Mayberry, TVCU
Finally, I'm blogging about Mayberry. Sometimes when I get to a certain blog, I am baffled that it took so long to get there, but then, in my attempt to balance the types of shows and films I cover, and the rate in which I post, I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on myself for taking this long to get to this classic television franchise. So on to the chronology.... Spring 1878--RAWHIDE KID: SLAP LEATHER--This crossover involves Laura Ingalls (LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE), the town of LONESOME DOVE, KID COLT, THE LONE RANGER, THE TWO-GUN KID, Kid Shaleen (CAT BALLOU), Bernard Phife the First (ancestor of Deputy Barney Phife of Mayberry), the Cartwrights (BONANZA), newspaperman Lew Grant (ancestor of LOU GRANT), and Will Kane (HIGH NOON). 1952 - 1958--ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN (TELEVISION SERIES)--Clark Kent moves to Los Angles (a great Metropolis) and becomes Superman. NOTES: THERE ARE A LOT OF HINTS LEADING THAT THIS SERIES IS IN CHICAGO, BUT AS TOBY O'BRIEN ...