MICAH HARRIS (our first returing guest!) and M.H. NORRIS

Next Saturday, March 5, the TVCU Crew will be recording episodes 13 and 14 of the Television Crossover Universe podcast from Castle Wolfenstein on the Grand Guignol Network. 

In Episode 13, Robert, Ivan, Chris and James will be talking with MICAH HARRIS, author of several novels and short stories for Part II of our interview, because we had a lot more questions and not enough time.  You can find Part I over in the sidebar to the right, TVCU Podcast episode 6, from January 19.

The Lemon HerbertsBadge City: NotchesDoc Claus

In Episode 14, RobertIvanChris and James will be talking with author M.H. Norris, whose body of work includes The Lemon Herberts, Badge City:  Notches, and Doc Claus.  She also co-writes an excellent blog at 18thWall.com, where she also works.  

New episodes of the show are released every Tuesday.  You can check out the latest episode at the link provided in the upper right hand corner of this page.

And please join us on Facebook to discuss the episodes.  Feel free to join us before the show to post any questions you have for our guests, and then feel free to join us after the shows to provide feedback.


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