the events of this film the new "Judgement Day" occurs, based on the age of the actress playing Grace and her 10 year old counterpart.
2042--Terminator: Dark Fate--Future events of this film.
Timeline 5: Superman vs. The Terminator: Death to the Future (The DC Universe)
This timeline is only one of many that involve crossovers, and amounts to little so far as Terminator continuity is concerned, but it is firmly rooted in Post-Crisis DC Continuity with the clone Superboy and the extradimensional protoplasmic Supergirl. The future that Superman travels to may even have been the ultimate fate of that world, had not reality been changed by Superboy-Prime not long afterwards.
May 1984--Terminator--The present day events of this film. A Terminator is sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor in the present, before she can give birth to John Connor. The Terminator is defeated.
February 28, 1985--Terminator 2: Judgement Day--Birth of John Connor.
July 1994--Terminator 2: Judgement Day--The present day events of this film. John and Sarah Connor get help from a reprogrammed T-800 Terminator to defeat a T-1000 Terminator, both robots having been sent from the future.
1999 -- Still on the run from time traveling terminators, Sarah and John wind up in Metropolis. Superman aids them against a T-800, then gets sucked into the year 2032. He returns and helps Supergirl, Superboy and the Connors fight multiple waves of Terminators, plus a T-X and Cyborg Superman. Lex Luthor mentions being a supporter of SkyNet, and expects to be in charge if the system ever goes online.
2032 -- Superman from 1999 meets old man Steel and John Connor and helps them destroy SkyNet. Superman returns to 1999.
Note that on the Superboy television series, which is in it's own continuity, Superboy also fights a Terminator knock-off.
Timeline 6: The Television Crossover Universe (alternately referred to as the Horror Universe)
There are many timelines that connect Terminator to the TVCU, but in the TVCU, Judgement Day has not yet happened, though it's still possible that a future ruled by Skynet may still be a possible alternate future of the TVCU.
July 1994--Terminator 2: Judgement Day--The present day events of this film. John and Sarah Connor get help from a reprogrammed T-800 Terminator to defeat a T-1000 Terminator, both robots having been sent from the future.
1999 -- Still on the run from time traveling terminators, Sarah and John wind up in Metropolis. Superman aids them against a T-800, then gets sucked into the year 2032. He returns and helps Supergirl, Superboy and the Connors fight multiple waves of Terminators, plus a T-X and Cyborg Superman. Lex Luthor mentions being a supporter of SkyNet, and expects to be in charge if the system ever goes online.
2032 -- Superman from 1999 meets old man Steel and John Connor and helps them destroy SkyNet. Superman returns to 1999.
Note that on the Superboy television series, which is in it's own continuity, Superboy also fights a Terminator knock-off.
Timeline 6: The Television Crossover Universe (alternately referred to as the Horror Universe)
There are many timelines that connect Terminator to the TVCU, but in the TVCU, Judgement Day has not yet happened, though it's still possible that a future ruled by Skynet may still be a possible alternate future of the TVCU.
1984--Transformers vs. the Terminator--It's Skynet vs. Cybertron in a crossover for the ages! 1984: When a deadly race of machines emerge from another time, will a robotic guardian be able to protect the Earth from a dire future... or will the T-800 fail in his mission to prevent the world from becoming a plaything to the Decepticons?
1986--The Hitcher--Takes place at same police station from Terminator.
1986--The Hitcher--Takes place at same police station from Terminator.
1988–1989--WAYNE'S WORLD--I've chosen to place it into the TVCU. I believe the Terminator that ran into Wayne on the highway between Chicago and Milwaukee was later stepped on and destroyed by the T-Rex in the park, thus causing a second one to arrive, this time landing more accurately in L.A. So that means the SNL sketches and both movies are in. Also they made an appearance at the Oscars, if I recall correctly.
1989--The Abyss--The TV anchorman from The Terminator, played by Joe Farago, appeared in The Abyss. The Benthic Petroleum company from The Abyss appeared in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Terminator 2: Judgment Day is followed by three more films and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles televsion series.
1992--WAYNE'S WORLD--After encountering a Terminator (who got beamed to the wrong time and place), Wayne and Garth end up visiting Laverne and Shirley's old neighborhood and taking a tour of Shotz Brewery.
Release Date: June 18, 1993 (Contemporary Setting; See Notes)
Series: Last Action Hero
Horror Crosses: A Nightmare on Elm Street; King Kong
Non-Horror Crosses: Basic Instinct; Terminator
The Story: A boy gets a golden ticket and finds himself in the universe in which his favorite film hero exists.
Notes: The boy is from the “real world”, which I tend to refer to as Earth-Prime. His film hero must exist in the Horror Universe. In relation to the other crosses, this film’s police station scene must occur on the same day as the famed leg crossing interrogation scene from Basic Instinct as Sharon Stone is seen in the same outfit while walking out of the station. As she is leaving the station, she is passed by the Terminator posing as a cop from T2, thus also placing the scene during the events of that film. A more complicated cameo is an appearance of Freddy at the L.A. police station being arrested. He should be dead and in Hell. And not in L.A. I have a wild theory that perhaps he managed to come back, and got pulled out of a dream, where he becomes a wussy wimp. Later, the main villain of this film finds his way to the real world, and attempts to bring Freddy and King Kong along. However, those dream demons who gave Freddy his powers are also in the real world at this time (in Wes Craven’s New Nightmare) with a new Freddy, and likely banished Freddy back to Hell behind the scenes following the events of this film. And finally, yes, there is an animated cat in the police station, which everyone dismisses as normal except for the visitor from “the real world”. As seen in Evil Toons, the Necronomicon ex Mortis can be used to bring cartoon characters to life. The Earth Day Special and Looney Tunes: Back in Action show examples where this might have also been the case. This film must be another instance where magic from the Necronomicon ex Mortis or a similar type of magic has brought a cartoon character to life. As in the other examples, the magic seems to make all around the magic see the situation as normal, but since the boy is from another reality, he must not be affected by the magic.
1992--Rambo versus Terminator Toy Pack--Apparently this is a thing that existed. A two pack action figure set (foreign) came out (with a commercial) that pitted Rambo against the Terminator!
September 1994--Cyber Tracker--When the Tracker is scanning the robot in the bar, you can see some of the types he searched for - one is the T-1000 from Terminator 2.

Cyberdyne and the T-800 are from the film TERMINATOR. The bionic dog was Maximillian, from 1977 episodes of THE BIONIC WOMAN season 3. The talking car is the Knight Industries Two-Thousand, or K.I.T.T., from the 1982 TV series KNIGHT RIDER. Kingsport MA is a location from Lovecraft's short story "The Terrible Old Man" (1921).
2011--King of Tokyo--Matt Hickman informs me: So time for King of Tokyo Crossovers first off King of Tokyo is a board game about giant monsters 1. Meka Dragon https://www.facebook.com/…/a.103531129712…/108239392574576/… Clearly comes form a Version of the the Terminator's time line according to it's bio 2.Karken https://www.facebook.com/…/a.103531129712…/109857492412766/… is A great old One awakened early according to it's bio 3.Brockenbär http://boardgamegeek.com/…/king-of-tokyo-heidelbarger-brock… the mascot for German game Makers Heidelberger Spieleverlag 4.the Alpha Zombie http://boardgamegeek.com/…/king-of-tokyo-alpha-zombie-promo… is the Main Monster Form the Zombie apocalypse Broad Game Zombie 15 assuming Zombie 15 is only one town this isn't a problem http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/144826/zombie-15

Series: Cabin in the Woods
Horror Crosses: Alien; Half-Life; Evil Dead; Poltergeist; Frankenstein (Universal); Child’s Play; Creature from the Black Lagoon; Corpse Bride; Killer Klowns from Outer Space; Stephen King Universe; Killjoy; Devil’s Rejects; Clownhouse; Drive Thru; Funhouse; Amusement; Circus of Fear; Clown Camp; Demonic Toys; Demons; Night of the Demons; Supernatural; Charmed; Gremlins; Ghoulies; Creeps; Troll; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Frankenstein (novel); Dr. Giggles; The Human Centipede; House on Haunted Hill; The Dead Pit; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; The Strangers; Underworld; Attack of the 50 Foot Woman; Troll Hunter; Anaconda; Python; Mega Snake; Snakes on a Plane; Resident Evil; Hellraiser; Cannibal Holocaust; Creepshow; Legend of Sleepy Hollow; Attack of the Jack-O-Lanterns; Pumpkinhead; Frankenfish; The Mummy! Or a Tale of the Twenty-Second Century; The Mummy (Universal); The Hills Have Eyes; Wrong Turn; Chernobyl Diaries; 28 Days Later; Signal; the Works of Quentin Tarantino; Left 4 Dead; Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos; Re-Animator (film); Siren; The Exorcist; The Exorcism of Emily Rose; Reptilicus; Jurassic Park; Abominable Bigfoot; The Legend of Boggy Creek; Ape Canyon; Curse of Bigfoot; Night of the Bloody Apes; Wendigo; Night Beasts; Night of the Scarecrow; Scarecrows; Husk; Scarecrow Gone Wild; The Scarecrows Walk at Midnight; The Town that Dreaded Sundown; The Craft; Witches of Eastwick; Hocus Pocus; Jack Frost; Hellboy (film); Rumplestiltskin; Leprechaun; Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters; Gingerbread Man; The Vampyre; Dracula (novel); Nosferatu; The Wolf Man; An American Werewolf in London; The Howling; Wolf; Texas Chainsaw Massacre; Friday the 13th; Night of the Living Dead; Return of the Living Dead; F.E.A.R.; The Blob; Feast; Horrors of the Wendigo; Frostbiter; Ghost; Bram Stoker’s Dracula (film); The Cyclops; Cyclops Giant; Nightbreed; Leeches!; Attack of the Giant Leeches; Rows of Teeth; The Birds; Killing Birds; Birdemic: Shock and Terror; Silent Hill; Attack of the Killer Lane Gnomes; Alligator; Lake Placid; Them!; Legion of Fire: Killer Ants!; Ants; Empire of the Ants; King Kong; Centipede Horror; The Giant Claw; The Ring; Attack of the Giant Gila Monster; The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms; Tarantula; Eight Legged Freaks; Jaws; Frogs; Lord of Darkness; House of the Dead; The Grudge; Chopping Mall; BlinkyTM; The Kraken; Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep; Octopus; The Beast; Deep Rising; It Came From Beneath the Sea; Tentacles; Eye of the Beast; Mega Shark; Giant Octopus; Castle Freak; Tokyo Gore Police; Septic; Mutants; Ogre; Blood Pool; Legend of the Ogre; Killing Floor; Little Shop of Horrors; The Breed; Hatchet; Phantasm; See No Evil; Thinner; Monster House; Attila; Dead Snow; Frankenstein’s Army; Manhunt; The Monster in the Closet; Killer Eyes; Demomata; CSP-682; Parasite Eve 2; Dead Space; Night of the Lepus; Creature from the Haunted Sea; Tremors; Hostel; The Collection; The Butcher; Dead Rising; My Bloody Valentine; The Exterminator; Willard; War of the Worlds; Signs; Lollipop Chainsaw; Ghost Ship; Curse of the Pirates; Jolly Roger; Lead Soldiers; Vampire Vikings; The Witch; Blair Witch Project; The Village; The Thing; Vampire Breath; Goosebumps; Angel; King Cobra
Non-Horror Crosses: Harry Potter; Wizard of Oz; Great Expectations; Batman; Labyrinth; Land of the Giants; The Wrath of Paul Bunyan; Dreamscape; Last of the Mohicans; Blood Meridian; Scalps; Savage Sam; Sin City; Kevin Spencer; We Need to Talk About Kevin; Jacob’s Ladder; Doctor Who; Black Swan; Pan’s Labyrinth; Nutcracker; Blade Hunter; The Chronicles of Narnia; Time Bandits; The Princess and the Frog; Pirates of the Caribbean; Futurama; The Incredible Shrinking Man; Pee-Wee’s Playhouse; Red Planet; Terminator; Zathura; Hardware; Robot Wars; Bacterial Contamination; Firefly; Clash of the Titans; Team Fortress; Man from Planet X; Starship Troopers; Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal; Twisted Metal
The Story: A group of teens head out for a weekend in a cabin in the woods, not knowing that they have been chosen as sacrifices to an ancient deity in order to save the world from his wrath.
Notes: This film exposes the secret truth behind modern horror. Behind it all is a secret organization, chosen to sacrifice youth to ancient gods. All of the above named crossovers have been linked in this film, and revealed to be part of this secret conspiracy. Most of the crossovers above come from the monsters and artifacts contained in the facility. While some of the monsters and artifacts are clearly from certain films above, many are based on certain types of horror films, in which case I included the more well-known of these film types. I recommend the well-researched Cabin in the Woods Wiki for a more detailed listing of the monsters and their inspirations. Note that I included in the above crossovers some monsters that only appeared in the official novelization and the official Universal Theme Park attraction tie-in. With this film, I break one of my major rules of crossover connecting. Though some of the crosses are direct crosses, like Evil Dead and Left 4 Dead, most of them are only connected because the films represent the more well-known films of the trope from which a certain monster comes. Normally, I would not count something that is “like something from”, but there is dialogue within the film that makes me break my rule. In one scene, referring to the monsters, security officer Daniel Truman says “They’re like something from a nightmare.” Lin, a head scientist, responds, “No, they’re something nightmares are from.” She goes on to explain that these monsters are the creations of the Ancient Ones, having been around since the beginning, and different cultures have told stories that interpret them in different ways. Thus, in the instance of this film, “like” is enough because of the author’s intent. And thus my love/hate relationship with Joss Whedon, for expanding the Horror Universe dramatically but making me do a lot of work to write this entry. Note that this film ends with the start of an apocalypse, so the end must veer into a divergent timeline. We must presume in the main Horror Universe, the virgin shot the fool. And if you haven’t seen the movie, that last sentence probably seems very bizarre. This film has been referenced as fictional in South Park, The Cinema Snob, Scary Movie 5, and Doc of the Dead. It is also paid homage to in Red Dawn when Chris Hemsworth and his friends once more wind up in a cabin in the woods. The film has also been spoofed in Robot Chicken and Scary Movie 5.
May 1999--AMERICAN PIE--Four male teen virgins make a pact to support each others efforts to lose their virginity by prom night. After almost nailing the hot exchange student Nadia, Jim ends up going to the prom with band geek Michelle, who really surprises him. Oz tries to become a more sensitive guy and joins the chorus, and finds himself falling in love with chorus girl Heather. Kevin already has a girlfriend, and thinks things will be easy for him, but his relationship with Vicky isn't as solid as he thinks. And Finch's plan to spread false rumors about himself fails thanks to a prank by Stifler, but in the end, Stifler will regret the prank when Finch meets Stifler's mom. Note that this film marks the creation of the term MILF, much to the delight of internet pornographers everywhere. Throughout all the American Pie films, the beer of choice is Heisler Beer. This is a fictional beer company that has appeared elsewhere as well, including TRAINING DAY, SUPERBAD, BEERFEST, MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE, MY NAME IS EARL, STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE, CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, THE RECRUIT, THE SHIELD, STEALING HARVARD, BONES, BURN NOTICE, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, DOLLHOUSE, EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS, HAPPY ENDINGS, HEROES, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, NEW GIRL, PRISON BREAK, TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES, TWO AND A HALF MEN, VERONICA MARS, WEEDS, WHITE COLLAR and many others. This film came out in 1999. It has a contemporary setting, and takes place in the weeks leading up to prom, thus the timeline placement.
Release Date: November 2000 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: The Executioner
Horror Crosses: Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos; King Kong; Frankenstein (novel)
Non-Horror Crosses: Batman; Doc Savage; Crocodile Dundee; Blue Thunder; Terminator
The Story: A group of K’tulu worshipping Nazis create a super soldier.
Notes: K’tulu surely is Cthulhu and the link to Lovecraft brings the Executioner into the Horror Universe. The super-soldier is compared to King Kong, the Frankenstein Monster, the Riddler, Doc Savage, Crocodile Dundee, and the T1000 Terminator. Those could be pop culture references, comparing him to fictional characters. However, since the Lovecraft element places this in the Horror Universe already, and some of those compared to are also already in the Horror Universe, then we should just assume these are all references to real people. Thus, the reference to Crocodile Dundee brings his film series into the Horror Universe. Likewise, a reference to the Blue Thunder helicopter in this book also brings in that film and television series. Terminator is also brought in, but a few things should be noted. First, the ever changing Terminator future timelines should present solid evidence that the future is not set, so many different future stories can all be part of the future of the Horror Universe. Also, one may wonder why I didn’t include Terminator as a horror series, even though I did for Predator and Alien. I’ve also wondered this. But I guess it just comes down to the elements. Sure, the Terminator is a scary monster stalking its prey, but most of the plot is about stopping a post-apocalyptic future from coming about and it’s just much more sci-fi and very little actual horror. If you disagree, feel free to write a your own book.
2008--APR - Ivan and Janos tour the Cyberdyne facility in Kingsport MA. Among the robotics displays in the facility were a T-800 cyborg from the future, a bionic dog created in the 1970s, and a talking car.
Cyberdyne and the T-800 are from the film TERMINATOR. The bionic dog was Maximillian, from 1977 episodes of THE BIONIC WOMAN season 3. The talking car is the Knight Industries Two-Thousand, or K.I.T.T., from the 1982 TV series KNIGHT RIDER. Kingsport MA is a location from Lovecraft's short story "The Terrible Old Man" (1921).
Janos examines some of the recovered cybernetics on display in Cyberdyne's lobby |
September 2008--THE MIDDLEMAN--"The Palindrome Reversal Palindrome"--Includes: Beryllium Spheres (GALAXY QUEST), Oscillation Overthruster (BUCKAROO BANZAI), Polydichloric Euthimal (RELIC, OUTLAND, TERMINATOR 2), Phased Polarons (STAR TREK).
2011--King of Tokyo--Matt Hickman informs me: So time for King of Tokyo Crossovers first off King of Tokyo is a board game about giant monsters 1. Meka Dragon https://www.facebook.com/…/a.103531129712…/108239392574576/… Clearly comes form a Version of the the Terminator's time line according to it's bio 2.Karken https://www.facebook.com/…/a.103531129712…/109857492412766/… is A great old One awakened early according to it's bio 3.Brockenbär http://boardgamegeek.com/…/king-of-tokyo-heidelbarger-brock… the mascot for German game Makers Heidelberger Spieleverlag 4.the Alpha Zombie http://boardgamegeek.com/…/king-of-tokyo-alpha-zombie-promo… is the Main Monster Form the Zombie apocalypse Broad Game Zombie 15 assuming Zombie 15 is only one town this isn't a problem http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/144826/zombie-15
JAN - Ivan starts a job as a technician for Cyberdyne at their facilities in Kingsport, MA, working on guidance / tracking systems for a satellite intended to house a secure backup of the SkyNet OS.
Cyberdyne is the company from TERMINATOR (1984) and its sequels responsible for creating SkyNet and the advanced robotics that lead to SkyNet's cyborg army. Kingsport MA first appeared in Lovecraft's short story "The Terrible Old Man" (1921).

Release Date: April 3, 2012 (See notes for setting)
Series: The Time Travel Guide
Horror Crosses: Evil Dead; Alien
Non-Horror Crosses: Terminator; Doctor Who; Back to the Future; Forbidden Planet; The Time Machine; Time Cop; A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court; Star Trek; Timeline; Stargate; Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure; Hot Tub Time Machine; Star Wars; Futurama; Donnie Darko; Time After Time; Lost; Philadelphia Experiment; 12 Monkeys; Quantum Leap; X-Files; Gundam; Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers; Voltron; iRobot; Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (films); Superman (Christopher Reeve films); Land of the Lost; Battlestar Galactica; Star Trek (reboot); Planet of the Apes; Call of Duty; Muppet Show
The Story: Not so much a story, this is an actual guide for new time travellers written by some guys who live at some point in the future, but who came back in time to publish the book (presumably to avoid an amateur time traveller from screwing up their timeline).
Notes: This story implies that all of the above crosses exist. However, because of the nature of time travel, it’s possible that some of the above may be in divergent timelines while others are part of the main Horror Universe timeline.
Release Date: April 13, 2012 (Contemporary Setting) Series: Cabin in the Woods
Horror Crosses: Alien; Half-Life; Evil Dead; Poltergeist; Frankenstein (Universal); Child’s Play; Creature from the Black Lagoon; Corpse Bride; Killer Klowns from Outer Space; Stephen King Universe; Killjoy; Devil’s Rejects; Clownhouse; Drive Thru; Funhouse; Amusement; Circus of Fear; Clown Camp; Demonic Toys; Demons; Night of the Demons; Supernatural; Charmed; Gremlins; Ghoulies; Creeps; Troll; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Frankenstein (novel); Dr. Giggles; The Human Centipede; House on Haunted Hill; The Dead Pit; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; The Strangers; Underworld; Attack of the 50 Foot Woman; Troll Hunter; Anaconda; Python; Mega Snake; Snakes on a Plane; Resident Evil; Hellraiser; Cannibal Holocaust; Creepshow; Legend of Sleepy Hollow; Attack of the Jack-O-Lanterns; Pumpkinhead; Frankenfish; The Mummy! Or a Tale of the Twenty-Second Century; The Mummy (Universal); The Hills Have Eyes; Wrong Turn; Chernobyl Diaries; 28 Days Later; Signal; the Works of Quentin Tarantino; Left 4 Dead; Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos; Re-Animator (film); Siren; The Exorcist; The Exorcism of Emily Rose; Reptilicus; Jurassic Park; Abominable Bigfoot; The Legend of Boggy Creek; Ape Canyon; Curse of Bigfoot; Night of the Bloody Apes; Wendigo; Night Beasts; Night of the Scarecrow; Scarecrows; Husk; Scarecrow Gone Wild; The Scarecrows Walk at Midnight; The Town that Dreaded Sundown; The Craft; Witches of Eastwick; Hocus Pocus; Jack Frost; Hellboy (film); Rumplestiltskin; Leprechaun; Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters; Gingerbread Man; The Vampyre; Dracula (novel); Nosferatu; The Wolf Man; An American Werewolf in London; The Howling; Wolf; Texas Chainsaw Massacre; Friday the 13th; Night of the Living Dead; Return of the Living Dead; F.E.A.R.; The Blob; Feast; Horrors of the Wendigo; Frostbiter; Ghost; Bram Stoker’s Dracula (film); The Cyclops; Cyclops Giant; Nightbreed; Leeches!; Attack of the Giant Leeches; Rows of Teeth; The Birds; Killing Birds; Birdemic: Shock and Terror; Silent Hill; Attack of the Killer Lane Gnomes; Alligator; Lake Placid; Them!; Legion of Fire: Killer Ants!; Ants; Empire of the Ants; King Kong; Centipede Horror; The Giant Claw; The Ring; Attack of the Giant Gila Monster; The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms; Tarantula; Eight Legged Freaks; Jaws; Frogs; Lord of Darkness; House of the Dead; The Grudge; Chopping Mall; BlinkyTM; The Kraken; Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep; Octopus; The Beast; Deep Rising; It Came From Beneath the Sea; Tentacles; Eye of the Beast; Mega Shark; Giant Octopus; Castle Freak; Tokyo Gore Police; Septic; Mutants; Ogre; Blood Pool; Legend of the Ogre; Killing Floor; Little Shop of Horrors; The Breed; Hatchet; Phantasm; See No Evil; Thinner; Monster House; Attila; Dead Snow; Frankenstein’s Army; Manhunt; The Monster in the Closet; Killer Eyes; Demomata; CSP-682; Parasite Eve 2; Dead Space; Night of the Lepus; Creature from the Haunted Sea; Tremors; Hostel; The Collection; The Butcher; Dead Rising; My Bloody Valentine; The Exterminator; Willard; War of the Worlds; Signs; Lollipop Chainsaw; Ghost Ship; Curse of the Pirates; Jolly Roger; Lead Soldiers; Vampire Vikings; The Witch; Blair Witch Project; The Village; The Thing; Vampire Breath; Goosebumps; Angel; King Cobra
Non-Horror Crosses: Harry Potter; Wizard of Oz; Great Expectations; Batman; Labyrinth; Land of the Giants; The Wrath of Paul Bunyan; Dreamscape; Last of the Mohicans; Blood Meridian; Scalps; Savage Sam; Sin City; Kevin Spencer; We Need to Talk About Kevin; Jacob’s Ladder; Doctor Who; Black Swan; Pan’s Labyrinth; Nutcracker; Blade Hunter; The Chronicles of Narnia; Time Bandits; The Princess and the Frog; Pirates of the Caribbean; Futurama; The Incredible Shrinking Man; Pee-Wee’s Playhouse; Red Planet; Terminator; Zathura; Hardware; Robot Wars; Bacterial Contamination; Firefly; Clash of the Titans; Team Fortress; Man from Planet X; Starship Troopers; Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal; Twisted Metal
The Story: A group of teens head out for a weekend in a cabin in the woods, not knowing that they have been chosen as sacrifices to an ancient deity in order to save the world from his wrath.
Notes: This film exposes the secret truth behind modern horror. Behind it all is a secret organization, chosen to sacrifice youth to ancient gods. All of the above named crossovers have been linked in this film, and revealed to be part of this secret conspiracy. Most of the crossovers above come from the monsters and artifacts contained in the facility. While some of the monsters and artifacts are clearly from certain films above, many are based on certain types of horror films, in which case I included the more well-known of these film types. I recommend the well-researched Cabin in the Woods Wiki for a more detailed listing of the monsters and their inspirations. Note that I included in the above crossovers some monsters that only appeared in the official novelization and the official Universal Theme Park attraction tie-in. With this film, I break one of my major rules of crossover connecting. Though some of the crosses are direct crosses, like Evil Dead and Left 4 Dead, most of them are only connected because the films represent the more well-known films of the trope from which a certain monster comes. Normally, I would not count something that is “like something from”, but there is dialogue within the film that makes me break my rule. In one scene, referring to the monsters, security officer Daniel Truman says “They’re like something from a nightmare.” Lin, a head scientist, responds, “No, they’re something nightmares are from.” She goes on to explain that these monsters are the creations of the Ancient Ones, having been around since the beginning, and different cultures have told stories that interpret them in different ways. Thus, in the instance of this film, “like” is enough because of the author’s intent. And thus my love/hate relationship with Joss Whedon, for expanding the Horror Universe dramatically but making me do a lot of work to write this entry. Note that this film ends with the start of an apocalypse, so the end must veer into a divergent timeline. We must presume in the main Horror Universe, the virgin shot the fool. And if you haven’t seen the movie, that last sentence probably seems very bizarre. This film has been referenced as fictional in South Park, The Cinema Snob, Scary Movie 5, and Doc of the Dead. It is also paid homage to in Red Dawn when Chris Hemsworth and his friends once more wind up in a cabin in the woods. The film has also been spoofed in Robot Chicken and Scary Movie 5.
2012--The Graham Norton Show--"Arnold Schwarzenegger/Ronnie Corbett/Miranda Hart/Usher"--A Terminator is sent back in time to search for Graham Norton.
the Doctor [Hugo] Strange seen in the TVCU
version of the events of the 2011 video game Batman: Arkham City. Poison Holly is one of the TVCU counterparts of Poison Ivy (first app. in Batman #181, June 1966). The Tillinghast Resonator is from FROM BEYOND (a 1934 story by H. P. Lovecraft), while Casanova Frankenstein and his Psycho-Frakulator are from the 1999 film MYSTERY MEN. Eddie Spenser is from The Ghost Busters tv series (1975) and its spin-offs.


FEB 2 - GRAVITY FALLS NO MORE - A videogame arcade in Laconia NH is invaded by the sentient AI called Clever and an extradimensional thought-demon called Cipher, both looking to inhabit human hosts so they can escape the cyberscape and mindscape, respectively. They reason that only one will be able to
succeed within the 24 hour window alloted by the Groundhog's Day anomaly, so they work against each other using a variety of living and technological tools in their paradimensional chess match. Ivan Schablotski takes the call when animatronic animals and arcade games come to life, and encounters the Pines family as they attempt to stop Cipher.
Clever is the A.I. based on the 11th Doctor from the 2013 DOCTOR WHO episode "Nightmare in Silver", as well as the A.I. that controls SkyNet in TERMINATOR: GENISYS (2015) . Cipher is the ultimate antagonist from the Disney XD animated series GRAVITY FALLS (2012-2016), which is also where Dipper, Mabel, and their Grunkel Stan Pines hail from. The Groundhog's Day anomoly is a reference to the film GROUNDHOG'S DAY (1993). Thematically there are similarities to FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S but no actual crossover exists here.
Ivan meets a retired British agent claiming to have been a former 007, whose exploits were fictionalized as those of James Bond, while both men are investigating the Arcadian Assurances Adjustments Agency. Sharing resources, they find that the company has Ivan's entire genome sequence mapped, based on samples they took from him in 1987 while he was hospitalized after the Harmonic Divergence incident. Records indicate connections with several individuals and organizations Ivan has clashed with over the years, including HybraDyne (Ivan's former employer), the Gordian Covenant, the Ordnance Department, the Fraidy Man, and something called the Order of Chaos, that may or may not also be the Fractal Paradox. The agent formerly known as James finds that AAAA is also connected to several secret services, including MI6, MI5, the Laundromat, and the Bureau. Before they can transfer any files to their own mobile devices, a security detail finds them, headed by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Noticing the personal problems the couple is having, Ivan convinces them that their work is getting in the way of their relationship, and they agree to let him and his friend go. Ivan does not see that the British agent intentionally leaves a piece of Gallifreyan technology behind, bearing the seal of Rassilon.
The retired secret agent is the 5th cinematic James Bond, as portrayed by Timothy Dalton (in THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS and LICENSE TO KILL), who also played Rassilon in several episodes of DOCTOR WHO, suggesting that this man is both a former British agent and the morally dubious Lord President of the Time Lords (though it may be that "Bond" was working for Rassilon, directly or indirectly). This plays in with the Order of Chaos / Fractal Paradox, which is based on the Faction Paradon, a renegade group of Gallifreyans from 8th Doctor stories before branching into their own FACTION PARADOX franchise. The Arcadian Assurances Adjustments Agency is a counterpart to the firm Wolfram & Hart from ANGEL: THE SERIES. HybraDyne is an amalgam of Hybra Tech (RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD) and Cyberdyne (THE TERMINATOR). The Gordian Covenant is comparable to the Hellfire Club from Marvel Comics' X-MEN stories, as well as the True Knot from Stephen King's DOCTOR SLEEP. The Ordnance Department is the equivalent of SHIELD, UNIT, and other secret military organizations. The Fraidy Man is a counterpart to Freddy Krueger from A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET. The Laundromat is a code-name for the Q-Division of SOE, otherwise known as "the Laundry" in Charles Stross' THE LAUNDRY FILES books. The Bureau represents the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense (HELLBOY), Bureau 13 (BUREAU 13), and the Fringe Division of the FBI (FRINGE). Mr. and Mrs. Smith are from the movie MR. & MRS. SMITH.
Ivan wearing his Cyberdyne shirt in the Lego Universe |
JAN - Ivan is tasked by his employers at Cyberdyne to assist with the recalibration and repair of Miskatonic University's teleportation pods. Ivan is accidentally transported to a three-dimensionally pixelated reality with bizarre physical laws, and he meets that reality's versions of Batman and Robin. He returns to the real world and the system is taken offline pending further safety studies.
Cyberdyne Systems is from 1984's THE TERMINATOR. Miskatonic University is from Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos fiction. The pixelated world is the Lego Universe; Lego interlocking blocks have existed since 1947 but the concept of the Lego Universe came about with the 1997 videogame Lego Island. Lego Batman first appeared in licensed Lego sets in 2006.
2013--PayDay--Matt Hickman informs me: Some PayDay Crossovers 1.There's of Course the Left for Dead Crossover http://payday.wikia.com/wiki/No_Mercy 2. there's Masks From and a Heist from Hotline Miami http://payday.wikia.com/wiki/Hotline_Miami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotline_Miami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotline_Miami_2:_Wrong_Number 3. John Wick Main Charcter of the Film of the Same Name is unlockable http://payday.wikia.com/wiki/John_Wick http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wick_(film) 4. 3 of the Masks are Sun Glasses with intresting Bios 5.Collateral"These shades belonged to a colleague of John's that he was hired to kill.It started like any other night. Only this night, he got a contract to kill another contract killer who was making rounds that day. John knew he had five stops to make and was using the same taxi cab between all of them.In the end, he didn't even need to do the deed himself - he was already dead when he found him." implying Jhon Wick Showed Showed up at the End of the film Collateral which itself has a Crossover with the Transporter Films Due to a Jason Statham Cameo
2013--PayDay--Matt Hickman informs me: Some PayDay Crossovers 1.There's of Course the Left for Dead Crossover http://payday.wikia.com/wiki/No_Mercy 2. there's Masks From and a Heist from Hotline Miami http://payday.wikia.com/wiki/Hotline_Miami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotline_Miami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotline_Miami_2:_Wrong_Number 3. John Wick Main Charcter of the Film of the Same Name is unlockable http://payday.wikia.com/wiki/John_Wick http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wick_(film) 4. 3 of the Masks are Sun Glasses with intresting Bios 5.Collateral"These shades belonged to a colleague of John's that he was hired to kill.It started like any other night. Only this night, he got a contract to kill another contract killer who was making rounds that day. John knew he had five stops to make and was using the same taxi cab between all of them.In the end, he didn't even need to do the deed himself - he was already dead when he found him." implying Jhon Wick Showed Showed up at the End of the film Collateral which itself has a Crossover with the Transporter Films Due to a Jason Statham Cameo
6.Reservoir Dog "These shades belonged to five strangers. John was hired to kill a group of people who were about to commit the perfect crime. They all dressed the same and had code names so they were easy to identify.However, John arrived too late to the scene. The police were already there. He made sure the strangers were all dead before he left the scene. Seems to imply John Wick at least Killed Mister Pink at the end of Reservoir Dogs
7.Terminator "These shades belonged to an assassin from a distant land. The assassin John was sent to kill was built like a machine. This one would prove to be hard. He used a customized Improved Combined Tactical Vest. He was fully armored and very tough. Behind all that armor however, John knew there was only flesh and bones.John managed to to kill him in the end. He knew however that when he removed him from his place, another would replace him." Seems to Imply John Wixk Fought and Killed a Terminator at some point
Bat creature threatens Arkham patients |
Dr Zeddemore & Ivan w/ Ecto-1A |
Late NOV - THE SUPER-MEGA-FRAKULATOR (EXPIALIDOCIOUS) - Ivan's project at Cyberdyne, a functional satellite back-up for SkyNet redundancy, is completed, and upon launch, Cyberdyne employee Ivan Schablotski is also deemed redundant, and is downsized. That same week, Ivan Schablotski joins Dr. Winston Zeddemore in hunting down a 9-foot tall bat creature in Arkham MA. The creature is captured and determined to be a mutated human. Geneticist Dr. Absonus Strange of Arkham Sanitarium assumes responsibility for the creature, who is actually one of the doctor's escaped experiments. Strange has been using a Tillinghast Resonator (modified with Casanova Frankenstein's Psycho-Frakulator designs) to assist in manipulating the DNA of his patients, and when the Ghostbusters investigate, it reacts with their proton packs causing massive distortions, prompting the arrival of the Ghostbusters of New Hampshire and 1970s Ghost Buster Eddie Spenser Sr. to assist with the destruction of the machine (which is revealed to be an upgraded version of the medical experiment used at Hammond Castle).
Dr. Strange, Ivan, & Poison Holly |
Eddie Spenser & Ivan |
Cyberdyne and SkyNet first appeared in THE TERMINATOR (1984). Doctor Winston Zeddemore is from the film GHOSTBUSTERS (1984), though his status as a doctor was first presented in 2009's Ghostbusters: The Video Game. The man-bat creature is reminiscent of the Man-Bat (first app. in Detective Comics #400, June 1970), though it is not Kirk Langstrom. Dr. Absonus Strange is the grandson of Hugo Strange (first app. in Detective
Comics #36, February 1940) and is assumed to be
Jonny Ruckus of the GBNH |
Ivan and the Super-Mega-Frakulator |
FEB 10-14 - HEARTS OF DARKNESS [ANTILOGY] - The Fraidy Man attacks Ivan in his dreams, and tricks him into using his copy of the Necronomicon to raise the dead. Ivan seeks help from a monster hunter called "Dusty" who has experience with dream demons, and gets online advice from "MyOhMya", "MarMik", and "Stabbo". Dusty meets Ivan in Arkham and they travel to Oakhaven MA to set a trap at the Stabe Motel. Fraidy and a revenant doppelganger of Dusty attack them but the monster hunters win, in part due to the full moon on Valentine's Day. Ivan suspects Wolfram & Hart leaked the information to them, leading to the attacks, while Ash believes the book itself called out to them. References are made to Herbert West, the Sanderson Sisters, Danvers State Hospital, Kingsport, Derry, Ripton, Turkeys of Unusual Size, Weinieville, SlenderMan, Zeta Reticuli aliens, Dr. Victoria Waddell, Jack the Ripper, the Phantom of the Opera, the STAB! movie franchise, the movie I AM LEGEND, the 1990s MUMMY movie franchise, the Theurgy Society, the tech firm Ivan used to work for, Miskatonic University, SESAME STREET television show and characters, SMILE TIME television show, Scáth Hazard, Joey Tribbiani, Emmet Fitzhume, MONSTAAH, Boogey Knights, Mike Nero, Nightmare Warriors, ForeverWare, pixies, C.H.U.D.s, infiri, oompa loompas, killer robots from the future, killer klowns from outer space, ghouls, wights, vampires, sasquaches, and toddlers.
This story, "Hearts of Darkness", is published in the anthology BOOGEY KNIGHTS, 2020 by Wild Hunt Press. The Fraidy Man is Freddy Krueger, from A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (1984) and its sequels and spin-offs. His first battle against Ghostbusters was in the fan film FREDDY VS GHOSTBUSTERS (2004) which received recognition in the canonical GHOSTBUSTERS: THE VIDEOGAME (2009). The identification of the Necronomicon ex Mortis first appeared in EVIL DEAD 2: DEAD BY DAWN (1987), as did Evil Ash (aka Dirty Dusty), but he became a separate entity in ARMY OF DARKNESS (1992), and Ashley Williams (aka Dusty, aka "Chozen1") appeared first in THE EVIL DEAD (1982). Weinieville is from the ARMY OF DARKNESS comic books published by Dynamite Entertainment. Nightmare Warriors and the Stabe Motel are from the FREDDY VS JASON VS ASH: THE NIGHTMARE WARRIORS comic co-produced by Dynamite Entertainment and DC Comics in 2009 (additionally, STABE is an anagram of BATES, suggesting the Bates Motel from the 1959 novel PSYCHO). WOLFRAM & HART and Smile Time are from ANGEL: THE SERIES (1999-2004). "MyOhMya" is a reference to Mia Allen from EVIL DEAD (2013). MarMik is a reference to Marty Mikalski from CABIN IN THE WOODS (2012). "Stabbo" is a reference to Dale Parker, a character created by John D Lindsey, and appears in other stories published by Wild Hunt Press. Dale, Ivan, and Mike Nero (created by Chris Nigro) form the original BOOGEY KNIGHTS. Herbert West, Arkham, Kingsport, and Miskatonic University are from the Cthulhu Mythos fiction of H. P. Lovecraft. The Phantom of the Opera is from the serialized novel Le Fantôme de l'Opéra by Gaston Leroux (1909 - 1910). Scáth Hazard was created by Aaron Oliver. Dr. Victoria Waddell is a character created by Yvonne Dietrich. Joey Tribbiana is a character from the television series FRIENDS (1994 - 2004). Emmet Fitzhume (as Emmet Fitz-Hume) is a character from the 1985 movie SPIES LIKE US. The STAB! movie franchise is from the SCREAM movie franchise created by Wes Craven. The Sanderson Sisters are from the movie HOCUS POCUS (1993). Derry is a reference to the fictional Derry, Maine from Stephen King's 1981 story "The Bird and the Album" and subsequent works. Oakhaven MA and Turkeys of Unusual Size are from the animated movie SCOOBY-DOO! AND THE WITCH'S GHOST (2001). Ripton is a fictional Massachusetts community created to prove that the state capital (Boston) was incapable of properly governing the rural parts of the state. Slender Man is an internet meme created for CreepyPasta in 2009 and is referenced as fictional in this story, though later entries confirm the being exists. ForeverWare is from the first episode of EERIE, INDIANA (1991). C.H.U.D. (Cannibalistic Humanoid Undergound Dwellers) are from the 1984 movie C.H.U.D. Infiri are spirits from assorted folklore, but are here intended to refer to Inferi, a type of zombie-like undead in the Wizarding World stories, first appearing in the novel HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE (2005). Oompa Loompas (as Oompa-Loompas) are from the 1964 book CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY. Killer robots from the future refer to the Terminator cyborgs from the THE TERMINATOR (1984). Killer Klowns from Outer Space refers to the killer klowns from outer space in the movie KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE (1988).

October 15th 2015---Broforce--- John Rambo,John Matrix,B. A. Baracus,Cordell Walker,John McClane,Angus MacGyver,Blade, Judge Dredd, Agent J,Dirty Harry,a Cyberdyne series T-800 Model 101 Terminator,Robocop,Indiana Jones,Ash Willaims,Neo,The Boondock Saints,Machete Cortez,Conan the Barbarian, Ellen Ripley,Max Walker A.K.A, Time Cop,Luc Deveraux a.k.a. GR44, Colonel James Broddock,Cherry Darling,Mad Max,The Bride,James Bond,a Predator,the Rocketeer,William Wallace, Léon The Professional,Lord Raiden, Connor MacLeod,Snake Plissken,Tank Girl,Bruce Lee,and The Expendables. Team up to Battle Satan and the forces of evil.
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Cipher and Clever take on human forms |
succeed within the 24 hour window alloted by the Groundhog's Day anomaly, so they work against each other using a variety of living and technological tools in their paradimensional chess match. Ivan Schablotski takes the call when animatronic animals and arcade games come to life, and encounters the Pines family as they attempt to stop Cipher.
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Ivan teams up with the Pines family |
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SkyNet made manifest |


Clever manifests physically inside the abandoned Cyberdyne plant in Kingsport and reconfigures the existing machinery. When people start going missing in that area, Ivan investigates and finds a variety of robots and cyborgs, some of which resemble the missing people. Calling in N.E.G.A.T.E. Ghostbusters to help, Ivan confronts Clever and learns that the tech lab is now being used to draw cybernetic organisms from various futures, possibly even from alternate timelines. While some robots do not deviate from their primary programming, such as the red and blue robots who exist only to destroy each other, the majority set about destroying all humans and wrecking anything that may inhibit their own futures from becoming THE future, per Clever's suggestion. Several battles take place between the Ghostbusters and the robots, even those that would normally be considered benevolent to mankind, such as Convoy, who hints that Cybertron is actually a far future version of the Earth and that all the Transformers escaped its destruction by traveling backwards in time. The Amity Island Ghostbusters join the Arkham Ghostbusters in subduing a high ranking Borg. Only an artificial man with oversized scissors for hands seems willing to fight against the machine army, as he believes that any future without love isn't worth fighting for. Eventually the robots and cyborgs' goals start to conflict, as each of their futures depend on the others' failing to secure their own futures. To prove that none of this matters, Cyber Rick Sanchez cites his total disdain for time travel and opens portals under each robot, sending them into the Sun. As the Ghostbusters round up the last of the robots, Clever thanks them for helping cull the herd, ensuring that only the strongest robot future will come to pass, and allows their current body to disintegrate into a pile of nanobots.


Clever is a villain from the 2013 series of DOCTOR WHO (1963 to present) based on a cybernetic invasion of the 11th Doctor's mind. The T-800 and Cyberdyne are from THE TERMINATOR (1984) and its sequels and spin-offs, which span several alternate futures and presents, as well as introducing a sentience behind the robot uprising called SkyNet that is portrayed in TERMINATOR GENYSIS (2015) by Matt Smith, the same actor who played the 11th Doctor / Mr. Clever. The red and blue robots are Red Rocker and the Blue Bomber from the game ROCK'EM SOCK'EM ROBOTS (first manufactured in 1964). Convoy (aka Optimus Prime), Bumblebee, the Autobots, Transformers, and Cybertron are from the TRANSFORMERS line of toys, first manufactured in 1984, based on the Japanese DIACLONE line of toys from 1980, and has also seen many varied incarnations throughout several different alternate futures and presents. The version of Conway here is based on Optimus Prime as he appears in the current live action TRANSFORMERS (2007) movie and its sequels. The high-ranking Borg is Locutus, a short-lived identity of Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard on a 2-part episode of
STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION from 1990. The artificial man with
scissors for hands is Edward Scissorhands from the 1990 film EDWARD SCISSORHANDS. Cyber Rick Sanchez is an alternate version of Rick Sanchez from RICK AND MORTY (first aired in 2013) which also features multiple counterparts to its characters that hail from different timelines. The Arkham Ghostbusters, Amity Island Ghostbusters, and N.E.G.A.T.E. (North East Ghostbusters Alliance: Taskforce Ecto) are based on the 1984 GHOSTBUSTERS film and its sequels and spin-offs. Arkham is from Lovecraft's 1920 story THE PICTURE IN THE HOUSE. Amity Island is from the 1975 film JAWS. The bubble-headed robot is Robot from LOST IN SPACE (1965-1968)
2017--The Wardrobe--At the city dump, a T-800 skull is attached to a mannequin's body.
2018--SFX--Andrew Brook informs me: The new issue of SFX came with one of them double-sided posters - Aquaman, on the one side, "The Complete History of the Universe" on the other. So, apparently, Jurassic Park, One Million Years BC, Battlestar Galactica, The Mummy, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Highlander, ALF, The Terror, Back to the Future Part III, Stargate, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Captain America The First Avenger, Back to the Future, Doctor Who, The Prisoner, Austin Powers International Man of Mystery, Farscape, The State of the Art, Harry Potter, Star Trek IV The Voyage Home, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Escape from New York, Guardians of the Galaxy, Robocop, Quantum Leap, Star Trek, Terminator 2 Judgment Day, 12 Monkeys, Lost in Space, Space 1999, The Matrix, Futurama, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Primeval, Back to the Future Part II, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Blade Runner, The Terminator, Demolition Man, Minority Report, Star Trek First Contact, Total Recall, Prometheus, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Serenity, The Fifth Element, Waterworld, Planet of the Apes and The Time Machine are in a single history together. I'm not sure how they fit, though...
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Ivan is attacked by Cyber Rick Clever activates a T-800 Optimus primes Ivan for death |

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Arkham Ghostbusters and Amity Island Ghostbusters vs Locutus of Borg |


scissors for hands is Edward Scissorhands from the 1990 film EDWARD SCISSORHANDS. Cyber Rick Sanchez is an alternate version of Rick Sanchez from RICK AND MORTY (first aired in 2013) which also features multiple counterparts to its characters that hail from different timelines. The Arkham Ghostbusters, Amity Island Ghostbusters, and N.E.G.A.T.E. (North East Ghostbusters Alliance: Taskforce Ecto) are based on the 1984 GHOSTBUSTERS film and its sequels and spin-offs. Arkham is from Lovecraft's 1920 story THE PICTURE IN THE HOUSE. Amity Island is from the 1975 film JAWS. The bubble-headed robot is Robot from LOST IN SPACE (1965-1968)
2017--The Wardrobe--At the city dump, a T-800 skull is attached to a mannequin's body.
2018--SFX--Andrew Brook informs me: The new issue of SFX came with one of them double-sided posters - Aquaman, on the one side, "The Complete History of the Universe" on the other. So, apparently, Jurassic Park, One Million Years BC, Battlestar Galactica, The Mummy, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Highlander, ALF, The Terror, Back to the Future Part III, Stargate, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Captain America The First Avenger, Back to the Future, Doctor Who, The Prisoner, Austin Powers International Man of Mystery, Farscape, The State of the Art, Harry Potter, Star Trek IV The Voyage Home, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Escape from New York, Guardians of the Galaxy, Robocop, Quantum Leap, Star Trek, Terminator 2 Judgment Day, 12 Monkeys, Lost in Space, Space 1999, The Matrix, Futurama, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Primeval, Back to the Future Part II, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Blade Runner, The Terminator, Demolition Man, Minority Report, Star Trek First Contact, Total Recall, Prometheus, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Serenity, The Fifth Element, Waterworld, Planet of the Apes and The Time Machine are in a single history together. I'm not sure how they fit, though...


2019--Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint--In one of the bonus missions, the protagonist must rescue a stranger who turns out to be a woman from the future trying to prevent the Terminators from taking over in the past. When the Terminators are about to be defeated at the end, the protagonist quotes Sarah Connor's line from the movie when she destroys the Terminator who was persuing her.
Sometime before 2020--Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath--Mortal Kombat involves (lately) pulling other characters from throughout the multiverse. The Dark Fate version of Arnold's Terminator appears where he does battle with the Peter Weller version of Robocop. The Terminator 3 and Salvation versions of Arnold's Terminator are also used.
May 2020--The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt--"Kimmy vs. the Reverend"--This interesting interactive episode includes crossovers with Mary Poppins and Terminator, depending on which path you take.
2021--Fortnite--I don't know how to classify Fortnite, but the T-800 and Sarah Connor appear.
Timeline 6.5--Futurama
So, lets talk about the future. First, it should be noted that the future is not set in stone, and divergent timelines are constantly being created thanks to amateur time travelers. But there is a basic future set. We're not that far from Ted Mosby telling his kids how he met their mother. That would be around the same time Detroit has a cyborg police office called Robocop. About 40 years from now we'll face a third world war, leading to a post-holocaust era where Mad Max is the Road Warrior and Terminators rule the western U.S. while Zephran Cochrane is creating the first (Earth-made) warp drive system. After making first contact with the Vulcans, a new golden age begins, with the creation of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets. Meanwhile, while Archer commands the first Enterprise, the event of Project: A-Ko also unfold. The next few centuries are the eras of Trek, but then in the 25th century, another world war devastates Earth, but a hero from the past named Buck Rogers will come to save the planet and it's people. (Duck Dodgers also arrives from the Looniverse, which is now publicly known by the people of Earth and travel between the dimensions is done on a regular basis just as with other planets.) The latter half of the millennium returns Earth to glory, and by the 30th Century, the United Federation of Planets has become simply the United Planets, and is protected by the Legion of Super-Heroes. But by the 31st century, things have gone downhill....
21st century--FUTURAMA--"Love's Labor's Lost In Space"--Cyborgs enslave humanity. Although this event can theoretically be placed anywhere in this century, it would seem foolish to place it anywhere but here in 2012 where it can coincide with Conan O'Brien's "War of 2012". Conjecturally, this war could also be the origin of the advanced technology that would be required to transfer David (Calculon) Duchovny's mind into a robot arm (below), and possibly even mark the birth of robotkind as an independent race from humanity on Earth. This is the placed at the time when Skynet came online. Note that the enslavement was not global, nor was it instant. It happened subtly at first, though eventually we ended up in a war with the Terminators about less than a half century later.
2018--TERMINATOR: SALVATION--Note that I do not think the machines caused a nuclear war (yet) but at this point, our American government has split, (likely divided by political and ideological positions) into smaller divided regions, one of which, has been conquered by the Terminators (and possibly placed into a MATRIX, but that's a wild speculation.)
***--APOCRYPHAL--July 4, 2043--Rob Wronski is in Arizona when a nuclear blast kills him. (This is based on a dream I had once, but considering the date, this must have been an early event involving World War III as depicted in STAR TREK and/or related to the ever sliding JUDGEMENT DAY from TERMINATOR.)***
23rd Century--Tripping the Rift---"Chode Eraser"--the Arnie 1.000 walks into a gay bar to get some clothes.
23rd Century--Tripping the Rift: The Movie--the Arnie 1000 in the gay bar
3013--FUTURAMA--"Assie Come Home"--Lots of junked robots appear creating crossovers with: GIGANTOR, STAR WARS, IRON GIANT, DOCTOR WHO, JETSONS, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, LOST IN SPACE, MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, BUCK ROGERS, GIANT ROBO, BILL & TED, CLASH OF THE TITANS, BIG GUY & RUSTY, ROCKY, HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, FORBIDDEN PLANET, TERMINATOR, STAR TREK. There is also an incident where Fry gets his head stuck in one of POOH's honey pots. A Tatooine Land Speeder and Speedy Gonzales also appear. Also among a wrecked ships' cargo are the Ark of the Covenant and Holy Grail (INDIANA JONES), the Golden Fleece (JASON AND THE ARGONAUGHTS), and the Heart of the Ocean (TITANIC).
10,000,000--FUTURAMA--"The Late Philip J. Fry"--Earth resembles the future of the "Terminator" movies, a grim dystopia with humanity at war with genocidal machines of its own creation.
Timeline 7: Xenoverse
This is the alternate timeline in which the Alien film franchise takes place.
1987--Alien versus Predator Video Game--Dutch becomes the model for the Terminator. Other version of the Terminator have appeared in multiple other video games. It's really hard to track where they all fit in canon.
1987--Alien versus Predator Video Game--Dutch becomes the model for the Terminator. Other version of the Terminator have appeared in multiple other video games. It's really hard to track where they all fit in canon.
Release Date: April - July 2000 (Setting is late 24th century, following Alien: Resurrection)
Series: Alien; Predator; Terminator
The Story: The military creates a super-soldier, who then of course goes rogue, and takes off with a bunch of xenomorph chestbursters. Ripley and Call take it upon themselves to stop him, and meanwhile, a Predator has chosen this super soldier as his next prey. And that’s just the setup.
Notes: The super soldier is created with what Call says is antique technology. It’s revealed that the technology comes from the terminators, and that the events of the Terminator franchise, including its future events, happened in the 20th and 21st century of the same timeline as Alien and Predator. Ripley here is the clone from Alien: Resurrection and Call is the android from that same film.
Timeline 8: Mystery Inc. (Another alternate timeline)
Release Date: October 4, 2010 (Contemporary Setting -- See series notes)
Horror Crosses: Alien; Scooby-Doo, Where are You!
Non-Horror Crosses: Terminator; Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal; Yogi Bear
The Story: When a violent dog terrorizes Crystal Cove, Scooby is blamed and locked up in an animal asylum for the criminally insane. There, Scooby and the gang meet Professor Pericles, a talking super-intelligent parrot with magical powers who was once the mascot of the original Mystery, Inc. The parrot leads a prison break and manages to escape.
Notes: The episode has references to Aliens. The Wax Phantom is the last stop on a haunted bus tour. He was a bad guy from Scooby-Doo, Where are You! The real violent dog of this story appears to be a Terminator. There is also a reference to Silence of the Lambs. One of the animals locked up in the asylum is a crazy evil Yogi Bear. Of course, this is the divergent timeline version, but the implication then is that Yogi also exists in the main Horror Universe timeline. There has already been evidence that many Hanna-Barbera cartoon characters exist in the Horror Universe, explained as being experiments of either Moreau or one of his followers. A later episode reveals that talking animals like Scooby and Professor Pericles are descended from Egyptian gods, who were really aliens, and who had interbred with Earth animals (as they were themselves anthropomorphic animals).
Timeline 9: Cartoon Universe
1992-Tiny Toon Adventures--"The Return of Batduck"--The Terminator is a taxi driver.
September 1993--Animaniacs--"Taming of the Screwey"--The liquid Terminator from this movie appears at the WB party in his police outfit, someone tries to send him away for it being a "black tie affair" and him not being dressed correctly, so he melts to liquid and reforms in a tuxedo.
April 2004--SOUTH PARK--"Goobacks"--Unemployed residents of the year 3045 begin immigrating to the past for work, using the time travel methods created by the TERMINATORs.
October 12, 2006--DRAWN TOGETHER--"Wooldoor Sockbat's Giggle-Wiggle Funny Tickle Non-Traditional Progressive Multicultural Roundtable!"--
- Wooldoor finally gets a kids show.
- The U.S. Senate seems to have a meeting place set up like the Galactic Senate from the STAR WARS PREQUEL TRILOGY.
- Xandir reveals he's from the future, because video games are the future.
- Wooldoor's show ends up making the country almost entirely gay within a five year period. Thus the few remaining heterosexuals create a TERMINATOR to go back and kill Wooldoor.
- Foxxy and Ling-Ling watch a porno with TRANSFORMERS.
- Princess Clara's attorney is HARVEY BIRDMAN.
- At the hearing to ban Wooldoor's show, the VEGGIETALES and DAVEY AND GOLIATH are attending. Ned Flanders (neighbor of THE SIMPSONS) also appears. Tinky Winky of THE TELETUBBIES is also there.
- STUART LITTLE is crushed in his little car by THE TERMINATOR and Captain Hero.
- Senator Sith Lord (R-Michigan) is clearly Palpatine.
- Senator Ted Kennedy is also present.
2007--South Park--"The Imagionnationland Trilogy"--The Terminator is among the villains of Immagionnationland.
October 2008--FAMILY GUY--"Road to Germany"--When the time machine first forms Brian and Stewie in the past, it starts as a sphere in the same manner as used in the Terminator movies. When the time machine return pad returns them to the present, it disappears from Berlin in the same manner as the telephone booth time machine in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. A scientist in the secret Nazi atomic research lab tells Stewie that they're developing an "impressive collection of 100 Luftballons", a reference to "99 Luftballons" by German singer Nena. As soon as he finishes speaking, one of the balloons pops. Translated, the song in English is "99 Red Balloons". When Brian and Stewie are wondering if Mort accidentally used the time machine, they ask Rick Moranis and the backup singers from Little Shop of Horrors. The song they sing to explain recent events is set to the tune of Da-Doo from the same show. The Coca-Cola advertisement featuring Mean Joe Greene is parodied again. This time, he tosses uranium to Stewie Griffin. Ironically, the advertisement first aired 40 years after the German invasion of Poland, which was the date that Brian and Stewie first landed via their time machine. The RAF squadron is assisted by a group of Hawkmen from the 1980 movie and preceding radio serial Flash Gordon. When Stewie and Brian is about to enter the time machine, Stewie says that even stepping on a single bug can alter the past. This is a parody of A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury.
November 2011--FAMILY GUY--"Back to the Pilot"--The title parodies that of the Back to the Future films. The alternative timeline plot is taken from the the second Back to the Future film. It was also parodied in "Meet the Quagmires". Future Joe resembles The Terminator and the crushing of a skull underfoot is a notable scene from the film. The scene where a number of Brians and Stewies appear is reminiscent of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Parallels", where a number of Enterprises appear when the space-time continuum fractures.
November 2011--AMERICAN DAD!--"Virtual In-Stanity"--Two Terminator-like endoskeletons can be seen in the background at the CIA lab.
2017--How It Should Have Ended--"Villain Pub--Penny for Your Fears"--The T-800 is one of the villains at the pub.
TVCU-28-ROBOT CHICKEN UNIVERSE--Are you surprised that the RCU has a counterpart to the Doctor? The characters from Battlestar Galactica, RoboCop, and the Terminator also have counterparts here.
OJ Simpson Universe--OJ Simpson was almost cast as the Terminator, so imagine an alternate universe where the Terminator resembles Simpson rather than Arnold.
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