TVCU Crisis
This is not the Crisis post James has been working on. This is a smaller scale of how the Crisis appeared from the point of view of Earth's heroes in the TVCU mostly. James' version is a bigger picture.
Timeline of the Crisis
This is a timeline of all events that occur before, during, and shortly after the Crisis. This timeline is adapted and expanded from the Crisis flowchart in Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover Index #1 of 1.
Events that are widespread (such as red skies or antimatter appearing) are in red. Events that are otherwise important are in blue. Events in italics are not in present time.
The Dawn of Our Time
20 billion BCE
Time-travelling Anti-Monitor attempts to prevent birth of positive matter universe & ensure birth of antimatter universe. Army of super-heroes tries to stop him. The Spectre, backed by other mystics, arm-wrestles the Anti-Monitor, allowing both positive matter & antimatter universes to be created. Crisis #10 (1.86)
4.4 billion years ago: Using his special time-bending device, the mad scientist Krona gazes unto the beginning of the universe. He unwittingly creates an anti-matter Universe, home of the world Qward. Krona witnesses the creation of the Shadowlands, also called the "Primordial Darkness," which is actually the Anti-Monitor's hand, rising up from the chaoplasm oceans of Hell. Krona's actions prompt the Guardians of the Universe to create the Manhunters and later, the Green Lantern Corps. NOTE: The "Hand of Darkness" first appeared in Green Lantern v.2 #40, first chronological in Crisis #10, and first explained in Swamp Thing #50. In pre-Final Crisis continuity, this event also sets in motion the birth of the Monitor and Anti-Monitor. In current continuity, these entities were birthed by the first Monitor's first entrance into the multiverse.
Green Lantern v.2 #40 (Oct. 1965)
3 billion years ago: A group of Oans decides that evil must be destroyed, not contained; they leave Oa for another dimension and are known as the Controllers. Crisis #7 (10.85), Zero Hour #1 (9.94)
3 billion years ago: The Anti-Monitor is born on the moon of Qward. The Anti-Monitor grows to conquer Qward and creates the Thunderers and Shadow Demons. The Monitor is born on Oa's moon. He and the Anti-Monitor sense each other's existence and fight for one million years. Crisis #7 (10.85)
1779: Tomahawk, Dan Hunter and Miss Liberty are taken to the 20th Century by the cosmic Crisis. All-Star Squadron #54 (Feb. 1986), Firestorm #42
Crisis, July 1879: Bat Lash, Scalphunter, Nighthawk, Jonah Hex and Johnny Thunder discover one of the Monitor's vibrational towers and encounter the tower's protectors: a group from the 20th century. Hex recognizes Green Lantern (John Stewart), and soon the anti-matter wave is upon them. Nighthawk is killed in the anti-matter wave. Crisis #3 (June 1985)
Crisis: Another group of heroes was drawn from across the timestream and led by Firebrand to stop the launch of a death ray at Cape Canaveral. Her team included Westerners Don Caballero, the Trigger Twins, and the Roving Ranger in addition to the Black Pirate, Miss Liberty, the Viking Prince, the Golden Gladiator, the Silent Knight and Valda, and the Iron Maiden. They came to clash with a group of Native Americans that included Strongbow, Super-Chief and Arak. When Firebrand saved Super-Chief's life, the two groups banded together against the Anti-Monitor's troops. All-Star Squadron #54-55 (2-3.86)
between late 1894 and mid 1895--Gemma Doyle trilogy--From James Bojaciuk: I just finished reading the Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray at the behest of one of my best friends. Basically Victorian schoolgirls go to an alternate dimension, find magic, things happen. There's more to it than that, but we hardly need to sum up 2,000 pages of plot. The series had two crossovers proper, both with Charles Dickens characters. A Great and Terrible Beauty (book one) featured an appearance of Mr. Bumble, who was very similar to the Mr. Bumble that Oliver Twist encountered. This man is likely the nephew of the original Mr. Bumble. In the last book, The Sweet Far Thing, Felicity Worthington makes the comment that someone will soon be "as fat as Fezziwig." Mr. Fezziwig was the employer of young Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. Late in the last novel, when the walls between realities are breaking, all the skies turn blood red. I don't think I need to tell you what that means--we've got another Red Skies Crossover with the Crisis on Infinite Earths! Strange how these things just sneak up on you.
It's strongly possible that the world the girls end up in is a post-apocalyptic Narnia several hundred years after Aslan destroyed it. My reasons for believing this will be covered in the Narnia blog. All three novels would have taken place between late 1894 and mid 1895 (TVCU time).
February 10, 1942: The All-Stars and Infinitors take on Ultra and the Secret Society of Super-Villains. The Atom is irradiated by Cyclotron, who turns on Ultra, apparently destroying them both. The Secret Society and Infinitors return to their own era and Firebrand takes custody of Terry Curtis's infant daughter, Terri. NOTES: Cyclotron does not die immediately; he was thrust forward to the time of the Crisis (see All-Star Squadron#54) and returned to the instant he left. The radiation to which the Atom is exposed later gives him super-strength. This issue contains Jerry Ordway reproduction of the cover of All-Star Comics #3 and a reprint of the page from All-Star Comics #11 in which the JSA members join the armed forces. All-Star Squadron Annual #2 (1983)
March 31, 1942 : The All-Stars battle comic strip characters that have come to life in Metropolis. NOTES: The original version of this adventure, starring the Golden Age Superman, appeared in Superman #19 (1942); the new version was written to demonstrate how post-Crisis heroes filled the gaps left by the Crisis. All-Star Squadron #64 (Dec. 1986)
April 1 to 12, 1942--ALL-STAR SQUADRON # 54 to 60--"The Crisis Comes to 1942"--The skies turn blood red, strange weather patterns occur, and movement between time and realities becomes easy and accidental. Because of this, Mister Mind of the Captain Marvel Universe discovers the TVCU and gathers together villains as his first Monster Society of Evil. Later, they must deal with a time travelling robot (from the future of METROPOLIS.) Eventually, the world is restored to normal without anyone really knowing what happened.
April 1, 1942: Doctor Fate casts a spell to remove the traces of Miraclo from Hourman's body, leaving him powerless. Johnny Quick marries Liberty Belle. Eight members of the Justice Battalion ( Atom, Doctor Mid-Nite, Hawkman, Johnny Thunder, Sandman, Spectre, Starman and Wonder Woman) are launched into space by German agents. Harbinger arrives to recruit Firebrand to join the Monitor's army (Crisis #1). The temporal energies of her passage displace the Justice Battalion into an alternate dimension where the other planets of the solar system are habitable, and send Green Lantern, Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle to the Captain Marvel Universe. Uncle Sam recruits the Blackhawks and a new group of Freedom Fighters (Black Condor, Doll Man, Firebrand I, the Human Bomb, the Jester, Manhunter I, Midnight, Phantom Lady, Plastic Man, Quicksilver, the Ray and the Spider) to fight the Axis powers in the Naziverse. NOTE: The JSA portion of this story is adapted from All-Star #13, "Shanghaied into Space." All-Star Squadron #50 (Oct. 1985), All-Star Comics #13 (Oct./Nov. 1942), Crisis #1 (Apr. 1985)
In the Captain Marvel Universe, Green Lantern, Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle encounter Captain Marvel, who enlists the aid of Shazam to send them home. Johnny and Libby are instead sent forward in time to the era of the Crisis. NOTES: In this story, Green Lantern finds a counterpart of the Starheart in Captain Marvel's China, which should be considered apocryphal. All-Star Squadron #52 (Dec. 1985)
The All-Stars return to 1942 from the era of the Crisis.The Atom, Starman and Wonder Woman face adventures on Hyperspace-Mars, Jupiter and Venus. All-Star Squadron #57 (May 1986), All-Star Comics #13 (Oct./Nov. 1942)
The Spectre, Johnny Thunder and Johnny's Thunderbolt free the JSA from Hyperspace, but all the items they brought with them from Hyperspace vanish. At Mekanique's urging, Green Lantern and Firebrand save a young girl from being hit by a car, altering history; unbeknownst to the heroes, their actions will permit the evil Rotwang, Mekanique's creator, to dominate Mekanique's native era, the 23rd century. Hawkman is elected cochairman of the Squadron. A photo of virtually the entire Squadron is taken for FDR. NOTES: This story illustrated the changes wrought by the Crisis. The photo depicts Superman, Batman, Robin, Aquaman and Wonder Woman, but then later in the story, the photo changes, and these heroes are replaced by Uncle Sam and Doll Man, the Ray, Plastic Man, Black Condor and Phantom Lady, and adding the Human Bomb and Jester. After this, All-Star Squadron changes to a "secret origins" style title, treading water until the launch of the post-Crisis Young All-Stars.
Release Date: 2010 (Setting is 1944-1964)
Series: Tales of the Shadowmen
Horror Crosses: Nosferatu; Stephen King Universe (works of Stephen King)
Non-Horror Crosses: Metropolis; Dr. Mabuse; Crisis on Infinite Earths; Alphaville; Gravity’s Rainbow; Mullartown; Last Year in Marienbad; La Invencion de Morel; The Castle; Michael Moorcock’s Multiverse; Chronicles of Amber; Wampus; Bunker Palace Hotel; Brazil; King Ubu; Bloom County
The Story: Four great super-villains who had worked to support Hitler see that the Third Reich is soon to fall and go off for ten years under new identities. Rotwang takes up the identity of Dominus Blicero in California. Leonard Orlok becomes Leonard Von Braun in France. M becomes Morel in Argentina. And Ohisver Muller goes to Turkey but keeps his own name. In 1954, they gather again with a plan to create four pocket realities of which to rule their own ways. Rotwang creates his Metropolis. M creates Marienbad. Muller created Mullartown. And Von Braun creates Alphaville.
Notes: Ready? Orlock is stated to have had a vampire ancestor, referring to Nosferatu. When the mad scientists discuss the multiverse, there is mention of the reality of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series. Rotwang’s Metropolis dimension is from the silent film Metropolis. Thus, as far as the Horror Universe is concerned, that film takes place between 1954 - 1964 in an artificial pocket dimension. Dr. Mabuse is from a series of silent films. The Crisis on Infinite Earths was a 1985 - 1986 mini-series by DC Comics. In it, all of the infinite alternate realities were threatened. Every major DC Comics character appeared. In the end, the multiverse was destroyed and replaced with a single DC Universe. However, shortly after, it was shown that other realities did still exist, and actually only a finite number of realities (the DC ones) were mushed together, and even then, shadows of those previous versions still existed in Hypertime. But non-DC owned realities still had inter-company crossovers showing that the DCU was not alone. And some of those other realities had even shown that they were somehow affected. Companies like Marvel Comics would display that the Crisis did reach all the way to them, but had little effect. Thus, we can assume based on this story, since these scientists in 1954 were aware of the Crisis (which affected time as well as space), then the Horror Universe must have been one of those realities that was not destroyed but still felt the effects, at least briefly. So, having said all that, we should note that the external time/space anomalies may have reached the Horror Universe, but the DC characters in that series were all from their DC Comics realities, and not the Horror Universe, even if the Horror Universe does have some counterparts to DC Comics characters. Alphaville is a 1965 French black and white film about an alternate reality that combines film noir with science fiction. Rotwang’s alter ego as Blicero was the main foe of the novel Gravity’s Rainbow. Though published in 1973, it is set during that 1944 - 1954 period. Mullartown (aka the House of a Thousand Floors) is a 1929 novel by Jan Weiss about a man who wakes with amnesia in a place that isn’t quite right. Last Year at Marienbad is a 1961 French film that is also very bizarre, about a man who seems trapped in a dream-like reality. In The Invention of Morel, a fugitive in Polynesia finds his reality coming apart and doesn’t know if it’s food sickness or something else. The Castle is the setting of said castle in the novel of the same name and also the location where the agent who comes to stop the villains meets his contacts. Michael Moorcock has several comics.that occur in separate but interconnected realities. His multiverse is also mentioned, which implies that the Horror Universe is part of the same Omniverse as Moorcock’s multiverse and the DC Multiverse. The Chronicles of Amber is a series of fantasy novels, which are mentioned by the scientists as existing as an alternate reality in this multiverse. Wampus is a French comic book character, later brought into modern literature by Jean-Marc Lofficier. He also seems to exist in one of the alternate realities connected to the Horror Multiverse. Within the story, it’s shown that the Bunker Palace Hotel, from the 1989 French film of the same name, exists within the pocket dimension of Alphaville. The 1985 film Brazil is also shown to take place in the Alphaville pocket dimension. Meanwhile, King Ubu (Ubu Roi) is from a French improv play that originated in the 1890s. In this story, we find that he exists in the Outlands. This may be a reference to the short lived spin-off of the comic strip Bloom County. Oh, and yes, I just did a Crisis crossover!!!
In the 1960s, the three Universal Protectors (the Great Unknown, Allorin Vonski, and Zeus) sensed the coming of a crisis so great all of the multiverse would be threatened, and Earth would be at the center. The three decided they each needed to create a champion to fight for their world, and so the three each chose one of three sisters, who would give birth to their champion.
the countdown to the Crisis began.
**APOCRYPHAL**--SEPTEMBER 1982--POWERKID POLICE # 1--"The Super-Trio"--A magical evil calling himself Doctor Deadly comes to Orange from outer space. He claims to have once ruled this world, and now wants to reclaim it. Arriving on the scene to battle this alien wizard is Powerkid, Zap, and a new speedster hero called Speedy. Together, the three are able to stop him where one would have failed. Doctor Deadly flees into outer space. Powerkid and Zap, who are cousins Bobby Wronski and Philip Sheridan, find that this new hero is also their cousin, Shon Ames. The three realize that only by working together were they able to defeat the villain, and that some threats only can be stopped by a team. And so they put the word out that they wish to form a team, and are calling on any new heroes (since there had been a recent explosion of new heroes) who would like to join. The team ends up consisting of initially: Powerkid, Zap, Speedy, the Unknown, Man-Killer, Space Hero, Waterman, Avenger, The Toy, Bird Boy and Bird Girl, Screamer, Witch Woman, Stretch, Vic-20, Tornado Man, and Fireman. Later members would be Kitten Girl, Powergirl, and mascot Chris Whaland. Real Life Notes: During the Super-Bob era, there had been another Super-Trio consisting of Super-Bob, Super-Len, and Witch Woman. Doctor Deadly will later be revealed to be Morgoth from the Lord of the Rings, who is possessing an alien scientist's body. The Powerkid Police is obviously my version of the Justice League of America. Phil Sheridan came up with the name. Powerkid is the PKP version of the JLA's Superman. Zap is the PKP's version of the JLA's Martian Manhunter. Speedy is the PKP's version of the JLA's Flash. Incidentally, a year later, Speedy, under the new name of the Speedster, gets his own series, where he becomes a janitor at a museum in CENTRAL CITY, because he just feels the city needs a speedster. In this reality, the Flash apparently doesn't exist, at least not in the early 80s. Of course, in the TVCU, he does exist in the early 1980s in the Super Friends. I guess there's more than one Central City. The Unknown is the PKP's version of Batman. Man-Killer fills in for Wonder Woman. Space Hero fills for Green Lantern. Waterman for Aquaman. The Toy for the Atom. Bird Boy and Bird Girl are the PKP's Hawkman and Hawkwoman. Interestingly, later, Bird Boy was found to be constantly hopping around in time due to the Crisis. He was the Bird Boy/Bird Man of the 1950s/1960s Wonder Woman stories, the Bird Man of the 1960s cartoon, and later, Harvey Birdman, Attorney-At-Law. Screamer is Black Canary, obviously. Witch Woman fills in for Zatanna. Stretch fills in for Elongated Man, but is actually Stretch Armstrong, as in the toy where you could grab his arms and stretch him out. Vic-20 and Tornado Man took the place of Red Tornado. Tornado Man here is an older hero among the group, formerly having been a member of the Mighty Heroes. Fireman is the replacement for Firestorm. Kitten Girl and Powergirl joined two years later, with no JLA counterpart. Chris Whaland was the Snapper Carr of the group. The PKP disbanded in 1985, but in 1987, I wrote a story from 1984 that retroactively added the character.--**APOCRYPHAL**
1984--TRANSFORMERS # 3--I had previously stated elsewhere that Spider-Man had probably never returned from the Secret Wars, but then James pointed out that an older Spidey was still operating in more modern times, and here is more proof that he returned with the suit that would be Venom. One of the Transformers would later appear in Secret Wars II, but I do not consider major Marvel crossovers as TVCU canon. However, I do believe that Secret Wars II may be yet another part of the Crisis. Nick Fury also appeared in the original Marvel Transformers comic series.
the Powerkid Family came about, in preparation for the Crisis. Michelle was already operating in times of emergency as Super Baby. The next to join would be Chris' girlfriend.
In 1984, it was revealed that Allorin Vonski, an immortal sorcerer, also referred to the Wronskiverse as Earth-B. Then a year later, in the Crisis Within, it was revealed that the Monitor also referred to it as Earth-B, and also identified Earth-B to be the same Earth-B that DC Comics uses as its continuity error Earth.
September 1984--POWERKID POLICE # 25 AND 26--"Heroes of Earth"--The Powerkid Police team up with a team of heroes from an alternate reality, one where heroes are more predominately magic users and costume vigilantes. This world is less like the Television Crossover Universe, and more similar to, say, a Horror Crossover Universe. The leader of the team is named Vronski. Vronski is said to have been raised by Dracula and Venus. He is a horror host, who lives in the same reality as the stories he tells. This includes stories involving a Vietnam era version of the Creature Commandos, that implies that the original Creature Commandos also existed in that realty. Later is will be revealed that Vronski, in previous lives, has been Gandalph from Lord of the Rings and Merlin. He's also revealed later to be the Monitor (from Crisis on Infinite Earths). Another member of the Heroes of Earth was Doctor Mystery, who had another model of the Dynomutt, Dog Wonder. Another member Blacky (from General Hospital). And another was named Doctor Deadly (but not the same bad guy enemy of Powerkid). This Doctor Deadly was in fact secretly Ken Doll, married to Barbie Doll. This Doctor Deadly once fought the Empire from Star Wars.
July 1985--CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS--Following the first film, all the other films feature different versions of Audrey and Rusty, with varying ages. Additionally, the Griswald home isn't always the same, and even the spelling of the Griswald name changes. I'm not saying that the Crisis had something to do with it, but I am saying it. Apparently, for some reason, between each Vacation film, there is some sort of altering of the timeline.
Late July 1985--KINGDOM HEARTS/KILALA PRINCESS--LOONIVERSE--Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas and Mulan participate in the Crisis!!! James Bojaciuk comments: Yup. We have shadow demons and red skies. Kingdom Hearts is a pain. Sora, Donald, and Goofy visit just about every universe in the TVCM. The Looniverse is visited most, but they make sure to visit Tarzan (TVCU), Wonderland, Halloweentown (which, per Gordon's Rankin-Bass book, is not part of the Looniverse), the Final Fantasy world, NeverLand, 100 Acre Woods, Port Royal (TVCU--during a series of events that take place shortly after the first Pirates of the Caribbean film), TRON (the world of a video game inside the TVCU, though is can be accessed from other universes), and The Hunchback of Notre Dame (TVCU, again). And this makes the book crazier because all of these entries fall at random points on both the objective and subjective timeline. The [Crisis] book will only follow the subjective timeline that follows events in the order Yog Sothoth experienced them--it's the only way that the nonlinear events even begin to correctly fall on a linear timeline. It's worth noting that the Tarzan they met might be the Looniverse Tarzan. That one could go either way, though I generally ignore the weirder portions of that and just assume it's a hugely fictionalized meeting with the real Tarzan.
July 1985--KINGDOM HEARTS II--Santa participates in the Crisis.
And then, in the summer of 1985, came the Crisis on Infinite Earths. The skies turned blood red, and weather patterns abounded. And then, various time periods merged. Powerkid and his allies worked hard to keep order, then suddenly they found themselves aboard a satellite, with heroes and villains from past, present, and future, and from many alternate realities. There were speakers, who told of the Anti-Monitor's plot to destroy all positive matter universes. Powerkid and his allies were sent on a mission to the anti-matter universe to stop the Anti-Monitor, and Powergirl sacrificed her life in the battle.
Sunday, July 14, 1985
Monday, July 15, 1985
Wednesday, July 17, 1985
Thursday, July 18, 1985
Monday, July 22, 1985
Tuesday, July 23, 1985
Thursday, July 25, 1985
Friday, July 26, 1985
Saturday, July 27, 1985
Tuesday, July 30, 1985
July 1985--THE CRISIS WITHIN--This mini-series took place concurrently with Crisis on Infinite Earths. It featured every Super Comics character that ever appeared thus far. The story reveals that the Crisis affected all realities, including those of Powerkid, the Heroes of Earth, and Animal Town. This story also takes place in many time periods, involving the present day characters, Super-Bob from 1982, Middle-Earth, the Space Patrol, etc. This also includes appearance of G-Force from Battle of the Planets, Zorro, the Lone Ranger, Star Trek, Buck Rogers, Star Wars, Mighty Mouse, the Super Friends, He-Man, Batman and Robin, the Greatest American Hero, Dial H for Hero, the Mighty Heroes, G.I. Joe, the Ghostbusters, and Madison Mermaid from Splash. (There may be more that I can't remember.) The story reveals that these realities (which would be the TVCU, Horror Universe, and Looniverse), were affected by the anti-matter wall and the time and space anomalies. The Super Comics heroes and villains were all on the Monitor's satellite, along with heroes from the Marvel Universe as well. (For the sake of the TVCU, these alternate realities were all divergent timelines with the exception of the Looniverse, which is a magical realm in the Void between realities). Powerkid and other Super Comics heroes were part of a second team that invade the anti-matter universe. But after that, the Powerkid Police and Heroes of Earth had to deal with a separate crisis within their own realities. Doctor Deadly has taken advantage of the weakening of time and space to attempt to destroy all reality. He's defeated, but a barrier is created that traps the Heroes of Earth in the TVCU, unable to return to their Horror Universe. Also during these events, the Anti-Monitor kills Powergirl, who Powerkid had a crush on. At the end of these events, the Powerkid Police disband and Powerkid retires. He also decides that he is no longer Bobby, and goes by Bob. Another effect of the Crisis is that Powerkid loses knowledge of the future, including his meetings with the Space Patrol. [Powerkid was a character I created as a child, as a fictional super-hero version of myself.]
Thursday, August 1, 1985
Friday, August 2, 1985
Saturday, August 3, 1985
Sunday, August 4, 1985
Monday, August 5, 1985
During the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, all of the DC Multiverse was destroyed or merged together. At first it appeared if Earth-B had merely been placed in a pocket space, merged with Earth-5. But very quickly it was revealed the Super Comics characters were now living on the post Crisis DCU.
Powerkid had no time to mourn, as Doctor Deadly has stolen a device called the Universal Transponder, in which to destroy Powerkid's universe, and re-create it in his image, using the added anti-matter energy. He was defeated, as was the Anti-Monitor. After the Crisis, and the tragedy, the Powerkid Police felt it was time to call it quits, and the silver age ended.
October 31, 1985 to December 1986--ELVIRA'S HOUSE OF MYSTERY--Following some sort of cosmic Crisis, a house becomes available and Elvira moves in, unaware that this house is a portal to THE DREAMING and that the former occupant was CAIN, a being created by Morpheus THE SANDMAN using some dream essence of the immortal KANE thousands of years ago. Note that Elvira has appeared in other comics by other publishers as well.
1985--THE GREATEST AMERICAN HEROINE--Ralph's secret identity is revealed and he becomes a celebrity, which goes to his head. Thus the aliens take the suit from him and give it to a woman who trains under Bill and uses her powers to do exciting things like rescue kittens. I'm sure the aliens found a way to discredit Ralph (and maybe Bill helped) so that it turned out the public thought it was all a hoax. Note in July 2008 it was announced that there will be a GAH comic, but I don't know when it will be placed. Also note there is a GAH fan page on Facebook, and the actor William Katt is one of the admins. This actually works with Ralph's celebrity. Ralph would still try to keep his fame alive by having his own Facebook page. I have moved this final episode of the series to a year earlier. The show actually ended in 1983, and this final episode was made in 1986. But there's no reason it couldn't have happened in 1985. Why is that important? In July 1985, the Crisis on Infinite Earths happened. Due to the reality altering affects, and the interference of several powerful beings, most of the world was made to forget about the existence of aliens, super-humans, and costumed crime fighters. So Ralph may have gone public, but then, the world forgot. Ralph himself remembered, and he and Bill may have tried to keep people remembering, which is why they are part of pop culture history, but nobody really remembers the full events anymore, especially the outing. February 1986--SEINFELD--"The Susie"--The series events actually take place before the show aired, thus it's placement here. George Constanza has an answering machine message that spoofs the theme to the Greatest American Hero. Just a year earlier, Ralph went public. However, that song was a hit in 1981, even in the TVCU. Likely though, the song was played at press conferences and appearances, thus Ralph and the song were linked publicly. However, the events of the Crisis have made everyone forget about Super-Ralph as being a real super-hero. September to December 1986--HEROES--No, not the show from NBC. I came up with it first, so NBC executives, I'm still waiting for a check. In this story, Doctor Deadly has created an alliance between several alien worlds in a plan to invade Earth. Angela, princess of Booer, travels to Earth to warn Powerkid, and they head to Death Planet, Deadly's home, to stop him. Meanwhile, Vonski enlists Zap, Master of Power to assist Powekid, because Powerkid is too bitter after the Crisis to turn to his former teammates for assistance. Also, Deadly's wife, Teela (from Masters of the Universe) comes to Earth to recruit the hero now called Speed Demon who was once Speedy. The three heroes who originally faced Doctor Deadly in 1982 end up working together again against Deadly's forces on Death Planet. Meanwhile, the crew of the Galaxy V commanded by Captain Robert Bossman arrive, having been accidentally transported from the year 3082. (This is a alternate future of a reboot version of Space Patrol called Star Patrol. ) The crew from the future never run into the present day heroes. Eventually, the Star Patrol crew get sent back home, and the other heroes wind up back in Orange, where they are joined by other heroes Fireman and Bob Zan. The combined heroic efforts end up repelling the invasion. The heroes present choose to form a new Heroes of Earth team, realizing the absence of the Powerkid Police almost cost Earth its freedom.
1987--IRON MAN # 217--The Griswolds (note spelling is the same as in Christmas Vacation!) go to Disney Land to find it had been closed for the day by Tony Stark. So in my Hulk/Avengers blog post, I have currently placed the Iron Man movies in the TVCU while the comics are in a divergent timeline. And that could work here, placing this in that divergent timeline. However, after nearly four years of the blog, James and I, along with input from other members of the TVCU Crew, have discussed fine tuning some of the mythos, and I'm in the process of doing so. Not coincidentally, James is working on a post regarding the Crisis, inspired by DC Comics' 1985 attempt to refine their continuity, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. In the revised mythos, the Horror Universe take on super-heroes is being adapted, in which the original Marvel Universe characters of the silver age operated from the 1960s to around 1984, then retired, only occasionally returning to duty in dire emergencies. That would place this story as one of those isolated incidents involving Iron Man after retirement. So what of the Iron Man movies, which had been included in the main TVCU? In our new view on alternate realities, the TVCU is part of a Television Crossover Multiverse. The TVCM is a series of divergent timelines (called Hypertime) that all stem from one singular reality, but likely due to time travel interference, splintered off into parallel universes. Since Ash Williams is in the TVCU, and Marvel places Ash's world as Earth-818993, that means that the TVCU is Earth-818993, and the divergent timelines are part of a Hypertime that is also Earth-818993 in the larger Marvel Multiverse. This theory is arrived at in the Horror Crossover Encyclopedia, and in the Horror Crossover Encyclopedia, it's also demonstrated that the Hypertime of the Horror Universe (aka the TVCU) is likely the same Hypertime of the DC Universe in its post-Crisis era. That was written at a time before I knew that DC had plans to return the pre-Flashpoint DCU in their 30th anniversary Crisis event. DC has now restored their Hypertime concept as canon. But back to Iron Man, if the TVCU is part of the Marvel Multiverse, then the Iron Man movies take place in the same multiverse as the TVCU, in a separate universe designated by Marvel as Earth-199999, or simply the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). This means that the Captain America film that references Indiana Jones and the Guardians of the Galaxy movie that references Slither are on Earth-199999. With this chronology, I am redefining the TVCU’s place in the multiverse. I think many of the alternate TV/film versions of DC and Marvel characters are divergent timelines of the TVCU. I believe the TVCM to be a multiverse within a larger megaverse of multiverses which are all part of a larger omniverse. Thus, the DC Megaverse likely contains all previous and current versions of the DC Multiverse and the Marvel Megaverse likely contains all previous and current versions of the Marvel Multiverse, including on-screen versions. And if Marvel ever figures it out, they could still use this to do a Secret Wars movie containing the Avengers, X-Men and Spider-Man. Two final notes. One is that for the TVCU, super-heroes operated in secret, more in line with shows like Buffy, Heroes, or Charmed. Second, previously, I had operated under the premise that everything happens somewhere, and only happens in one reality, but on working on both the Horror Crossover Encyclopedia and the Cartoon Crossover Encyclopedia, both meant as parts of the Television Crossover Multiverse, I realized, with a little help from Scooby-Doo, that sometimes it makes more sense for the same stories to possibly have happened in multiple realities. So in the instance of this Iron Man tale, while this singular story takes place in the TVCU without bringing in the entire Iron Man series, it also happens in the Marvel Universe (designated Earth-616) as part of the Iron Man series.
September 1987--POWERKID # 61 AND 62--"Powerkid meets the Star Patrol"-Having lost his memories of meeting the Space Patrol, Powerkid meets the Star Patrol from an alternate future for the first time, after they end up getting tossed back in time. This time, Vronski uses his magic to send them home. Real Life Notes: The Star Patrol canon and mythos contains all the same crossover connections that the Space Patrol had. I used the Crisis as an excuse to modernize the series with a more mature style. 1990--MIGHTY MOUSE--Marvel Comics series that continues with the modern animated version of Mighty Mouse. A major storyline of this series involves the time and space altering Crisis on Infinite Earths, which arrives in the Looniverse in 1990. (This may explain the Bruce Timm/Paul Dini version of DC characters in the Looniverse starting in 1992.) In this storyline that tied directly in with the events of the Crisis, Might Mouse must work with the Mighty Heroes and Super Mouse. December 1990--FINAL CRISIS--Yes, that was the title, so DC, you owe me money. In this story, Doctor Deadly, finishing what he tried to start in the Crisis Within, actually destroys the universe. The next month, the new Super Comics Universe is officially launched, completely rebooting the series. Now, Chris Kowalski is visited by the old wizard Allorin Vonski who bestows on him the powers of the Champion of Earth. This reboot version only lasted a couple of years, before I integrated the those stories into the original canon, combining the two versions into what became the Wronskiverse. But back to the TVCU, for our purposes here, this was the last time Bob Wronski was Powerman. So for our purposes, the effects of what Deadly did with the Universal Transponder simply released an after effect of what the Time Trapper did in 1985. The heroes and villains of Orange lost their powers and the world forgot about them. Bob, having forgotten his heroic past, but having it still there buried deep, starts writing his Wronskiverse, featuring Chris Kowalski as Powerman. March 1994 to July 1998--WEIRD SCIENCE--The events of Weird Science the movie have been rebooted, and this television series has quite a few links of its own to the proper TVCU timeline, which will be discussed in a later blog. So, could the events of the film mixed with the Crisis have caused some kind of wibbly wobbly temporal anomaly in Shermer?
Release Date: March 28, 2002 (Setting is contemporary and in various other settings relative to the worlds; see notes)
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Animated Series Crosses: Tarzan (Disney); Peter Pan; Alice in Wonderland; Hercules (Disney); Little Mermaid; Pinocchio; Nightmare Before Christmas; Aladdin; Donald Duck; Goofy; Dumbo; Mickey Mouse; One Hundred and One Dalmatians; Lion King; Sleeping Beauty; Winnie the Pooh; Pluto; Chip and Dale; The Sword in the Stone; Cinderella; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Night on Bald Mountain (Fantasia); Bambi; Mulan; Final Fantasy; Beauty and the Beast; Pocahontas (Disney); Hunchback of Notre Dame
Other Crosses: Pirates of the Caribbean; Tron
The Story: In the reality called Destiny Islands, shadow creatures called the Heartless kidnap Sora’s friends and destroy his reality. Sora obtains the Keyblade, the one weapons that can destroy the Heartless. Sora survives his world’s destruction and ends up in another reality called Traverse Town. Meanwhile, in the alternate reality of Disney Town, King Mickey has left to investigate the cause of the Heartless, and tasks Donald and Goofy to use Gummi Ships, the only means known to travel between worlds, to seek out the holder of the key. They locate Sora and the three then begin a quest to locate Mickey and Sora’s friends, stop the Heartless, and save the multiverse.
Notes: The Cartoon Crossover Encyclopedia operates with Who Framed Roger Rabbit as its foundation. I refer to the Cartoon Universe as existing under the Toontown concept, where most cartoons coexist within the same shared reality. And indeed, series like Roger Rabbit, House of Mouse, and Drawn Together have demonstrated that all of the Disney properties interact regularly in Toontown of the same shared reality which we call the Cartoon Universe. Kingdom Hearts, which is also officially licensed by Disney, claims that all the various Disney properties exist in separate realities within the same multiverse, and that travel between worlds is rare and nearly impossible. Bear with me as I try to use in-story references to create a theory to reconcile the situation. In Kingdom Hearts, the multiverse is being destroyed, one reality at a time, by a great evil who gains more power as the light is replaced by the darkness. Shadow beings are used as agents. In the end, the destroyed worlds are restored to existence. We know from most entries within this reference guide that the Cartoon Universe has enough evidence to support its existence. The Cartoon Universe is more of a “merged reality”, in which all of the separate worlds are mixed together to coexist in one single reality. There is a similar situation in fiction in which we can draw a parallel. In DC Comics, prior to 1985, their properties existed on several different alternate realities. In 1985, they published an event called Crisis on Infinite Earths, in which a very powerful being, utilizing shadow beings, was destroying the worlds, one at a time, gaining more power as anti-matter replaced the positive matter. Darkness was replacing light. In the end, when the villain was defeated, a new universe was created, a merged reality that combined elements of the previous realities. Later, though, it was revealed that even though a new merged reality existed, the previous realities still existed in a series of divergent timelines called Hypertime. Thus, the merged reality existed and the other separate realities still existed, but now it was said that travel between these worlds was rare and nearly impossible. To solidify this theory, recall that Scooby-Doo was brought into the Cartoon Universe by Roger Rabbit, and Scooby’s team-ups with Batman from the New Adventures of Batman are Cartoon Universe canon. In Batman: the Brave and the Bold, a multiverse also exists in which it's claimed that every version of Batman exists. The Scooby/Batman team-ups were specifically shown as one such alternate reality within that multiverse and several comic book versions of Batman were also shown to exist. Additionally, in DC’s Hypertime, several cartoon versions of Batman that are also shown to be part of the Brave and the Bold multiverse exist, and it’s said that in Hypertime, every version of DC Comics characters that ever existed or will exist has a place in Hypertime. So effectively, DC’s Hypertime and the multiverse from the Brave and the Bold seem to be what we are referring to as the Cartoon Multiverse. DC of course considered the DC Universe to be the central timeline, but of course they would say that. But consider for our purposes if the Cartoon Universe was the central timeline. So in this hypothetical situation, a previous multiverse may have existed, but after the Crisis, the Cartoon Universe, as laid out in this reference guide was the result, but the previous worlds that existed before, still existed in Hypertime. Kingdom Hearts is the Hypertime of the Cartoon Multiverse.
During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, it was believed that Earth-5 had been destroyed by anti-matter. But Powerman found it still intact, sort of. It still existed. It was as if all the worlds destroyed in the crisis actually had survived.
Since the Crisis, the world had gotten darker. This had been a world where the heroes had all been non powered vigilantes and magical heroes. But in the Crisis, they all left, and when their world was thought destroyed, they didn't return.
In their absence, a new type of hero emerged. Vampires, werewolves, and witches became the heroes, and then they became their rulers. But Powerman also found...Powergirl. Well, Powerwoman now. Angela Drawn, who was killed by the Anti-Monitor. But remember how vaporizing Powerman doesn't work? And she had his powers. Her powers protected her by teleporting her away. Only now she was trapped here. The Forbidden Forest of this world lost its power in the Crisis, and Angela never learned how to travel through time and space of her own will like Powerman. Because she had never merged with the Great Unknown.
November 2004--DRAWN TOGETHER--"Gay Bash"--
December 2004--DRAWN TOGETHER--"The Other Cousin"--Clara's mentally challenged cousin Bleh comes to visit, and ends up in a relationship with Captain Hero, despite Clara's objections. The "Monkey Man" from THE LOST WORLD has somehow made it to the Live Action Forest just outside the house's yard. He will appear often. At the amusement park, on a roller coaster are a Jakovasaur and Kyle from SOUTH PARK, and THUNDARR THE BARBARIAN and Ookla the Mok. This series has made me accept that wherever an offspring of Zed lives, the TVCU and Looniverse will tend to overlap, along with countless other divergent timelines and dimensions. Thundarr's future didn't seem to be part of the Looniverse, but it's own reality, but perhaps after the series (during the Crisis?) they were transported to the Looniverse. Homer Simpson appears in the background. Bam-Bam Rubble appears as a baby. This is the biggest clue that there is time travel going on in the Looniverse frequently. Later, Toots will give birth to Bam-Bam, thus the appearances of the Flintstones aren't necessarily in chronological order. Foxxy appears to be in possession of the Looniverse counterpart of the the "one ring to rule them all" from Middle Earth. Eventually Clara will steal the ring.
January 2006--DRAWN TOGETHER--"Ghostesses in the Slot Machine"--
2008-1985—Turtles Forever (TV movie)
Yes, you read that right; this story begins in 2008 and moves backward chronologically until it intersects the Crisis on Infinite Earths. There are three entirely separate groups of Turtles present in this movie, so for the sake of clarity we shall refer to them as the TVCU Turtles, the Reboot Turtles, and the Prime Turtles (though as far as the omniverse cosmology goes, that term is doubtful).
Somehow, the TVCU Turtles along with their Shredder and Krang the Brain have ended up in the darker and grittier Reboot Turtles universe—where all of the citizens have no clue what to make of their lighter-hearted pizza-loving alternates. As events unfold, the TVCU Shredder awakens a frozen “squid thing” that happens to be his counterpart in the Reboot Universe. The “squid thing” is Ch'rell, an immortal from an alien race; Ch’rell then has the inspiration to destroy all of the universes so that he can finally find rest.
He begins eliminating all of the universes containing Ninja Turtles, until only one remains (however, oddly enough, no damage is ever seen to be done to the homeworld of the TVCU Turtles). All of the destroyed universes are overtaken by red skies, before finally being destroyed by an unstoppable wall of anti-matter. All the assembled Turtles stop Ch’rell’s plot, and the universes return to their proper places.
It seems highly likely that Turtles Forever is an alternate look at the events of The Crisis on Infinite Earths, showing another side of the plan to destroy all universes. As will be demonstrated in a future blog, Yog Sothoth was the being ultimately behind the Crisis plan. From Ch’rell’s actions in this movie, so far out of line from his normal operations, it seems that he was possessed by Yog Sothoth at some point shortly after his revival by the TVCU Shredder.
NOTE: Some TMNT scholars believe this film takes place between seasons three and four of the 1987 cartoon series, which would place this films events (for the TVCU Turtles at least) in 1990. Either date works for the TVCU, though I’ve chosen the later date so as to provide a bit more evidence that Leonardo did not die at Atomic Robo’s hands.
October 2009--POWER GIRL # 4--"Girls' Night Out"--From James Bojaciuk: The main cast of Big Bang Theory accosts Power Girl at a movie theatre. Big Bang Theory is probably in the TVCU, as in one episode they bought a time machine from the 1960 Time Machine movie that apparently worked (and then they were attacked by morlocks--in what might've been a dream sequence). That said, even if Big Bang Theory *is* in, this would be the AU Power Girl that Dennis wrote about in some of his articles. (From me: I disagree a bit with James. I believe this to be the cousin of the golden age Superman, who also came from Krypton II, but arrives much later in 1976. When the Time Trapper manipulated the Crisis to make people forget about super-heroes, Kara temporarily believed herself to be from ancient Atlantis, the granddaughter of Arion, but by the point of this story, her original memories were restored.)
March 2012 (episode dated 03/22/2012)--COMMUNITY SEASON 3 EP 12--Abed is visited by his Mirror Universe counterpart, who is attempting to convert his alternate universe counterparts to aid him in his plans to conquer all of reality. Of course, James will be presenting a book post about the truth of the CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS soon, and we know that the true evil behind the Crisis was Yog-Sothoth, but it's apparent that one of the chief agents of the old god was Mirror Abed, who had an army of Abeds. Note that Abed was obsessed with Inspector Spacetime, and likely if Mirror Abed could master dimensional travel, he would have at some point encountered the Doctor, who was the inspiration for Spacetime. Indeed, perhaps it was an army of Abeds who were responsible for obtaining the various time devices stored by the Earth Empire of the Mirror Universe in the STAR TREK/LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES crossover.
Countless alternate Earths are destroyed by waves of anti-matter. Dawnstar is drawn to the 20th century to join the Monitor's army. Crisis #1 (Apr. 1985)
All eras of history are swept by waves of anti-matter. Legion reservist Kid Psycho is killed. Crisis #3 (June 1985)
Various time eras overlap. The Legion helps to stem the tide of chaos.
A team of the most powerful heroes, including Superman, Supergirl, Mon-El, and Wildfire, takes the battle to the Antimatter Universe. Supergirl dies fighting the Anti-Monitor. Crisis #7 (Oct. 1985)
Led by Lex Luthor and Brainiac, an army of super-villains, including Cosmic King, Dr. Regulus, Lightning Lord, Mano, Persuader, and Validus, attempts to conquer the surviving Earths. Crisis #9 (Dec. 1985)
Time paradoxes caused by the Crisis begin to affect people's memories. Kid Psycho is buried on Shanghala, but the Legionnaires don't remember how he died. Takron-Galtos is hit by a wave of anti-matter. Validus and the Time Trapper disappear just before its destruction. While trying to shield their time from the Crisis, Rond Vidar and Brainiac 5 accidentally summons the Infinite Man. The White Witch returns him to human form, but the loss of his power leaves the 30th century more vulnerable to the changes in history. Legion v.3 #18 (Jan. 1986)
The Spectre battles the Anti-Monitor at the Dawn of Time. The universe fades to white and is recreated with a new, unified history. Many people and events, including Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) and Superman's career as Superboy, subsequently cease to exist and are no longer remembered in the recreated universe. Crisis #10-11 (Jan.–Feb. 1986)
This was not my best work. But I was up late bored and so I put this together quickly. |
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