
Showing posts from September, 2024

Sleepy Hollow and Headless Menaces

 Well, it's the 12th anniversary of the TVCU. Some years back, I did a TVCU Quickie on Sleepy Hollow.  There I said that the TV series wasn't in the TVCU.  Evidence since then has pointed that it is, but so is the original, very different story.  And so, there must be more than one Ichabod Crane and Katrina.  We already know there's more than one Headless Menace, or Ghost, as we've seen Headless Riders on motorcycles in the modern day.   THE SKETCHBOOK OF GEOFFREY CRAYON “THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW” (SHORT STORY BY WASHINGTON IRVING) Release Date: 1820 (Setting is 1790) Series: Legend of Sleepy Hollow The Story: Schoolmaster Ichabod Crane competes with bullyish Abraham Van Brunt for the hand of Katrina Van Tassel. Abraham constantly plays pranks on Ichabod to make him look bad. Ichabod is very superstitious, and at one particular party, Abraham takes advantage of this to relate many of the local ghost stories, including one of a Hessian soldier whose ...