Super Friends? Is it in the TVCU? The Cartoon Universe? The Scooby-Doo Team-Up Universe? Earth-1A? Earth-1? Earth-12? In this post, I'm going to take a look at Super Friends and its crossovers without any presumptions of it fitting into other universes, but rather just presuming that there is a Super Friends Universe. I know by today's standards, the Super Friends was a sub-standard show. But when I was a kid, the Super Friends was the greatest show ever. In many ways, it was my gateway into comics, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. CAST OF CHARACTERS: The “silver age” Justice League of America (1960 - 1978) This is the team that appeared in DC Comics from 1960 to 1978. This version actually appeared up to 1984 in the comics. However, 1978 creates a divergence between the comics and cartoons, and the cartoons take precedence for this timeline. In 1978, in the comics, Firestorm debuts and enc...
Updated April, 2021 The Strange Life and Interesting Timeline of Ivan Ronald Schablotski by Kevin Heim Notes highlighted in Yellow are recent additions to the timeline. Notes highlighted in Green are specific to Ivan's time-twinned doppelganger IIvan Schablotski, aka Toovun Skinwalker. Ivan Schablotski knows you're jealous right now Well this is awkward... The Ivan timeline turned out to be a big hit, and I have been trying to update it every year since it was started in 2014. What I didn't expect was that it would grow so big, Blogger couldn't handle it anymore, and I was unable to release an update in 2019 due to the size of the document. My solution is to split the timeline up, so that everything that happened to Ivan before he time-traveled from 2015 to 1942 is on a new page titled THE STRANGE LIFE AND INTERESTING TIMELINE OF IVAN RONALD SCHABLOTSKI . It's a good breaking point, because he made that trip twice, with ver...
Updated April 1st, 2020 The Strange Life and Interesting Timeline of Ivan Ronald Schablotski (All the stuff that happened before Ivan split into 1van and 2van) by Kevin Heim Notes highlighted in Yellow are recent additions to the timeline. Ivan Schablotski with TVCU founder Rob Wronski Jr, and the Horror Crossover Encyclopedia, 2015. Please note: This page is now dedicated solely to events that took place before Ivan was split amidst a time travel paradox occurring between 2015, 1942, 2015, and 1942. All of the original material is still intact, including the original introduction, as the other pages deal with either 1van or IIvan, and you should really know who this/these character/s is/are before going to either of those timelines. This does not mean there will be no new content on this page. As more stories get published, more details of Ivan's early life will be revealed. In 2020, a story set in 1987, and another one set in 2014, will be publishe...
I'd definitely put the mash-up of the Fifth Doctor with "Star Trek" in my Wish-Craft list!