My Precious: One Blog to Rule Them All
I've decided to expand a little bit on what I cover in the TVCU. Some works that originate in literature have become so much more well-known on the screen that I've decided to cover some literary subjects that have become popular on screen, which I haven't done since my first post, which covered Tarzan. So this TVCU post is going to cover the Lord of Rings.


Dawn of Time--HISTORY OF THE SUPER UNIVERSE--So the story goes, there were six cosmic beings born. Three were good. Three were evil. All six beings went their separate ways. Of the three evil ones, one eventually found his way to Earth where he was known both as Azathoth and Morgoth, though he would also later go by the names Uglon and Doctor Deadly. Another of the evils was known by the New Power Organization as Evil, or the First Evil, but he also was known as Lucifer and Satan. The third of the evil settled in another solar system, forming a planet around him. As a sentient world, he became known as the Forbidden Planet. As for those who were good, one such being migrated to the planet Kookoorongba where he became known by the locals as the Great Unknown. He became their higher power, though he watched over the entire universe like a loving Father watching from the Heavens. (God, in case my subtlety was elusive.) Another migrated to Mount Olympus where be became known as Zeus. The final of the three good is the one who we shall dub for known the Stranger. It is this Stranger who we shall follow in the genealogy portion of this chronology. [Real Life Notes: The story of the six cosmic beings originated in History of the Super Universe, 1986. Doctor Deadly first appeared in Powerkid Police, 1982. His being known as Azathoth came about in Powerman in 2007. He is not THE Azathoth. It doesn't work with what we know of Lovecraft's mythos. Doctor Deadly having been Morgoth was established in LORD OF THE CHAIN, 1983. Doctor Deadly's name of Uglon was part of the 1991 reboot of the Powerman series. However, one of my TVCU theories is that everything pre-1945 tends to have happened in all timelines, though there are exceptions. [On that, Ivan asks: "Wait, if everything before 1945 happened in pretty much all timelines, then young Super Bob grew up in a world that had a Golden Age Superman... or else no timelines had a Golden Age Superman?" Super-Bob did grow up in the same universe as the Golden Age Superman. But like most people, by the 1980s, Superman was considered an urban legend and "fake news" to help the Daily Planet sell newspapers.] Evil of the New Power was introduced in National Heroes, 1983 with the strong implication that he was Satan/Lucifer, which was later established in other Super Comics titles. The First Evil conflation came later in 2008. The Forbidden Planet first appeared in Super Comics, 1981, as part of the Adventures on Other Worlds series. The Great Unknown was first mentioned in Super Comics, 1979 and appeared in Powerkid, 1983. The revelation that he was God was revealed in Powerman, 1991. He's probably not though. The Great Unknown never claims to be. Powerman comes to that conclusion. The TVCU concept of God is very, very open and vague to allow many interpretations, based on varying canons that come together in a crossover based shared reality. Zeus is of course Zeus, but his origin here really contradicts Greek mythology. But there have also been many contrary versions of Zeus that are part of series canons that have come together in a crossover based reality. So we tend to just let these things go. The being known as the Stranger here is Vonski, first appeared in Vonski Presents, 1983. He was identified as the Stranger in the series of the same name, 1991.]

MIDDLE-EARTH CALENDAR (Note that some sources argue that Middle-Earth is not part of our past, but instead is an alternate reality, like the OUAT realms. I've had the same argument for Star Wars and some others. I'm not going to argue. Perhaps it's both. Perhaps it's like Brainiac's Convergence, where he took a whole bunch of worlds from different time periods and collected them. Perhaps Middle-Earth, Xena, Bedrock, Star Wars, etc, all were in the past of the TVCU, and then were collected and frozen in a pocket realm. And there are other bizarre theories like this one.)

A Long Time Ago--Return of the Jedi--From Andrew Brook--In the current SFX magazine, it mentions that the Quenya (a form of Elvish in Tolkien) word for 'Middle-Earth' is.... Endor ('A little Star Wars link for you there')






The First Age--As told in The Silmarillion, most of the events of the First Age took place in the land of Beleriand and its environs. Tolkien placed within the bounds of Beleriand the hidden Elven kingdoms of Doriath, ruled by King Thingol, and Gondolin, founded by Turgon. Also important was the fortress of Nargothrond, founded by the elf Finrod Felagund. In the Blue Mountains to the east were the great dwarf halls of Belegost and Nogrod. Beleriand was split into eastern and western sections by the great river Sirion. In East Beleriand was the river Gelion with its seven tributaries, which defined the Green-elf kingdom of Ossiriand. To the north of Beleriand lay the regions of Nevrast, Hithlum and Dor-lómin, and the Iron Mountains where Morgoth (Melkor) had his fortress of Angband. The violent struggles during the War of Wrath between the Host of the Valar and the armies of Melkor at the end of the First Age brought about the destruction of Angband, and changed the shape of Middle-earth so that most of Beleriand vanished under the sea. The Pelóri were also raised in the early First Age, along with the Enchanted Isles, to make Valinor essentially impassable save by the fortified Calacirya.
The Second and Third Ages--In the Second and Third Ages, during which Tolkien set the events of the Akallabêth, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings, the Western regions of Middle-earth contained the lands of Eriador, Gondor, the Misty Mountains, and the vales of the great river Anduin. Eriador was bordered by the Ered Luin or Blue Mountains to the west, which bordered the sea and the Grey Havens, also called Mithlond. To the east of Eriador lay the Misty Mountains, which ran from the far north to Isengard, home of the wizard Saruman, in the south. The Misty Mountains contained the great dwarvish hall of Khazad-dûm or Moria. Within Eriador lay originally the kingdom of Arnor, founded by men who had fled the destruction of Númenor. It later split into the kingdoms of Arthedain, Cardolan, and Rhudaur. These kingdoms too had long since passed into history by the time of The Lord of the Rings. Eriador also contained The Shire, homeland of the Hobbits, and the nearby settlement of Bree. Rivendell or Imladris, the home of the Half-elven Elrond also lay in Eriador, close to the western side of the Misty Mountains. East of the Mountains lay the land called Rhovanion and the great river Anduin. On its western side, between Anduin and the Misty Mountains, lay the Elvish kingdom of Lothlórien, home of the elf Galadriel, and the forest of Fangorn, home of the Ents. To the east of the Anduin lay the great forest of Mirkwood, (formerly Greenwood), and further east again were the Lonely Mountain or Erebor (seized from the dwarves by the dragon Smaug), the town of Dale, Dorwinion, and the Iron Hills. South and East of the Misty Mountains was the kingdom of Rohan, inhabited by the allies of Gondor, and further south the kingdom of Gondor, founded like Arnor by men who escaped the destruction of the island of Númenor. East of Gondor, and surrounded by high mountains was Mordor, home of Sauron in his fortress of Barad-dûr. South of Gondor lay the lands of Harad and Khand, and the port of Umbar. In the far East beyond Rhovanion was the Sea of Rhûn, on the eastern side of which dwelt the Easterling peoples. The inhabitants of all these lands were traditionally hostile to Gondor, and allied with Sauron at the time of The Lord of the Rings.
A Long Time Ago--Return of the Jedi--From Andrew Brook--In the current SFX magazine, it mentions that the Quenya (a form of Elvish in Tolkien) word for 'Middle-Earth' is.... Endor ('A little Star Wars link for you there')




A long, long time ago--LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING--In PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, Will Turner has an Elvish rune tattoo.
C. 4042 B.C.--LORD OF THE CHAIN--The Stranger now lives under the guise of Gandolph the Grey. Sometimes Gandolph would use other names. One name was McKormack. In this guise, he gives a librarian named Bobbi the Sword of Power, and sends him on a mission to Mordor. Later, in Mordor, the Stranger reappears after having recently been "killed" in the form of a younger man named Shron, wielding even greater power than before. He saves Bobbi and his friends who have joined him on his mission, and alludes that Bobbi's mission was a distraction while a more important quest was undertaken. Shron then departs to reappear as Gandalph the White. [This story I composed in 1983 to 1984 was of course inspired by Lord of the Rings. I don't claim this to work with Tolkien canon. Remember that Morgoth is a younger version of Doctor Deadly. The Sword of Power is a recurring item in Super Comics mythos, having been wielded by many hands, and makes its way back and forth through time, including, for crossover purposes, He-Man and King Arthur. The latter called it Excalibur. That sword could have its own timeline. Bobbi was an ancestor of Bobby Wronski.]

The Fourth Age--As the Fourth Age began, many of the Elves who had lingered in Middle-earth left for Valinor, never to return; those who remained behind would "fade" and diminish. The Dwarves returned in large numbers to Moria and resettled it, though they eventually dwindled away as well. Under King Elessar of Gondor (Aragorn of the Dúnedain), peace was restored between Gondor and the lands to the south and east. In this age King Elessar bans humans from entering the Shire, allowing the Hobbits to live peaceful and unmolested lives. Elessar and Queen Arwen die at almost the same time, and the kingdom is passed to his son. Tolkien started a story to be known as The New Shadow set several generations after King Elessar in which a new evil had arisen, men playing at orcs, and which the protagonist follows one of the cultists to learn more about them, before the thirty pages of the draft abruptly stops. Tolkien never finished the story, as he regarded it merely as a "thriller".
Pre-History--SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN--From James Bojaciuk: I just got back from seeing Snow White and the Huntsman. It was much, much better than I had expected it to be. The film reuses a disgusting amount of sets from Once Upon a Time. But that's not why I'm mentioning it here. Snow White and the Huntsman might be the TVCU/WNU version of events. You see, the prop maker really likes Lord of the Rings. Snow White's shield bears the standard of Aragon's kingdom. The tree. Sorry, I got an F in Middle-Earth Studies. But it's the same tree. If so, I would imagine this story took place at the very end of the Third Age, just as all the kingdoms were in final decline. The dwarves are few in number; the magic is fleeing the land. It all fits rather well.
Not the Medieval Period, but kind of like the Medieval Period--GAME OF THRONES--Apparently Gandalf's sword is among the swords in the Throne of Swords.

Not the Medieval Period, but kind of like the Medieval Period--GAME OF THRONES--Apparently Gandalf's sword is among the swords in the Throne of Swords.

1812--SNOW WHITE--THIS IS THE EARLIEST KNOWN TELLING OF THE GRIMM FAIRY TALE, THOUGH ODDLY THE STORY OF SNOW WHITE SEEMS TO HAVE HAPPENED AT SEVERAL DIFFERENT TIMES IN THE PAST PRIOR TO THIS STORY BEING WRITTEN BY THE GRIMMS. ONE VERSION SEEMS TO BE CONNECTED TO MIDDLE EARTH, ONE VERSION TO WONDERLAND, AND ANOTHER TO HISTORICAL BUMBLERS. PERHAPS NOT ALL OF THESE HAPPEN IN THE SAME TIMELINE, BUT RATHER IN DIVERGENT ONES. OR PERHAPS THEY TAKE PLACE IN OTHER MAGICAL REALMS. OR PERHAPS THE STORY DOES JUST HAPPEN OVER AND OVER AGAIN, DUE TO SOME CURSE OR SUCH. And speaking of alternate tellings, here's another compelling explanation for how Disney's Snow White connects to Lord of the Rings, from Cracked. And if you're thinking having more than one version of Snow White in the TVCU is hard to swallow, I will point you to "The Mirror" from 18thWall's For Those Who Live Long Forgotten by Hannah Lackoff. This story represents how the characters of Snow White may be cursed to reincarnate and relive their tale over and over. I would also offer ONCE UPON A TIME, that has shown that there are mystical beings called Writers, who have limited control over reality, including alternate dimensions, and some of these writers not only observe and report, but instead rewrite and reboot reality to retell the stories the way they prefer. Ted Gregory adds: I don't have the exact quote in front of me, but Tolkien himself said that the number seven - after the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves - was associated with Dwarves even in "very late and childish Mannish mythology", or something to that effect. Also, recall what the shields looked like in the "Snow White and theHuntsman" version of the story: Andrew Brook follows: There's a book... I think it's "Science of Middle-Earth" which talks about how myths are changed and corrupted over the centuries, and suggested that the story of Snow White is all that's left of the story of the One Ring

1881--Merkabah Rider: Have Glyphs Will Travel--"The War Shaman"--The Merkabah Rider in another Lovecraftian adventure of the Old West. Crossovers include: The Merkabah Rider, Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, Lord of the Rings, Moby Dick, Arthurian Legend, Doctor Who, Quantum Leap, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Monk. Check out Sean Levin's Crossovers II for more detailed information on these crossovers.
May 25–September 23, 1882--MERKABAH RIDER: ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEIRD WEST--Heroes of the Old West must stop the Great Old Ones from rising. Crossovers include: Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, Conan the Barbarian, Batman, Gallo del Cielo, Lord of the Rings (Sauron is conflated with Nyarlathotep, a second reference to Sauron as a Great Old One), Simon of Gitta, Meaner Than Hell, Solomon Kane, Kull, Steve Harrison, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Ghostbusters, Quantum Leap, Kung Fu, Indiana Jones, Something Wicked This Way Comes, House (the horror comedy films, not the medical drama), Wizard of Oz, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Winchester '73, The Wild Bunch, The Quick and the Dead, Hombre, The Lone Ranger

1881--Merkabah Rider: Have Glyphs Will Travel--"The War Shaman"--The Merkabah Rider in another Lovecraftian adventure of the Old West. Crossovers include: The Merkabah Rider, Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, Lord of the Rings, Moby Dick, Arthurian Legend, Doctor Who, Quantum Leap, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Monk. Check out Sean Levin's Crossovers II for more detailed information on these crossovers.
May 25–September 23, 1882--MERKABAH RIDER: ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEIRD WEST--Heroes of the Old West must stop the Great Old Ones from rising. Crossovers include: Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, Conan the Barbarian, Batman, Gallo del Cielo, Lord of the Rings (Sauron is conflated with Nyarlathotep, a second reference to Sauron as a Great Old One), Simon of Gitta, Meaner Than Hell, Solomon Kane, Kull, Steve Harrison, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Ghostbusters, Quantum Leap, Kung Fu, Indiana Jones, Something Wicked This Way Comes, House (the horror comedy films, not the medical drama), Wizard of Oz, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Winchester '73, The Wild Bunch, The Quick and the Dead, Hombre, The Lone Ranger




1920 to 1942--THE FATHER CHRISTMAS LETTERS--Sidney Graham inquires: "What is the role of Santa Claus in the TVCU? Which stories about him are "canon"? Is he a different guy than Father Christmas? It seems to me that Father Christmas of Tolkien's "Father Christmas Letters" and Lewis' "Lion Witch and Wardrobe" could be the same guy (both have a horn that can magically summon help anywhere), and since in the former story he is also battling goblins it could be that he is in the same continuity as LOTR. On the other hand L Frank Baum had a book on the Adventures of Santa Claus which explicitly takes place in the same continuity as his other fiction, including the Oz stories. They could be two different guys. But which stories do we count and on what grounds?" And Chris Nigro responds: "I will, of course, leave Rob to decide what is canon for Santa Claus in the TVCU, but I really like his theories, and I would like to incorporate Rob's theories on tulpas into what I call the Wild Hunt Universe (WHU), the universe I work in based upon my own publications, and which intersects with the CU (Crossover Universe). In the WHU, the true nature of Santa is a quite complicated phenomenon. Note to Brett Graham Fawcett: I also like your ideas regarding Father Christmas, and they are similar to some I've formulated in the past. As far as WHU continuity is concerned, I think there are many individuals and benevolent forces which have been attributed to Santa Claus throughout history. For starters, I think the Tolkein xsversion, who I agree with you to be the one who has crossed into Narnia, is indeed Father Christmas as per your theories. I see him as a being who later passed on into godhood and allowed various mortals to inherit the role and power of Santa Claus. One of them was the kindly human we saw in Rankin and Bass's "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." The second may have been the recruit we saw in "Santa Claus: The Movie." A third was a kindly bishop of the Middle Ages who eventually took on the role, and was later canonized by the Catholics as Saint Nick. A recent mortal whom the role was passed on to was Scott Calvin from "The Santa Clause" movie franchise (though he was more of a conscript-due-to-incurred-debt). I have Matt Hickman to thank for the crux of these theories. However, Father Christmas still guides and empowers the various corporeal Santa Claus recruits, who make their home in a pocket universe I call the North Polar Realm, a portal to which can be found at Earth's North Pole, whose magnetic forces will allow certain mystics of high skill to gain access. That realm, of course, includes Christmas Village and Santa's castle. Its inhabitants include sentient animal species capable of speech and other abilities (with flying reindeer being a prominent example of the sentient fauna), animated snow people (like Frosty), animated toys, a race of diminutive elves with great skill as artisans, a sub-species of yeti, and a small number of human beings who may be descended from people who wandered into that pocket universe many centuries ago and remained there. I believe the source of the animals' sentience and ability to speak, as well as that of normally inanimate objects like snowmen and toys, are the result of spirit globes described in Philip Jose' Farmer's novel A BARNSTORMER IN OZ, so this version of the North Polar Realm is likely connected to the dimensional variant of Oz I refer to as Oz-PJF (distinct from Baum's Oz-Prime -- that name I got from James Bojaciuk and his theories -- Oz-MGM seen in the Metro Goldwyn-Mayer film "The Wizard of Oz" , OZ-DC from DC's THE OZ-WONDERLAND WAR comic book mini-series, and numerous other dimensional variants seen in various sources). I call this version of the pocket universe North Polar Realm Prime." And James Bojaciuk adds: "Because I'm on a Tolkien kick, I read the Santa Claus letters he sent his children every year. He tied it into Lord of the Rings. All of his elfs have Elven names; but the item that confirms the crossover is that one year, because Santa was far too busy, his secretary Iibereth took over letter writing duties. He closed his letter by telling the children "A very merry Christmas to you all" in his native language. As if I even need to tell you, his "native language" is the same Elven script that Tolkien invented for his Middle-earth saga. It seems that when the Age of Man began, the elves spilt into two groups. One group took up residence with Santa Claus and changed little from how they were in their days of glory. The other group left for the shores of America, where they eventually came under the influence of the US government (and currently live in a trailer park where they milk government benefits--see Monster Hunter Internation). I've long disagreed with Gordon's theory that Gandalf is Santa Claus. But--alas--Tolkien goes out of his way to make it very clear to anyone even passingly aware of LotR that Santa is indeed Gandalf. There are some vague things that *could* be argued against: such as their similar personality and looks. But Santa's skills with fireworks are so throughly Gandalfian that there's no doubt who Tolkien intended Santa to be. All of the stories Tolkien wrote for his children took place between 1920 and 1939. In the final story Santa's workshop is attacked by all the ramaining goblins in the world (and they seem to possibly be attached to the Nazi war machine); after the attack, it seems it will be a long time before things are fully operational again"
1921--R.U.R.--Thanks to James Bojaciuk, we get three crossovers to make this play worthy of a post, and an explanation of how it fits in the TVCU. James reports: One of my very best friends, Jadis, got me The Dictionary of Imaginary Places for Christmas. What we have on our hands is another So You Created a Wormhole. It features each of these locals as a real place the reader can visit. And dang, over nearly 800 covers everthing from the obvious (Lovecraft's dives, Baskerville Hall, Narnia, Wonderland, Tolkien's lands, and Camelot) to the exceedingly obsecure examples: Carabas Castle, Glyn Gagny, the island of Rose, and many other things I won't pretend to have heard of). Whenever a work is discussed that doesn't quite fit the real world, and isn't an AU, reasons are given for why it fits in the real world. Case in point: RUR is a 1920s stageplay that ends with robots killing every human in the world. The authors lower the apocalypse down to a small island off the coast of the eastern US. The robots, after slaughtering their masters, attempted to forge diplomatic relations with other nations. The text doesn't say what happened next. But, as the island is abandoned, it would seem the United States military did not look kindly on a gang of homicidal robots owning an island with a factory (with which they could make a limitless army of themselves). It's a lovely book. And, in an effort to kill Rob, brings 800 pages of crossovers into the TVCU and its surounding multiverse.


1900 (Earth time); 1 (Narnia time)—The Magician’s Nephew--Polly and Digory carried into Narnia by magic rings. Creation of Narnia. The beasts made able to talk. Digory plants the Tree of Protection. The White Witch, Jadis, enterns Narnia but flies into the fear North. Frank I becomes King of Narnia. The Bastables (from E. Nesbit's fiction) and Sherlock Holmes (who needs no definition) are mentioned as real people.
As Ted Gregory wisely notes, “In The Magician's Nephew, Uncle Andrew talks a bit about a box that he inherited from his Fairy (as in, "is part Fay") Godmother, full of dust from Atlantis. Now, we know from the Space Trilogy that when Lewis refers to Atlantis he's referring to the version originally known as Numenor, as chronicled by his good friend J.R.R.Tolkien. The interesting thing is that during their final, decadent period, the Numenoreans were keenly interested in gaining access to Valinor, home of angelic powers and the more evolved (mostly) sorts of elves. When they finally achieved this goal, not only was Numenor drowned but Valinor removed from the earth into what seems to be another pocket dimension, possibly the same celestial plane as contains the Woods. Assuming that the Numenoreans were able to indirectly get one or more samples of Valinorian soil, this could explain the ultimate origin of Uncle Andrew's green and yellow rings.” The apple tree planted at the end of the story is also mentioned in The New Traveller’s Almanac, from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Volume II.






1920 to 1942--THE FATHER CHRISTMAS LETTERS--Sidney Graham inquires: "What is the role of Santa Claus in the TVCU? Which stories about him are "canon"? Is he a different guy than Father Christmas? It seems to me that Father Christmas of Tolkien's "Father Christmas Letters" and Lewis' "Lion Witch and Wardrobe" could be the same guy (both have a horn that can magically summon help anywhere), and since in the former story he is also battling goblins it could be that he is in the same continuity as LOTR. On the other hand L Frank Baum had a book on the Adventures of Santa Claus which explicitly takes place in the same continuity as his other fiction, including the Oz stories. They could be two different guys. But which stories do we count and on what grounds?" And Chris Nigro responds: "I will, of course, leave Rob to decide what is canon for Santa Claus in the TVCU, but I really like his theories, and I would like to incorporate Rob's theories on tulpas into what I call the Wild Hunt Universe (WHU), the universe I work in based upon my own publications, and which intersects with the CU (Crossover Universe). In the WHU, the true nature of Santa is a quite complicated phenomenon. Note to Brett Graham Fawcett: I also like your ideas regarding Father Christmas, and they are similar to some I've formulated in the past. As far as WHU continuity is concerned, I think there are many individuals and benevolent forces which have been attributed to Santa Claus throughout history. For starters, I think the Tolkein xsversion, who I agree with you to be the one who has crossed into Narnia, is indeed Father Christmas as per your theories. I see him as a being who later passed on into godhood and allowed various mortals to inherit the role and power of Santa Claus. One of them was the kindly human we saw in Rankin and Bass's "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." The second may have been the recruit we saw in "Santa Claus: The Movie." A third was a kindly bishop of the Middle Ages who eventually took on the role, and was later canonized by the Catholics as Saint Nick. A recent mortal whom the role was passed on to was Scott Calvin from "The Santa Clause" movie franchise (though he was more of a conscript-due-to-incurred-debt). I have Matt Hickman to thank for the crux of these theories. However, Father Christmas still guides and empowers the various corporeal Santa Claus recruits, who make their home in a pocket universe I call the North Polar Realm, a portal to which can be found at Earth's North Pole, whose magnetic forces will allow certain mystics of high skill to gain access. That realm, of course, includes Christmas Village and Santa's castle. Its inhabitants include sentient animal species capable of speech and other abilities (with flying reindeer being a prominent example of the sentient fauna), animated snow people (like Frosty), animated toys, a race of diminutive elves with great skill as artisans, a sub-species of yeti, and a small number of human beings who may be descended from people who wandered into that pocket universe many centuries ago and remained there. I believe the source of the animals' sentience and ability to speak, as well as that of normally inanimate objects like snowmen and toys, are the result of spirit globes described in Philip Jose' Farmer's novel A BARNSTORMER IN OZ, so this version of the North Polar Realm is likely connected to the dimensional variant of Oz I refer to as Oz-PJF (distinct from Baum's Oz-Prime -- that name I got from James Bojaciuk and his theories -- Oz-MGM seen in the Metro Goldwyn-Mayer film "The Wizard of Oz" , OZ-DC from DC's THE OZ-WONDERLAND WAR comic book mini-series, and numerous other dimensional variants seen in various sources). I call this version of the pocket universe North Polar Realm Prime." And James Bojaciuk adds: "Because I'm on a Tolkien kick, I read the Santa Claus letters he sent his children every year. He tied it into Lord of the Rings. All of his elfs have Elven names; but the item that confirms the crossover is that one year, because Santa was far too busy, his secretary Iibereth took over letter writing duties. He closed his letter by telling the children "A very merry Christmas to you all" in his native language. As if I even need to tell you, his "native language" is the same Elven script that Tolkien invented for his Middle-earth saga. It seems that when the Age of Man began, the elves spilt into two groups. One group took up residence with Santa Claus and changed little from how they were in their days of glory. The other group left for the shores of America, where they eventually came under the influence of the US government (and currently live in a trailer park where they milk government benefits--see Monster Hunter Internation). I've long disagreed with Gordon's theory that Gandalf is Santa Claus. But--alas--Tolkien goes out of his way to make it very clear to anyone even passingly aware of LotR that Santa is indeed Gandalf. There are some vague things that *could* be argued against: such as their similar personality and looks. But Santa's skills with fireworks are so throughly Gandalfian that there's no doubt who Tolkien intended Santa to be. All of the stories Tolkien wrote for his children took place between 1920 and 1939. In the final story Santa's workshop is attacked by all the ramaining goblins in the world (and they seem to possibly be attached to the Nazi war machine); after the attack, it seems it will be a long time before things are fully operational again"
1921--R.U.R.--Thanks to James Bojaciuk, we get three crossovers to make this play worthy of a post, and an explanation of how it fits in the TVCU. James reports: One of my very best friends, Jadis, got me The Dictionary of Imaginary Places for Christmas. What we have on our hands is another So You Created a Wormhole. It features each of these locals as a real place the reader can visit. And dang, over nearly 800 covers everthing from the obvious (Lovecraft's dives, Baskerville Hall, Narnia, Wonderland, Tolkien's lands, and Camelot) to the exceedingly obsecure examples: Carabas Castle, Glyn Gagny, the island of Rose, and many other things I won't pretend to have heard of). Whenever a work is discussed that doesn't quite fit the real world, and isn't an AU, reasons are given for why it fits in the real world. Case in point: RUR is a 1920s stageplay that ends with robots killing every human in the world. The authors lower the apocalypse down to a small island off the coast of the eastern US. The robots, after slaughtering their masters, attempted to forge diplomatic relations with other nations. The text doesn't say what happened next. But, as the island is abandoned, it would seem the United States military did not look kindly on a gang of homicidal robots owning an island with a factory (with which they could make a limitless army of themselves). It's a lovely book. And, in an effort to kill Rob, brings 800 pages of crossovers into the TVCU and its surounding multiverse.



Mid-February to October 1931--JIM ANTHONY: SUPER DETECTIVE VOLUME TWO--"The Hunters"--Jim investigates when his friend is attacked by a monster. Crossovers include: JIM ANTHONY, FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON, LOVECRAFT'S CTHULHU MYTHOS, WEREWOLF OF LONDON, JEEVES AND WOOSTER, THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME, TALES OF THE SHADOWMEN, LES VAMPIRES, FANTOMAS, IRONCASTLE, THE LOST WORLD, KI-GOR, AN INHABITANT OF CARCOSA, THE KING IN YELLOW, THE SPIRIT, ALLARDRAVITCH, KING KONG, DOC SAVAGE, JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH, BECKY SHARP, TARZAN, LORD OF THE RINGS. There is a reference to Lord of the Rings. I got this crossover from Sean Levin's site. So I chose to just list the crossovers and then let people know to buy his books for more information, in my attempt to be as thorough as possible, while at the same time respecting Levin's disdain for me.

October to November 1946--THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH--It's said that Merlin's magic is not the magic of modern magicians, but instead the magic from the lost era of Middle-Earth.
October to November 1946--THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH--It's said that Merlin's magic is not the magic of modern magicians, but instead the magic from the lost era of Middle-Earth.
Release Date: 1973 (Setting is July 1967)
Series: Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos
Non-Horror Crosses: The Real Life of Sebastian Knight; The Alexandria Quartet; Lord of the Rings
The Story: A guy tries to summon magic from an old book and use the Old Ones to do his bidding. That goes as expected.
Notes: Ramsey Campbell has written a story set in the world of the Lovecraft Mythos. “Real Life” author Sebastian Knight is referenced, which refers to the novel The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, in which Knight’s brother is researching to write a biography of his late brother, the famous writer Sebastian Knight. Another writer is referenced. That is Ludwig Pursewarden, who appeared in the Alexandria Quartet series. This series actually tells the same story three times in three books, but from different perspectives. The fourth book then jumps ahead some years to catch up with the characters, from another’s point of view. In the guy’s incantation, Sauron is invoked. Sauron of course was a demonic being from Middle-Earth in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. (I don’t have to describe Lord of the Rings, do I?) The implication is that Sauron is in fact one of Lovecraft’s Old Ones.

Release Date: 1975 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: The Illuminatus! Trilogy
Horror Crosses: Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos
Non-Horror Crosses: Beatles; Conan the Barbarian; Kull; Lord of the Rings
Notes: The trilogy is loaded with ties to Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. The main character travels in a Yellow Submarine. The history of the Illuminati includes Conan, Kull, Frodo, and Sauron.



SEPTEMBER 1982--POWERKID POLICE # 1--"The Super-Trio"--A magical evil calling himself Doctor Deadly comes to Orange from outer space. He claims to have once ruled this world, and now wants to reclaim it. Arriving on the scene to battle this alien wizard is Powerkid, Zap, and a new speedster hero called Speedy. Together, the three are able to stop him where one would have failed. Doctor Deadly flees into outer space. Powerkid and Zap, who are cousins Bobby Wronski and Philip Sheridan, find that this new hero is also their cousin, Shon Ames. The three realize that only by working together were they able to defeat the villain, and that some threats only can be stopped by a team. And so they put the word out that they wish to form a team, and are calling on any new heroes (since there had been a recent explosion of new heroes) who would like to join. The team ends up consisting of initially: Powerkid, Zap, Speedy, the Unknown, Man-Killer, Space Hero, Waterman, Avenger, The Toy, Bird Boy and Bird Girl, Screamer, Witch Woman, Stretch, Vic-20, Tornado Man, and Fireman. Later members would be Kitten Girl, Powergirl, and mascot Chris Whaland. Real Life Notes: During the Super-Bob era, there had been another Super-Trio consisting of Super-Bob, Super-Len, and Witch Woman. Doctor Deadly will later be revealed to be Morgoth from the Lord of the Rings, who is possessing an alien scientist's body. The Powerkid Police is obviously my version of the Justice League of America. Phil Sheridan came up with the name. Powerkid is the PKP version of the JLA's Superman. Zap is the PKP's version of the JLA's Martian Manhunter. Speedy is the PKP's version of the JLA's Flash. Incidentally, a year later, Speedy, under the new name of the Speedster, gets his own series, where he becomes a janitor at a museum in CENTRAL CITY, because he just feels the city needs a speedster. In this reality, the Flash apparently doesn't exist, at least not in the early 80s. Of course, in the TVCU, he does exist in the early 1980s in the Super Friends. I guess there's more than one Central City. The Unknown is the PKP's version of Batman. Man-Killer fills in for Wonder Woman. Space Hero fills for Green Lantern. Waterman for Aquaman. The Toy for the Atom. Bird Boy and Bird Girl are the PKP's Hawkman and Hawkwoman. Interestingly, later, Bird Boy was found to be constantly hopping around in time due to the Crisis. He was the Bird Boy/Bird Man of the 1950s/1960s Wonder Woman stories, the Bird Man of the 1960s cartoon, and later, Harvey Birdman, Attorney-At-Law. Screamer is Black Canary, obviously. Witch Woman fills in for Zatanna. Stretch fills in for Elongated Man, but is actually Stretch Armstrong, as in the toy where you could grab his arms and stretch him out. Vic-20 and Tornado Man took the place of Red Tornado. Tornado Man here is an older hero among the group, formerly having been a member of the Mighty Heroes. Fireman is the replacement for Firestorm. Kitten Girl and Powergirl joined two years later, with no JLA counterpart. Chris Whaland was the Snapper Carr of the group. The PKP disbanded in 1985, but in 1987, I wrote a story from 1984 that retroactively added the character.

November 1983--POWERKID # 15--Doctor Deadly teams up with his counterpart from Middle Earth and his 31st century counterpart as well as Karate Spears. They capture Bobbi the Avenger, Powerkid, and Captain Robert Wronski of the Butterfieldia in an attempt to kill them all. Real Life Notes: Bobbi the Avenger is revealed in this story to be an ancestor of Bobby Wronski. His initial storyline took place concurrently with the events of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The sword he possessed, the Sword of Power, was revealed later to be Excalibur, and also the sword later possessed by He-Man of Eternia and Powerlord, a hero partner of Zap, Master of Power. The sword would also at one point be possessed by an Earth teen who would also become He-Man, and teamed up once with the Wonder Twins.
September 1984--POWERKID POLICE # 25 AND 26--"Heroes of Earth"--The Powerkid Police team up with a team of heroes from an alternate reality, one where heroes are more predominately magic users and costume vigilantes. This world is less like the Television Crossover Universe, and more similar to, say, a Horror Universe. The leader of the team is named Vronski. Vronski is said to have been raised by Dracula and Venus. He is a horror host, who lives in the same reality as the stories he tells. This includes stories involving a Vietnam era version of the Creature Commandos, that implies that the original Creature Commandos also existed in that realty. Later it is revealed that Vronski, in previous lives, has been Gandalph from Lord of the Rings and Merlin. He's also revealed later to be the Monitor (from Crisis on Infinite Earths). Another member of the Heroes of Earth was Doctor Mystery, who had another model of the Dynomutt, Dog Wonder. Another member Blacky (from General Hospital). And another was named Doctor Deadly (but not the same bad guy enemy of Powerkid). This Doctor Deadly was in fact secretly Ken Doll, married to Barbie Doll. This Doctor Deadly once fought the Empire from Star Wars.

July 1985--THE CRISIS WITHIN--This mini-series took place concurrently with Crisis on Infinite Earths. It featured every Super Comics character that ever appeared thus far. The story reveals that the Crisis affected all realities, including those of Powerkid, the Heroes of Earth, and Animal Town. This story also takes place in many time periods, involving the present day characters, Super-Bob from 1982, Middle-Earth, the Space Patrol, etc. This also includes appearances of G-Force from Battle of the Planets, Zorro, the Lone Ranger, Star Trek, Buck Rogers, Star Wars, Mighty Mouse, the Super Friends, He-Man, Batman and Robin, the Greatest American Hero, Dial H for Hero, the Mighty Heroes, G.I. Joe, the Ghostbusters, and Madison Mermaid from Splash. (There may be more that I can't remember.) The story reveals that these realities (which would be the TVCU, Horror Universe, and Looniverse), were affected by the anti-matter wall and the time and space anomalies. The Super Comics heroes and villains were all on the Monitor's satellite, along with heroes from the Marvel Universe as well. (For the sake of the TVCU, these alternate realities were all divergent timelines with the exception of the Looniverse, which is a magical realm in the Void between realities). Powerkid and other Super Comics heroes were part of a second team that invade the anti-matter universe. But after that, the Powerkid Police and Heroes of Earth had to deal with a separate crisis within their own realities. Doctor Deadly has taken advantage of the weakening of time and space to attempt to destroy all reality. He's defeated, but a barrier is created that traps the Heroes of Earth in the TVCU, unable to return to their Horror Universe. Also during these events, the Anti-Monitor kills Powergirl, who Powerkid had a crush on. At the end of these events, the Powerkid Police disband and Powerkid retires. He also decides that he is no longer Bobby, and goes by Bob. Another effect of the Crisis is that Powerkid loses knowledge of the future, including his meetings with the Space Patrol. [Powerkid was a character I created as a child, as a fictional super-hero version of myself.]

1987--SOCRATES MEETS JESUS--The two mystically show up in a modern university, along with Gandalf briefly.

1987--SOCRATES MEETS JESUS--The two mystically show up in a modern university, along with Gandalf briefly.
Release Date: June 15, 1990 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Gremlins
Horror Crosses: Body Snatchers
Non-Horror Crosses: The Quatermass Experiment; Innerspace
The Story: After the death of Mr. Wing, Gizmo ends up the property of Clamp Enterprises and is sent to their headquarters for study. Of course, Gizmo gets wet and multiplies, and the others eat after midnight and become evil gremlins, and the staff of the building must fight to contain the menace.
Notes: This is of course a sequel to Gremlins, already brought in via a cross with the Howling. It should be noted that there is also a reference to the Gremlins in the film The Goonies. One of the Clamp scientists is also in possession of a pod, as seen in The Body Snatchers. One of the offices has a nameplate for a Dr. Quatermass. Considering the first film and this film and their homages, it’s likely meant to be the main character of the classic sci-fi film. Another nameplate lists the offices of Vectorscope Labs. They are the ones who created the shrinking ray in the film Innerspace. I should also note one other crossover in the film that doesn’t really count. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig appear at the beginning and end of the film, and in a more expanded segment on the DVD version. The film opens as if the viewer will be seeing a Looney Tunes short first, but when Daffy and Bugs fight over it, Bugs decides to just skip to the movie. The film also ends with a typical Porky Pig ending, also interrupted by Daffy. This framing sequence is not part of the main story, and in fact, the implication is that Bugs, Daffy and Porky also see Gremlins 2 as a fictional film from their perspective. So their appearance, not being part of the story that is canon, does not bring them into the Horror Universe. (However, see the entry for Looney Tunes: Back in Action.) This film has been referenced as fictional or paid homage to numerous times in other films and on television. It was also spoofed in a 2013 episode of Saturday Night Live hosted by Jennifer Lawrence when a movie is called Hobbit 14: The New Batch in a digital short.

June 1993--GHOST RIDER/BLAZE: SPIRITS OF VENGEANCE # 11--The villain is Shelob, an ancient spider-woman. Shelob was the spider of Mordor that Frodo and Sam faced in LORD OF THE RINGS.

2000--AMERICAN GODS--James Bojaciuk reports: I just finished reading Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods. It had a few crossovers. The Sandman. Delirium, the insane member of the Endless, appears unnamed when the main character visits LA. Baron Samedi, a Voodoo god, possesses Didi from the comic miniseries Death: The High Cost of Living. The Golem and his creator Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel appear in the camp of the old gods. Neither of them are gods, though--this will be delt with below. Lord of the Rings. The dawarves that appear during the novel all follow Tolkien's naming system. That's not quite enough to link to Tolkien's novels, except that one dwarf is named "Vindalf" which seems to indicate that the names of members from the famous Fellowship of the Ring have slowly worked their way into the cultures of the various "lost" races that were active during the time of Middle Earth. There's a *possible* crossover with The Man from UNCLE, but I need to think about it some more before I can figure out if it's a crossover, an unintentional crossover, a noncross, or just a useless pop culture refernce. It's kinda messy. Regardless of the potential UNCLE crossover, the above three crossovers solidly bring American Gods and its sequels into the TVCU. The novel does raise some interesting issues we'll have to explore. The novel never exactly decides what the "gods" are: theories offered up in the book are that they are the literal gods, they are figuritive versions of the gods that cannot leave America, or that they're "evolution entities" that basically boil down to x-men like mutants. I can't say...though, obviously, not everyone present is a god. The Golem for instance. But, for the most part, the distictions don't matter. Jesus is mentioned. Apparently he's currently in Afganistan doing what he did 2,000 years ago in Israel: healing people, teaching, all of that stuff. This breeds a nice problem for us. Which Jesus is this? I'm going with Literal Jesus--as I discussed way back in the comments on the Bewitched blog--all of the other Jesuses would have no interest in helping people. It could have been Wacky Gnostic Jesus, since he did like helping people--even if he was, well, wacky--but a very important part of his story is that he died several decades after the cross incident (making him one of only three people who survived the cross--the other two were recorded in a obsecure Roman history as being a bizarre case that only survived because they were quickly pulled off their crosses and given the best medical treatment possible). So, yes, this leaves only Literal Jesus, who was the most logical choice anyway. Apparently in the TVCU Jesus is still active in the world, currently trying to find a peaceful and Godly solution to the problems in the middle east. Since this all happened in 2000, probably someone's killed him by now. But we all know how well killing him worked out the first time.
2000--AMERICAN GODS--James Bojaciuk reports: I just finished reading Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods. It had a few crossovers. The Sandman. Delirium, the insane member of the Endless, appears unnamed when the main character visits LA. Baron Samedi, a Voodoo god, possesses Didi from the comic miniseries Death: The High Cost of Living. The Golem and his creator Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel appear in the camp of the old gods. Neither of them are gods, though--this will be delt with below. Lord of the Rings. The dawarves that appear during the novel all follow Tolkien's naming system. That's not quite enough to link to Tolkien's novels, except that one dwarf is named "Vindalf" which seems to indicate that the names of members from the famous Fellowship of the Ring have slowly worked their way into the cultures of the various "lost" races that were active during the time of Middle Earth. There's a *possible* crossover with The Man from UNCLE, but I need to think about it some more before I can figure out if it's a crossover, an unintentional crossover, a noncross, or just a useless pop culture refernce. It's kinda messy. Regardless of the potential UNCLE crossover, the above three crossovers solidly bring American Gods and its sequels into the TVCU. The novel does raise some interesting issues we'll have to explore. The novel never exactly decides what the "gods" are: theories offered up in the book are that they are the literal gods, they are figuritive versions of the gods that cannot leave America, or that they're "evolution entities" that basically boil down to x-men like mutants. I can't say...though, obviously, not everyone present is a god. The Golem for instance. But, for the most part, the distictions don't matter. Jesus is mentioned. Apparently he's currently in Afganistan doing what he did 2,000 years ago in Israel: healing people, teaching, all of that stuff. This breeds a nice problem for us. Which Jesus is this? I'm going with Literal Jesus--as I discussed way back in the comments on the Bewitched blog--all of the other Jesuses would have no interest in helping people. It could have been Wacky Gnostic Jesus, since he did like helping people--even if he was, well, wacky--but a very important part of his story is that he died several decades after the cross incident (making him one of only three people who survived the cross--the other two were recorded in a obsecure Roman history as being a bizarre case that only survived because they were quickly pulled off their crosses and given the best medical treatment possible). So, yes, this leaves only Literal Jesus, who was the most logical choice anyway. Apparently in the TVCU Jesus is still active in the world, currently trying to find a peaceful and Godly solution to the problems in the middle east. Since this all happened in 2000, probably someone's killed him by now. But we all know how well killing him worked out the first time.

Release Date: 2001 (Contemporary Setting)
Series: Nightside
Horror Crosses: Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos; Dracula (Simon R. Green)
Non-Horror Crosses: Sandman (Vertigo); Lord of the Rings
The Story: Toby Dexter is an ordinary man who meets an extraordinary woman on a train and follows her into the land of Mysterie.
Notes: When Toby is shot, he has a conversation with Death of the Endless, sister of Dream, aka the Sandman. This places the Dreaming of Sandman as another of the magical realms of the Horror Multiverse. There is a bookstore called Gandalf’s that contains a copy of the Necronomicon. JImmy Thunder once worked a case involving Dracula.

Release Date: December 1, 2004
Animated Series Crosses: South Park; Thundarr the Barbarian; The Simpsons; The Flintstones
Other Crosses: Lost World (1925 film); Lord of the Rings
The Story: Captain Hero begins dating Clara’s mentally challenged cousin. Meanwhile, other housemates learn that Ling-Ling produces a psychedelic drug in his sweat when he is upset.
Notes: When riding a roller coaster, other passengers are Kyle and a jakovasaur from South Park, Thundarr the Barbarian, and his ally Ookla the Mok. The amusement park is in Toon Town. Kyle comes from South Park, Colorado. The jakovasaur was a creature whose existence was discovered by Eric Cartman. Thundarr and Ookla have had adventures within a divergent post-apocalyptic timeline. On Harvey Birdman, Thundarr is shown to have also lived in Bedrock. Since Bedrock and Toon Town both seem to coexist at a nexus of time and space, this crossover isn’t too unreasonable. Homer Simpson is seen in the background of a scene. Bamm-Bamm Rubble also appears. In the later Drawn Together Movie, Bamm-Bamm’s birth will be seen. That means that this story is chronologically after the movie from Bamm-Bamm’s perspective, even if the film comes later from the Drawn Together perspective. This would demonstrate and support the notion that the portals between time periods and realities doesn’t always sync up. Trips between locations could wind someone up at random points in time, earlier or later than previous or later trips. The live action Monkey-Man from the 1925 film The Lost World is seen. He appears often, in a reused clip from the classic film. The Monkey-Man resides in the Live Action forest behind the Drawn Together House. As the original tunnel between Toon Town of the Cartoon Universe and Hollywood of the Live Action Universe was destroyed to create a freeway, it may be that this forest may be one of the primary means now for travel between those worlds. (Other portals seem to exist at various film studios that employ toons). Since this creature is from the Lost World, it may be that this forest is a nexus between reality and time periods as well, more than just linking the Cartoon and Live Action Universes. In this episode, Foxxy possesses the one ring that will rule them all, which means in the Cartoon Universe it was not yet destroyed as seen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Later, Clara will come into possession of the ring.

March 2006--FAMILY GUY--"Sibling Rivalry"--Sauron, the villain from The Lord of the Rings is shown as the Eye of Sauron in a scene where he is trying to find his lost contact lens. In one scene, Scrat from the film Ice Age is shown trying to take a nut out of a side of a glacier, and Peter tells him off for trying to steal his nuts. Apart from Peter, the scene was animated in 3D, and Chris Wedge reprized his role as Scrat from the original movies. The episode originally aired the week before Ice Age: The Meltdown opened. FOX aired promotions for the movie throughout the evening. Near the end of the episode, Stewie is shown digging a hole together with Christopher Moltisanti from the series The Sopranos. Tomcil adds: "and there was a robot Sid in Robots and there was a live action talk show in Brian Writes a bestseller."
JAN - Ivan Schablotski and Victoria Waddell room together in Virginia Beach VA. Victoria turns out to be a 'cryptid-magnet', attracting hominids like elves, trolls, hobbits, and presumably werewolves.
October 2007--SOUTH PARK--"Imaginationland"--The boys discover Imaginationland. This is actually simply a portion of the Looniverse where Anomaly sometimes teleports real beings from the multiverse due to the nature of the Looniverse and it's Tulpa state. Thus, we can consider this a major crossover event. In Imaginationland, the Council of Nine (the true leaders of the land) are:
- Aslan the Lion (The Chronicles of Narnia)
- Gandalf the Grey (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)
- Glinda the Good Witch (The Wizard of Oz)
- Jesus Christ (The Bible)
- Luke Skywalker (Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope) Characters from Star Wars have also appeared to interact with people from Quahog, Rhode Island and Springfield, but the anomaly often pulls people randomly through time and space and then returns them with no memory of what happened, so it's uncertain if these people were pulled from Imaginationland or from a galaxy far far away.
- Morpheus (The Matrix)
- Popeye (Popeye)
- Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
- Zeus (Greek Mythology)
The other good guys are:
- Astro Boy (Astro Boy)
- Baby Mario (Mario)
- Boo Berry
- Br'er Rabbit
- Calvin & Hobbes
- Care Bear (Care Bears)
- Captain Planet
- Cheetara (Thundercats)
- Cinderella (Cinderella)
- Count Chocula
- Crest Toothpaste
- Dorothy and Toto (The Wizard of Oz)
- Franken Berry
- Franklin (Franklin)
- Garuda (Buddhism/Hinduism)
- Gizmo (Gremlins)
- God (The Bible)
- Mad Hatter (Alice's Adventure in Wonderland)
- Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
- Link (The Legend of Zelda)
- Mr. Clean
- Mr. Tumnus (The Chronicles of Narnia)
- Optimus Prime (Transformers)
- Orko (He-Man)
- Pacman (Pacman)
- Perseus (Greek Mythology)
- Peter Pan
- Puss in Boots (Shrek 2)
- Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- Raggedy Ann and Andy
- Rapunzel
- Rickety Rocket
- Rocky and Bullwinkle (The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show)
- Ronald McDonald (McDonald's Restaurant)
- Scarecrow (the Wizard of Oz)
- Silver Surfer (Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer)
- Smurf
- Smurfette
- Snarf (ThunderCats)
- Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberry Shortcake)
- Super Best Friends
- Super Mario (Mario series)
- Superman
- The Cowardly Lion (The Wizard of Oz)
- The Flash
- The Scarecrow (The Wizard of Oz)
- Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro)
- Twinkie the Kid (Mascot for Twinkies)
- Voltron (Voltron)
- Wild Thing (Where The Wild Things Are)
- Waldo (Where's Waldo?)
- Yoda (Star Wars)
And the bad guys:
- Akuma/Gouki (Street Fighter II)
- Sagat (Street Fighter)
- Bluto (Popeye)
- Bowser (Mario series)
- Br'er Fox
- Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
- Cards (Alice's Adventure in Wonderland)
- Creature from the Black Lagoon (Creature from the Black Lagoon)
- Darkseid (DC Comics)
- Flying Monkeys (The Wizard of Oz)
- Frankenstein (Mary Shelley's Frankenstein)
- Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street)
- Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda)
- Goro (Mortal Kombat)
- Headless Horseman (The Legend of Sleepy Hollow)
- Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
- Orc (The Lord of the Rings)
- Predator (Predator series)
- Pinhead (Hellraiser)
- Sinistar
- The Minotaur (Greek Mythology)
- Venom (Spider-Man)
- Wario (Mario series)
- The Wicked Witch of the West (The Wizard of Oz)
- The White Witch (The Chronicles of Narnia)
- The Wolfman
- Tripod (War of the Worlds)
- Xenomorph (Alien series)
2007--MONSTER HUNTERS INTERNATIONAL--Also from John D. Lindsey, Jr.: The MHI books mention that Tolkien and Lovecraft got a lot of their information and lore from monster hunters, and the orcs (and their wars wolves) that turn up in the books are pretty much straight outta Tolkien.
2009--THE MAGICIANS--From John D. Lindsey, Jr.: The Magicians is a novel by Lev Grossman about a guy who ends up attending a secret wizard college and eventually winds up in the magical land of Fillory, a Narnia knockoff that he knows of from books. At one point, another character suggests that "all of fiction might just be a users guide to the multiverse"; at the end of the book, he departs to travel the different realities in search of Middle Earth (because he wants to bang an elf chick.)
2009--THE MAGICIANS--From John D. Lindsey, Jr.: The Magicians is a novel by Lev Grossman about a guy who ends up attending a secret wizard college and eventually winds up in the magical land of Fillory, a Narnia knockoff that he knows of from books. At one point, another character suggests that "all of fiction might just be a users guide to the multiverse"; at the end of the book, he departs to travel the different realities in search of Middle Earth (because he wants to bang an elf chick.)
When that character reappears in the sequel, The Magicians King, he hasn't found Middle Earth, but he did discover that Teletubbies are real...which Simon R. Green already told us in A Hard Day's Knight.

2011--MIRKWOOD--Ted Gregory also reports: There was a novel I read a few months back - called "Mirkwood" - that had Sauron sending a Nazgul through time to contemporary times (in order to suppress a recently discovered Tolkien manuscript dealing with a previously unknown female Hobbit character". The Tolkien Estate was not amused.

2011--MIRKWOOD--Ted Gregory also reports: There was a novel I read a few months back - called "Mirkwood" - that had Sauron sending a Nazgul through time to contemporary times (in order to suppress a recently discovered Tolkien manuscript dealing with a previously unknown female Hobbit character". The Tolkien Estate was not amused.
2011--HAMMERED--Philip Ziermann reports: Just started reading "Hammered" (book 3 of The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne) and in it the main character mentions that Middle Earth is a real place that he's visited and that Elrond is still at Rivendale (but doesn't look like Hugo Weaving).

2012--THE ROOK--A spy who feared having her memories erased wrote a series of letters to herself. Crossovers include: Brigadoon, Moomin, Bas-Lag, Chronicles of Narnia, Anita Blake, X-Files, The Time Machine, Whitby Witches, Deptford Mice, Lord of the Rings, Puss in Boots, The Midwich Cuckoos, The Tailor of Gloucester.
Release Date: August 2, 2012
Animated Series Crosses: The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo
The Story: Fred gets a visit from his real parents while the Dreamweaver causes the residents of Crystal Cove to destroy their most valued possessions.
Notes: Vincent Van Ghoul has a cameo with no lines. There are numerous non-cross references here including to Labyrinth, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Dungeons & Dragons, Paula Dean, and Lord of the Rings. In this series, their version of D&D is called Crypts and Creatures. In the alternate timeline of Shaggy and Scooby Get a Clue!, their version of D&D is called Dragons & Gnomes.
JUN 22 - BROKEN ARROWHEAD - An extradimensional incursion manifests in Shaymore, ME. Ten Ghostbusters from three different franchises (including Ivan), StarGate personnel, ISIS agents (who are suspected to be responsible), and an otherworldly wizard arrive to seal the rift.
Shaymore, Maine was the location of the Arrowhead Project in Stephen King's THE MIST (1980).Ghostbusters are from the eponymous 1984 film. StarGate personnel are from the filmSTARGATE (1994) and subsequent television franchise shows. The agents of ISIS are from the animated series ARCHER (2009 - present). The Wizard is arguably Gandalf the Grey, from Tolkien's LORD OF THE RINGS saga (first appearing in THE HOBBIT in 1937) and associated Middle-earth stories.
2014--GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY--Could Groot be a descendant of the Trees from Lord of the Rings? Ted Gregory theorizes that the reason that we only hear Groot say "I am Groot" is because the universal translators don't understand NeoEntish. Of course, Groot, though being a sentient tree, doesn't necessarily resemble the trees from Lord of the Rings, but thousands of years of evolution and environmental changes through space travel and perhaps even interbreeding with other species could explain some of this. So while I'm here, I wonder if there is also a relation distantly through shared ancestry with the Trees of Oz, the Tree Woman from the second New Doctor Who episode, or the Trees from the Narnia Doctor Who Christmas Special. There are also Trees specifically designated as Ent in D & D Pathfinder and Warcraft. Any other sentient Tree people I'm forgetting? While some might argue that not all the trees are the same species, like for instance Groot's species is Flora Colossus, I would argue that Romulans are descended from Vulcans.
October 2014--GRAVITY FALLS--"Little Gift Shop of Horrors"--The Eye of Sauron appears.

October 2014--GRAVITY FALLS--"Little Gift Shop of Horrors"--The Eye of Sauron appears.
Matt Hickman: I HEREBY GIVE MY PERMISSION to the Police, CSIS, the FBI and CIA, the RCMP, the Swiss Guard, the Priory of Scion, the inhabitants of Middle Earth, Agents Mulder and Scully, the Goonies, ALL the Storm Troopers and Darth Vader, the Mad Hatter, Chuck Norris, S.H.I.E.L.D, The Avengers, The Illuminati, The Men in Black, X-Men, Ghost Busters, The Justice League, Gandalf and Dumbledore, Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Great Pumpkin, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, The Tooth Fairy, The Krampus, and all the members of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Black Sabbath, Voltron, The Groovy Ghoulies, the Thunder Cats, Dr. Who, Hart to Hart, Mystery inc. (Scooby Doo), James Garner, Angela Landsbury, the WWF, the EPA, and even Magnum P.I., He-Man, Jay andSilent Bob, Cheech & Chong, Neo, Blade, and the Boondock Saints to view all the amazing and interesting things I publish on Facebook. I'm aware that my privacy ended the very day that I created a profile on Facebook, I know that whatever I post can (and usually does) get shared, tagged, copied, and posted elsewhere because I'm THAT fascinating. If I don't want anyone else to have it, then I don't post it! DO NOT SHARE. YOU GOTTA COPY AND PASTE

2016--MONSTER HUNTERS MEMOIRS: GRUNGE--Another tidbit from John D. Lindsey, Jr.: Just finished Monster Hunter Memoirs: Grunge, by Larry Correia and John Ringo. This is part of Correia's Monster Hunter International series, but takes place long before the main series. It's the memoir of one Chad Gardenier, a marine who is wounded in the 1983 Beirut bombings, returns to the US, puts down a zombie outbreak and ends up working for MHI. The book tells about his adventures in the 1980s. There are the usual Lovecraftian references: the Old Ones, shoggoths and Cthulhu are mentioned, and a kappa is theorized to be related to the Deep Ones. In Portland, an MHI team battles giant spiders referred to as "shelobs", a reference to the giant spider from The Lord of the Rings. It's implied that Gary Gygax knew a little something when designing D&D, and that a lot of that information comes in handy for monster hunters. Characters theorize that the Monster Control Bureau leak information to movies and television to make the reality seem like a myth, and it's mentioned that the film Halloween is based on something that really happened. Gardenier travels to England to do some research with the Van Helsing Institute. Monsters called gnolls play a big role in the story. As far as I know, the term gnoll originated with Dungeons & Dragons, but there it refers to humanoid hyenas. Here it is used to describe subterranean, garbage-eating ghouls, so I don't think this one counts as a legit reference. At one point, a character implies that "The Most Dangerous Game" is based on a true story, prompting another character to say: "Christ, is there anything out there that's fiction that isn't based on a true story?" I thought that was a line TVCU enthusiasts might find fun. Mickey Mouse is stated to have started out as a fey who was cursed to exist as a two-dimensional cartoon until Disney stops using the logo. Finally, MHI recently had a battle with an entity calling itself "Mayhem", which caused a lot of damage and angered insurance companies. Unless someone has a better suggestion, all I can figure is it's a reference to those Allstate commercials. Oh, and not a crossover, but we learn that Sasquatch are immune to the werewolf curse, which is probably good for everyone.
2016--MONSTER HUNTERS MEMOIRS: GRUNGE--Another tidbit from John D. Lindsey, Jr.: Just finished Monster Hunter Memoirs: Grunge, by Larry Correia and John Ringo. This is part of Correia's Monster Hunter International series, but takes place long before the main series. It's the memoir of one Chad Gardenier, a marine who is wounded in the 1983 Beirut bombings, returns to the US, puts down a zombie outbreak and ends up working for MHI. The book tells about his adventures in the 1980s. There are the usual Lovecraftian references: the Old Ones, shoggoths and Cthulhu are mentioned, and a kappa is theorized to be related to the Deep Ones. In Portland, an MHI team battles giant spiders referred to as "shelobs", a reference to the giant spider from The Lord of the Rings. It's implied that Gary Gygax knew a little something when designing D&D, and that a lot of that information comes in handy for monster hunters. Characters theorize that the Monster Control Bureau leak information to movies and television to make the reality seem like a myth, and it's mentioned that the film Halloween is based on something that really happened. Gardenier travels to England to do some research with the Van Helsing Institute. Monsters called gnolls play a big role in the story. As far as I know, the term gnoll originated with Dungeons & Dragons, but there it refers to humanoid hyenas. Here it is used to describe subterranean, garbage-eating ghouls, so I don't think this one counts as a legit reference. At one point, a character implies that "The Most Dangerous Game" is based on a true story, prompting another character to say: "Christ, is there anything out there that's fiction that isn't based on a true story?" I thought that was a line TVCU enthusiasts might find fun. Mickey Mouse is stated to have started out as a fey who was cursed to exist as a two-dimensional cartoon until Disney stops using the logo. Finally, MHI recently had a battle with an entity calling itself "Mayhem", which caused a lot of damage and angered insurance companies. Unless someone has a better suggestion, all I can figure is it's a reference to those Allstate commercials. Oh, and not a crossover, but we learn that Sasquatch are immune to the werewolf curse, which is probably good for everyone.

Post-Apocalyptic Era--Primal Rage--Matt Hickman believes Sauron from this game is another from of the same Sauron from Lord of the Rings.
Post-Apocalyptic Era--Primal Rage--Matt Hickman believes Sauron from this game is another from of the same Sauron from Lord of the Rings.
Release Date: 2001 (Setting is 2265 A.D.)
Series: Star Trek; Sherlock Holmes (See Notes)
Horror Crosses: Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos
Non-Horror Crosses: Lord of the Rings; Lost World; Indiana Jones; A.J. Raffles; The Saint; Journey to the Centre of the Earth; Pink Panther
The Story: On the Amusement Park Planet, a construct is made of Professor Moriarty from the stories of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The construct embraces his character so much that he leaves to embark on a life of real crime. Spock makes the logical deduction that only constructs of Holmes and Watson can stop him.
Notes: This is an anthology of interconnected stories by the same author. The premise is used to imagine Holmes in the world of Star Trek. Though Holmes is thought of here as a fictional character within the world of Star Trek, in Star Trek VI, Spock will claim Holmes as his ancestor (on his human side). It’s certainly realistic for people to confuse the worlds of fiction and reality after some time has passed. Think of all the people today who think that Lovecraftian lore is real, for instance. (It’s not, by the way.) In real life, ships and places are often named after other real places or historical figures. Thus, when writers are being clever, we get crossovers. In one of the stories, there are ships named the O.C. Marsh, the Cthulhu, the Arkham, the Sothoth, and the Alhazred, and there is a reference (curse) to the three Hells of Rlyeh. Those Lovecraftian references bring this story into the Horror Universe, though Star Trek has had other links mentioned elsewhere in this guide to connect it to the Horror Universe. Star Trek, of course, is in one of many possible alternate futures of the Horror Universe. Holmes sets up shop on Memory Alpha and finds copies of The Origin of Tree Worship (from the Lord of the Rings) and The Ladder of Life by Challenger (from the Lost World). A looter of an archaeological dig on Indiana IV is named Jones. A jewel thief is compared to Raffles and Templar (the Saint). There is an asteroid named Lidenbrock Alpha. Lidenbrock led the Journey to the Centre of the Earth. And there is a safe model P1I3N7K Panther.
C.S. Lewis Worlds--From Sidney Graham: Robyn Wronski probably already knows about the reference to Numinor in CS Lewis' Space Trilogy, putting it in continuity with Middle Earth and Tolkien's mythology, but I've never seen anyone comment on the fact that the morning star in Narnia is called Aravir, which is also the name of a Chieftan of the Dunedain in Tolkien's lore. It might be a coincidence, except that in Sindarin, "Aravir" means "royal jewel", which sounds like a good name for a morning star. This suggests that there is some sort of connection between Middle Earth and Narnia (they are obviously different universes, but the Wicked Witch was able to get from Charn to Narnia through the Wood Between the Worlds and something similar could have happened with Middle Earth). [For the record, I didn't know.]
LEGO DIMENSIONS--Alternate versions of Lord of the Rings appear in various conflicting canons of Lego animation.

Robyn's Bad Ideas--Hey, how about a Twilight/Lord of the Rings crossovers? No? Well, there's also a prequel Saturday morning cartoon featuring Golum being the mascot for a group of mystery solving teens.

SKITLANDIA--Smaug was interviewed on the Colbert Report. Now I do accept many crossovers from Colbert to be in the TVCU, and I do include many ridiculous things in the TVCU, but I just can't see Smaug from thousands of years ago, who was slain by the dwarfs, showing up on the Colbert Report to do an interview promoting the Hobbit movie. I do have to add there's another crossover, in which Smaug references that he hates Toothless (from HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON). There's also a Jack Black/Sarah Michelle Gellar sketch from the MTV Movie Awards that I forgot to mention. Ivan adds: There was also a sketch starring Elija Wood and Chris Kittan on SNL in which they took a detour on their quest to destroy the ring and got an apartment in Milwaukee, in a parody of the opening credits to LAVERNE & SHIRLEY, but I couldn't find it on line
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