Kevin T. Heim and Matthew Dennion
This Saturday, February 6, the TVCU Crew with returning guest co-host Chris Nigro will be recording episodes 9 and 10 of the Television Crossover Universe podcast from Castle Wolfenstein on the Grand Guignol Network. In Episode 9, Robert, James , Ivan and Chris will be talking with special guest Kevin T. Heim , author, biographer for our own Ivan Schablotski, editor of the Horror Crossover Encyclopedia, and research contributor for Crossovers: A Secret Chronology of the World. In Episode 10, Robert, Ivan, James and guest co-host Chris Nigro will be talking with Matthew Dennion , author who works for Severed Press Writing Kaiju Novels. In addition to writing for Severed Press, Dennion also does volunteer work for G-Fan Magazine and Black Coat Press writing short stories featuring pulp heroes and villains, giant monsters, classic literary heroes, and horror icons! New episodes of the show are released every Tuesday. You can check out the latest episode at the link prov...