Sanford and Son: This is the big one, Elizabeth!
When I was a kid I got in trouble for calling my mother a sucker. I heard Esther say it. Anyways, Sanford and Son is a show I recently rewatched a sampling of. It's not crossover heavy, but has a ton of spin-offs. It does have one unusual crossover that I almost thought I made up in a dream. Well, let's go, ya big dummy. This show is actually based on a british sitcom called Steptoe and Son, believe it or not. 1972 - 1978--Sanford and Son--Fred Sanford runs a junkyard with his son Lamont. They love each other very much but also drive each other crazy. Hilarity ensues. 1975 - 1976--Grady--Fred's best friend Grady moves out of Watts and in with his daughter in a more upscale and racially diverse neighborhood. September 1976--Sandford and Son--"The Hawaiian Connection"--In this two parter, Fred and Lamont are lured to Hawaii as Fred is duped into being a mule for jewel thieves. This episode crosses ov...